Show patches with: State = Action Required       |   2152 patches
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Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[4/5] arm-bsp/u-boot: corstone1000: adjust the environment and heap sizes Corstone1000: FF-A in u-boot , enabling secure partitions in Optee - - - --- 2021-11-29 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[3/5] arm-bsp/u-boot: corstone1000: introducing EFI capsule update Corstone1000: FF-A in u-boot , enabling secure partitions in Optee - - - --- 2021-11-29 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[2/5] arm-bsp/u-boot: corstone1000: introducing Arm FF-A and MM support Corstone1000: FF-A in u-boot , enabling secure partitions in Optee - - - --- 2021-11-29 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[1/5] arm-bsp/optee-os: add a rule in optee-os Makefile for secure partitions Corstone1000: FF-A in u-boot , enabling secure partitions in Optee - - - --- 2021-11-29 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[3/3] CI: build optee-test in qemuarm64-secureboot [1/3] arm/optee-test: use precise BSD license - - - --- 2021-11-25 Ross Burton New
[2/3] arm/optee-test: change DEPENDS to optee-os-tadevkit [1/3] arm/optee-test: use precise BSD license - - - --- 2021-11-25 Ross Burton New
[1/3] arm/optee-test: use precise BSD license [1/3] arm/optee-test: use precise BSD license - - - --- 2021-11-25 Ross Burton New
[5/5] meta-arm-bsp/security: corstone1000: add trusted services support introducing corstone1000-mps3 platform - - - --- 2021-11-25 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[4/5] arm/secure-partitions: introducing the recipe introducing corstone1000-mps3 platform - - - --- 2021-11-25 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[3/5] arm/optee-spdevkit: introducing the recipe introducing corstone1000-mps3 platform - - - --- 2021-11-25 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[2/5] arm-bsp/u-boot: introducing corstone1000 MPS3 machine introducing corstone1000-mps3 platform - - - --- 2021-11-25 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[1/5] arm-bsp/machine: introducing corstone1000 MPS3 machine introducing corstone1000-mps3 platform - - - --- 2021-11-25 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[honister,19/19] arm/trusted-firmware-a,fiptool-native: Fix fiptool execution wrt corstone1000 adding corstone1000-fvp on honister - - - --- 2021-11-23 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[honister,18/19] corstone1000: Introducing ci and kas files adding corstone1000-fvp on honister - - - --- 2021-11-23 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[honister,17/19] arm/ffa-debugfs: corstone1000: enabling FF-A Debugfs Linux driver adding corstone1000-fvp on honister - - - --- 2021-11-23 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[honister,16/19] arm-bsp/linux: corstone1000: integrating ARM_FFA_TRANSPORT in v5.10 kernel adding corstone1000-fvp on honister - - - --- 2021-11-23 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[honister,15/19] arm-bsp/trusted-firmware-m: corstone1000: signing trusted-firmware-a binaries adding corstone1000-fvp on honister - - - --- 2021-11-23 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[honister,14/19] arm-bsp/python3-imgtool: add the recipe adding corstone1000-fvp on honister - - - --- 2021-11-23 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[honister,13/19] arm-bsp/linux: corstone1000: enable efi adding corstone1000-fvp on honister - - - --- 2021-11-23 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[honister,12/19] arm-bsp/u-boot: corstone1000: extend efi support adding corstone1000-fvp on honister - - - --- 2021-11-23 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[honister,11/19] arm-bsp/optee: introducing corstone1000 FVP machine adding corstone1000-fvp on honister - - - --- 2021-11-23 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[honister,10/19] arm-bsp/trusted-firmware-a: introducing corstone1000 FVP machine adding corstone1000-fvp on honister - - - --- 2021-11-23 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[honister,09/19] arm-bsp/u-boot: introducing corstone1000 FVP machine adding corstone1000-fvp on honister - - - --- 2021-11-23 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[honister,08/19] arm-bsp/trusted-firmware-m: