ref-manual: add usage details about ccache.bbclass

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State Accepted
Commit c06e5710b139c01347b9cd2113dde0961f483995
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Series ref-manual: add usage details about ccache.bbclass | expand

Commit Message

Michael Opdenacker Jan. 28, 2022, 3:53 p.m. UTC
Signed-off-by: Michael Opdenacker <>
 documentation/ref-manual/classes.rst | 13 +++++++++----
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)


diff --git a/documentation/ref-manual/classes.rst b/documentation/ref-manual/classes.rst
index d9065b3619..949217bf42 100644
--- a/documentation/ref-manual/classes.rst
+++ b/documentation/ref-manual/classes.rst
@@ -274,10 +274,15 @@  sstate re-use. In order to function, this class requires the
 The ``ccache`` class enables the C/C++ Compiler Cache for the build.
 This class is used to give a minor performance boost during the build.
-However, using the class can lead to unexpected side-effects. Thus, it
-is recommended that you do not use this class. See
- for information on the C/C++ Compiler
+See for information on the C/C++ Compiler
+Cache, and the :oe_git:`ccache.bbclass </openembedded-core/tree/meta/classes/ccache.bbclass>`
+file for details about how to enable this mechanism in your configuration
+file, how to disable it for specific recipes, and how to share ``ccache``
+files between builds.
+However, using the class can lead to unexpected side-effects. Thus, using
+this class is not recommended.
 .. _ref-classes-chrpath: