@@ -19,6 +19,27 @@ intended for safety-critical applications. Should Your Software or Your Hardware
prove defective, you assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair
or correction.
+Release notes - 2023.11
+Known Issues or Limitations
+ - Use Ethernet over VirtIO due to lan91c111 Ethernet driver support dropped from U-Boot.
+ - Temporally removing the External system support in Linux due to it using multiple custom devicetree bindings that caused problems with SystemReady IR 2.0 certification. For External system support please refer to the version 2023.06. We are aiming to restore it in a more standardised manner in our next release.
+ - Due to the performance uplimit of MPS3 FPGA and FVP, some Linux distros like Fedora Rawhide can not boot on Corstone-1000 (i.e. user may experience timeouts or boot hang).
+ - PSA Crypto tests (psa-crypto-api-test command) approximately take 30 minutes to complete for FVP and MPS3.
+ - Corstone-1000 SoC on FVP doesn't have a secure debug peripheral. It does on the MPS3.
+ - See previous release notes for the known limitations regarding ACS tests.
+Platform Support
+ - This software release is tested on Corstone-1000 FPGA version AN550_v2
+ https://developer.arm.com/downloads/-/download-fpga-images
+ - This software release is tested on Corstone-1000 Fast Model platform (FVP) version 11_23.25
+ https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/open-source-software/arm-platforms-software/arm-ecosystem-fvps
Release notes - 2023.06