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[kirkstone] ref-manual: system-requirements: update supported distros

Message ID 20230905100632.92761-1-michael.opdenacker@bootlin.com
State New, archived
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Series [kirkstone] ref-manual: system-requirements: update supported distros | expand

Commit Message

Michael Opdenacker Sept. 5, 2023, 10:06 a.m. UTC
From: Michael Opdenacker <michael.opdenacker@bootlin.com>

- Update according to changes in SANITY_TESTED_DISTROS

- No longer declare as "Supported" the distributions versions
  which are End of Life for their vendors, as some of them
  (Ubuntu for example) ship updates to subscribers only,
  which the Yocto Project has no access to.

- List distribution versions which were previously tested
  for the branch of the Yocto Project being considered.

Signed-off-by: Michael Opdenacker <michael.opdenacker@bootlin.com>
 .../ref-manual/system-requirements.rst        | 35 ++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/documentation/ref-manual/system-requirements.rst b/documentation/ref-manual/system-requirements.rst
index 060a5dde02..83e9ea0f43 100644
--- a/documentation/ref-manual/system-requirements.rst
+++ b/documentation/ref-manual/system-requirements.rst
@@ -34,15 +34,38 @@  and conceptual information in the :doc:`/overview-manual/index`.
 Supported Linux Distributions
-Currently, the Yocto Project is supported on the following
--  Ubuntu 18.04 (LTS)
+Currently, the &DISTRO; release ("&DISTRO_NAME;") of the Yocto Project is
+supported on the following distributions:
 -  Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS)
 -  Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS)
+-  Fedora 37
+-  Debian GNU/Linux 11.x (Bullseye)
+-  AlmaLinux 8.8
+The following distribution versions are still tested (being listed
+in :term:`SANITY_TESTED_DISTROS`), even though the organizations
+publishing them no longer make updates publicly available:
+-  Ubuntu 18.04 (LTS)
+-  OpenSUSE Leap 15.3
+Note that the Yocto Project doesn't have access to private updates
+that some of these versions may have. Therefore, our testing has
+limited value if you have access to such updates.
+Finally, here are the distribution versions which were previously
+tested on former revisions of "&DISTRO_NAME;", but no longer are:
+-  Ubuntu 16.04 (LTS)
+-  Ubuntu 21.10
 -  Fedora 34
 -  Fedora 35
@@ -61,10 +84,6 @@  distributions:
 -  Debian GNU/Linux 10.x (Buster)
--  Debian GNU/Linux 11.x (Bullseye)
--  OpenSUSE Leap 15.3
 .. note::
    -  While the Yocto Project Team attempts to ensure all Yocto Project