@@ -38,6 +38,11 @@ RE_LAYOUT_WRAPPER_VERSION = "0.0.7"
TFM_SIGN_PRIVATE_KEY = "${libdir}/tfm-scripts/root-RSA-3072_1.pem"
RE_IMAGE_OFFSET = "0x1000"
+# Offsets for the .nopt image generation
+TFM_OFFSET = "102400"
+FIP_OFFSET = "479232"
+KERNEL_OFFSET = "2576384"
do_sign_images() {
# Sign TF-A BL2
sign_host_image ${RECIPE_SYSROOT}/firmware/${TFA_BL2_BINARY} \
@@ -56,3 +61,15 @@ do_sign_images() {
do_sign_images[depends] = "\
fiptool-native:do_populate_sysroot \
+# This .nopt image is not the same as the one which is generated by meta-arm/meta-arm/classes/wic_nopt.bbclass.
+# The meta-arm/meta-arm/classes/wic_nopt.bbclass removes the partition table from the wic image, but keeps the
+# second bank. This function creates a no-partition image with only the first bank.
+create_nopt_image() {
+ dd conv=notrunc bs=1 if=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/bl2_signed.bin of=${B}/${MACHINE}_image.nopt
+ dd conv=notrunc bs=1 if=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/tfm_s_signed.bin of=${B}/${MACHINE}_image.nopt seek=${TFM_OFFSET}
+ dd conv=notrunc bs=1 if=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/signed_fip-corstone1000.bin of=${B}/${MACHINE}_image.nopt seek=${FIP_OFFSET}
+ dd conv=notrunc bs=1 if=${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/Image.gz-initramfs-${MACHINE}.bin of=${B}/${MACHINE}_image.nopt seek=${KERNEL_OFFSET}
+create_nopt_image[depends] += "mc:firmware:linux-yocto:do_deploy"
+do_image_uefi_capsule[prefuncs] += "create_nopt_image"