Show patches with: State = Action Required       |   1008 patches
« 1 2 3 410 11 »
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
manuals: suppress excess use of "following" word manuals: suppress excess use of "following" word - - - --- 2024-02-09 Michael Opdenacker New
ref-manual: system-requirements: update packages to build docs ref-manual: system-requirements: update packages to build docs - - - --- 2024-02-09 Michael Opdenacker New
[dunfell,1/1] dev-manual: gen-tapdevs need iptables installed documentation backports - - - --- 2024-02-06 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,3/3] dev-manual: start: remove idle line documentation backports - - - --- 2024-02-06 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,2/3] contributor-guide: fix lore URL documentation backports - 1 - --- 2024-02-06 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,1/3] dev-manual: gen-tapdevs need iptables installed documentation backports - - - --- 2024-02-06 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,3/3] release-notes-4.3: fix spacing documentation backports - - - --- 2024-02-06 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,2/3] contributor-guide: fix lore URL documentation backports - 1 - --- 2024-02-06 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,1/3] dev-manual: gen-tapdevs need iptables installed documentation backports - - - --- 2024-02-06 Michael Opdenacker New
release-notes-4.3: fix spacing release-notes-4.3: fix spacing - - - --- 2024-02-05 Michael Opdenacker New
contributor-guide: fix lore URL contributor-guide: fix lore URL - 1 - --- 2024-02-05 New
migration-guide: add release notes for 4.0.16 migration-guide: add release notes for 4.0.16 - - - --- 2024-01-29 Lee, Chee Yang New
[yocto-docs,dunfell] documentation: update for 3.1.31 [yocto-docs,dunfell] documentation: update for 3.1.31 - - - --- 2024-01-18 Steve Sakoman New
[dunfell,2/2] ref-manual: classes: remove insserv bbclass documentation backports - 1 - --- 2024-01-12 Michael Opdenacker New
[dunfell,1/2] dev-manual: start.rst: update use of Download page documentation backports - 1 - --- 2024-01-12 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,6/6] documentation: Add UBOOT_BINARY, extend UBOOT_CONFIG documentation backports - 1 - --- 2024-01-12 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,5/6] manuals: document VSCode extension documentation backports - 1 - --- 2024-01-12 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,4/6] ref-manual: resources: sync with master branch documentation backports - - - --- 2024-01-12 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,3/6] ref-manual: classes: remove insserv bbclass documentation backports - 1 - --- 2024-01-12 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,2/6] dev-manual: start.rst: update use of Download page documentation backports - 1 - --- 2024-01-12 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,1/6] contributor-guide: use "apt" instead of "aptitude" documentation backports - - - --- 2024-01-12 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,7/7] migration-guide: add release notes for 4.3.2 documentation backports - 1 - --- 2024-01-12 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,5/7] manuals: document VSCode extension documentation backports - 1 - --- 2024-01-12 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,4/7] ref-manual: classes: remove insserv bbclass documentation backports - 1 - --- 2024-01-12 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,2/7] contributor-guide: use "apt" instead of "aptitude" documentation backports - - - --- 2024-01-12 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,1/7] dev-manual: start.rst: Update use of Download page documentation backports - 1 - --- 2024-01-12 Michael Opdenacker New
[v2] migration-guide: add release notes for 4.3.2 [v2] migration-guide: add release notes for 4.3.2 - 1 - --- 2024-01-11 Lee, Chee Yang New
migration-guide: add release notes for 4.3.2 migration-guide: add release notes for 4.3.2 - 1 - --- 2024-01-09 Lee, Chee Yang New
documentation: Add UBOOT_BINARY, extend UBOOT_CONFIG documentation: Add UBOOT_BINARY, extend UBOOT_CONFIG - - - --- 2024-01-09 Jörg Sommer New
dev-manual: update license manifest path dev-manual: update license manifest path - 1 - --- 2024-01-03 Ilya A. Kriveshko New
ref-manual: classes: remove insserv bbclass ref-manual: classes: remove insserv bbclass - 1 - --- 2024-01-03 Maxin John New
