ref-manual: remove newline string in PREMIRRORS

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State Accepted
Commit 19090efa1268fcb1fcfd3a2dc637d10d8a50dfad
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Series ref-manual: remove newline string in PREMIRRORS | expand

Commit Message

Michael Opdenacker Nov. 22, 2021, 8:21 a.m. UTC
According to the syntax simplification brought by

Signed-off-by: Michael Opdenacker <>
 documentation/ref-manual/faq.rst       | 16 ++++++++--------
 documentation/ref-manual/variables.rst |  8 ++++----
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)


diff --git a/documentation/ref-manual/faq.rst b/documentation/ref-manual/faq.rst
index 6f2970df23..e06dfd972b 100644
--- a/documentation/ref-manual/faq.rst
+++ b/documentation/ref-manual/faq.rst
@@ -302,10 +302,10 @@  attempt before any others by adding something like the following to the
 ``local.conf`` configuration file::
    PREMIRRORS:prepend = "\
-       git://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \n \
-       ftp://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \n \
-       http://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \n \
-       https://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \n"
+       git://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \
+       ftp://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \
+       http://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \
+       https://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/"
 These changes cause the build system to intercept Git, FTP, HTTP, and
 HTTPS requests and direct them to the ``http://`` sources mirror. You
@@ -342,10 +342,10 @@  You could make the following changes to the ``local.conf`` configuration
 file as long as the :term:`PREMIRRORS` server is current::
    PREMIRRORS:prepend = "\
-       git://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \n \
-       ftp://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \n \
-       http://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \n \
-       https://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \n"
+       git://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \
+       ftp://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \
+       http://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \
+       https://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/"
 These changes would cause the build system to successfully fetch source
diff --git a/documentation/ref-manual/variables.rst b/documentation/ref-manual/variables.rst
index 26b56e145c..6cf771fb22 100644
--- a/documentation/ref-manual/variables.rst
+++ b/documentation/ref-manual/variables.rst
@@ -5857,10 +5857,10 @@  system and gives an overview of their function and contents.
       :term:`Build Directory`::
          PREMIRRORS:prepend = "\
-             git://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \n \
-             ftp://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \n \
-             http://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \n \
-             https://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \n"
+             git://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \
+             ftp://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \
+             http://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/ \
+             https://.*/.* &YOCTO_DL_URL;/mirror/sources/"
       These changes cause the
       build system to intercept Git, FTP, HTTP, and HTTPS requests and