@@ -22,8 +22,10 @@ issues can be reported in the :yocto_bugs:`Yocto Project Bugzilla <>`. The
where questions can be sent if you can’t work out where something should go.
:term:`Poky` is a commonly used “combination” repository where multiple
-components have been combined (``bitbake``, ``openembedded-core``,
-``meta-yocto`` and ``yocto-docs``). Patches should be submitted against
-the appropriate individual component rather than :term:`Poky` itself as
-detailed in the appropriate ``README`` file.
+components have been combined (:oe_git:`bitbake </bitbake>`,
+:oe_git:`openembedded-core </openembedded-core>`,
+:yocto_git:`meta-yocto </meta-yocto>` and
+:yocto_git:`yocto-docs </yocto-docs>`). Patches should be submitted against the
+appropriate individual component rather than :term:`Poky` itself as detailed in
+the appropriate ``README`` file.