manuals: document VSCode extension manuals: document VSCode extension - 1 - --- 2024-01-02 Enguerrand de Ribaucourt New
ref-manual: document cmake-qemu class ref-manual: document cmake-qemu class - 1 - --- 2023-12-31 Adrian Freihofer New
documentation: Add UBOOT_BINARY, extend UBOOT_CONFIG documentation: Add UBOOT_BINARY, extend UBOOT_CONFIG - - - --- 2023-12-29 Jörg Sommer New
[dunfell,v2] ref-manual: update tested and supported distros [dunfell,v2] ref-manual: update tested and supported distros - - - --- 2023-12-22 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,v2] ref-manual: update tested and supported distros [kirkstone,v2] ref-manual: update tested and supported distros - - - --- 2023-12-22 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,v3] ref-manual: update tested and supported distros [nanbield,v3] ref-manual: update tested and supported distros - - - --- 2023-12-22 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,v2] ref-manual: update tested and supported distros [nanbield,v2] ref-manual: update tested and supported distros - - - --- 2023-12-21 Michael Opdenacker New
ref-manual: update tested and supported distros ref-manual: update tested and supported distros - - - --- 2023-12-21 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield] ref-manual: update tested and supported distros [nanbield] ref-manual: update tested and supported distros - - - --- 2023-12-21 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone] ref-manual: update tested and supported distros [kirkstone] ref-manual: update tested and supported distros - - - --- 2023-12-21 Michael Opdenacker New
[dunfell] ref-manual: update tested and supported distros [dunfell] ref-manual: update tested and supported distros - - - --- 2023-12-21 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,18/18] test-manual: use working example Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,17/18] migration-guides: add release notes for 4.0.15 Documentation backports - 1 - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,16/18] dev-manual: runtime-testing: fix test module name Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,15/18] manuals: brief-yoctoprojectqs: align variable order with default local.conf Documentation backports - 1 - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,14/18] test-manual: add or improve hyperlinks Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,13/18] test-manual: explicit or fix file paths Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,12/18] test-manual: add links to python unittest Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,11/18] test-manual: resource updates Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,10/18] test-manual: text and formatting fixes Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,09/18] dev-manual: Discourage the use of SRC_URI[md5sum] Documentation backports - 1 - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,08/18] migration-guides: release 3.5 is actually 4.0 Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,06/18] contributor-guide: fix command option Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,05/18] contributor-guide: add License-Update tag Documentation backports - 1 - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,04/18] dev-manual: layers: update link to YP Compatible form Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,03/18] ref-manual: releases.svg: update nanbield release status Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,02/18] manuals: fix URL Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone,01/18] ref-manual: Fix reference to MIRRORS/PREMIRRORS defaults Documentation backports - 1 - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,20/20] test-manual: use working example Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,19/20] migration-guides: add release notes for 4.0.15 Documentation backports - 1 - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,18/20] dev-manual: runtime-testing: fix test module name Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,17/20] manuals: brief-yoctoprojectqs: align variable order with default local.conf Documentation backports - 1 - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,16/20] migration-guides: reword fix in release-notes-4.3.1 Documentation backports - 1 - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,15/20] test-manual: add or improve hyperlinks Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,14/20] test-manual: explicit or fix file