introducing corstone1000 FVP machine adding corstone1000-fvp on honister - - - --- 2021-11-23 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[honister,07/19] arm-bsp/linux: introducing corstone1000 FVP machine adding corstone1000-fvp on honister - - - --- 2021-11-23 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[honister,06/19] arm/trusted-firmware-a,fiptool-native: Fix fiptool execution adding corstone1000-fvp on honister - - - --- 2021-11-23 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[honister,05/19] arm/trusted-firmware-a: improve OpenSSL build fix adding corstone1000-fvp on honister - - - --- 2021-11-23 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[honister,04/19] arm/fiptool-native: improve OpenSSL build fix adding corstone1000-fvp on honister - - - --- 2021-11-23 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[honister,03/19] arm/fiptool-native: bumping the version to v2.5 adding corstone1000-fvp on honister - - - --- 2021-11-23 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[honister,02/19] arm-bsp/trusted-firmware-a: remove TARGET_FPU build argument adding corstone1000-fvp on honister - - - --- 2021-11-23 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[honister,01/19] arm/trusted-firmware-m: upgrade to 1.4.0 adding corstone1000-fvp on honister - - - --- 2021-11-23 Abdellatif El Khlifi New
[PATCHv6,3/3] machine/qemuarm64-secureboot.conf: add optee-ftpm [PATCHv6,1/3] optee: updae to support external TAs - - - --- 2021-11-19 Maxim Uvarov New
[PATCHv6,2/3] add optee-ftpm [PATCHv6,1/3] optee: updae to support external TAs - - - --- 2021-11-19 Maxim Uvarov New
[PATCHv6,1/3] optee: updae to support external TAs [PATCHv6,1/3] optee: updae to support external TAs - - - --- 2021-11-19 Maxim Uvarov New
CI: use matrix for more defined way of doing things and cleanup CI: use matrix for more defined way of doing things and cleanup - - - --- 2021-11-17 Jon Mason New
[PATCHv5,3/3] machine/qemuarm64-secureboot.conf: add optee-ftpm [PATCHv5,1/3] optee: updae to support external TAs - - - --- 2021-11-17 Maxim Uvarov New
[PATCHv5,2/3] add optee-ftpm [PATCHv5,1/3] optee: updae to support external TAs - - - --- 2021-11-17 Maxim Uvarov New
[PATCHv5,1/3] optee: updae to support external TAs [PATCHv5,1/3] optee: updae to support external TAs - - - --- 2021-11-17 Maxim Uvarov New
[2/2] arm/boot-wrapper-aarch64: specify precise BSD license flavour [1/2] gem5/gem5: specify precise BSD license flavour - - - --- 2021-11-16 Ross Burton New
[1/2] gem5/gem5: specify precise BSD license flavour [1/2] gem5/gem5: specify precise BSD license flavour - - - --- 2021-11-16 Ross Burton New
[PATCHv4,3/3] machine/qemuarm64-secureboot.conf: add optee-ftpm [PATCHv4,1/3] optee: updae to support external TAs - - - --- 2021-11-16 Maxim Uvarov New
[PATCHv4,2/3] add optee-ftpm [PATCHv4,1/3] optee: updae to support external TAs - - - --- 2021-11-16 Maxim Uvarov New
[PATCHv4,1/3] optee: updae to support external TAs [PATCHv4,1/3] optee: updae to support external TAs - - - --- 2021-11-16 Maxim Uvarov New
CI: remove utility tasks CI: remove utility tasks - - - --- 2021-11-15 Ross Burton New
[PATCHv3,5/5] tfa: add depends on openssl [PATCHv3,1/5] optee: updae to support external TAs - - - --- 2021-11-15 Maxim Uvarov New
[PATCHv3,4/5] machine/qemuarm64-secureboot.conf: add optee-ftpm [PATCHv3,1/5] optee: updae to support external TAs - - - --- 2021-11-15 Maxim Uvarov New
[PATCHv3,3/5] ci/qemuarm64-secureboot.yml: add optee and tf-a [PATCHv3,1/5] optee: updae to support external TAs - - - --- 2021-11-15 Maxim Uvarov New
[PATCHv3,2/5] add optee-ftpm [PATCHv3,1/5] optee: updae to support external TAs - - - --- 2021-11-15 Maxim Uvarov New
[PATCHv3,1/5] optee: updae to support external TAs [PATCHv3,1/5] optee: updae to support external TAs - - - --- 2021-11-15 Maxim Uvarov New
CI: disable use of Yocto sstate server CI: disable use of Yocto sstate server - - - --- 2021-11-15 Ross Burton New
arm-toolchain: upgrade gcc-arm-none-eabi (GNU-RM) to 10.3-2021.10 arm-toolchain: upgrade gcc-arm-none-eabi (GNU-RM) to 10.3-2021.10 - - - --- 2021-11-12 Ross Burton New
Remove use of deprecated `lnr` command Remove use of deprecated `lnr` command - - - --- 2021-11-12 Ross Burton New
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