paths Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,13/20] test-manual: add links to python unittest Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,12/20] test-manual: resource updates Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,11/20] test-manual: text and formatting fixes Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,10/20] dev-manual: Discourage the use of SRC_URI[md5sum] Documentation backports - 1 - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,09/20] ref-manual: Fix reference to MIRRORS/PREMIRRORS defaults Documentation backports - 1 - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,08/20] migration-guide: add release notes for 4.0.14 Documentation backports - 1 - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,07/20] manuals: fix URL Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,06/20] ref-manual: releases.svg: update nanbield release status Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,05/20] migration-guide: add release notes for 4.2.4 Documentation backports - 1 - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,04/20] dev-manual: layers: update link to YP Compatible form Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,03/20] contributor-guide: add License-Update tag Documentation backports - 1 - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,02/20] contributor-guide: fix command option Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,01/20] migration-guides: release 3.5 is actually 4.0 Documentation backports - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
contributor-guide: use "apt" instead of "aptitude" contributor-guide: use "apt" instead of "aptitude" - - - --- 2023-12-18 Michael Opdenacker New
migration-guides: add release notes for 4.0.15 migration-guides: add release notes for 4.0.15 - 1 - --- 2023-12-18 Lee, Chee Yang New
dev-manual: runtime-testing: fix test module name dev-manual: runtime-testing: fix test module name - - - --- 2023-12-12 Michael Opdenacker New
release-notes-4.3.1: reword a fixes release-notes-4.3.1: reword a fixes - 1 - --- 2023-12-12 Lee, Chee Yang New
[v2] manuals: document minidebuginfo [v2] manuals: document minidebuginfo - - - --- 2023-12-07 Etienne Cordonnier New
manuals: document minidebuginfo manuals: document minidebuginfo - - - --- 2023-12-07 Etienne Cordonnier New
dev-manual: Discourage the use of SRC_URI[md5sum] dev-manual: Discourage the use of SRC_URI[md5sum] - 1 - --- 2023-12-06 Peter Kjellerstedt New
[6/6] test-manual: add or improve hyperlinks test-manual: misc updates and improvements - - - --- 2023-12-06 Michael Opdenacker New
[5/6] test-manual: explicit or fix file paths test-manual: misc updates and improvements - - - --- 2023-12-06 Michael Opdenacker New
[2/6] test-manual: resource updates test-manual: misc updates and improvements - - - --- 2023-12-06 Michael Opdenacker New
[1/6] test-manual: text and formatting fixes test-manual: misc updates and improvements - - - --- 2023-12-06 Michael Opdenacker New
[yocto-docs,dunfell] documentation: update for 3.1.30 [yocto-docs,dunfell] documentation: update for 3.1.30 - - - --- 2023-12-06 Steve Sakoman New
migration-guides: release 3.5 is actually 4.0 migration-guides: release 3.5 is actually 4.0 - - - --- 2023-11-30 Michael Opdenacker New
[nanbield,v2] migration-guides: add release notes for 4.3.1 [nanbield,v2] migration-guides: add release notes for 4.3.1 - 1 - --- 2023-11-29 Michael Opdenacker New
[v2] migration-guides: add release notes for 4.3.1 [v2] migration-guides: add release notes for 4.3.1 - - - --- 2023-11-29 Lee, Chee Yang New
[nanbield] migration-guides: add release notes for 4.3.1 [nanbield] migration-guides: add release notes for 4.3.1 - 1 - --- 2023-11-28 Michael Opdenacker New
migration-guides: add release notes for 4.3.1 migration-guides: add release notes for 4.3.1 - 1 - --- 2023-11-28 Lee, Chee Yang New
contributor-guide: fix command option contributor-guide: fix command option - - - --- 2023-11-23 Michael Opdenacker New
[kirkstone] sdk-manual: extensible.rst: remove instructions for using SDK functionality directly in… [kirkstone] sdk-manual: extensible.rst: remove instructions for using SDK functionality directly in… - - - --- 2023-11-22 Alexander Kanavin New
contributor-guide: add License-Update tag contributor-guide: add License-Update tag - 1 - --- 2023-11-21 Justin Bronder New
dev-manual: layers: update link to YP Compatible form dev-manual: layers: update link to YP Compatible form - - - --- 2023-11-21 Michael Opdenacker New
« 1 2 3 410 11 »