Show patches with: State = Action Required       |   2133 patches
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Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
arm/fvp-base-a-aem: upgrade to 11.27.19 arm/fvp-base-a-aem: upgrade to 11.27.19 - - - --- 2024-12-03 Ross Burton New
[styhead] arm-bsp/trusted-firmware-m: corstone1000: Fix Secure Debug connection due to token versio… [styhead] arm-bsp/trusted-firmware-m: corstone1000: Fix Secure Debug connection due to token versio… - - - --- 2024-12-02 Hugues KAMBA MPIANA New
arm-bsp/trusted-firmware-m: corstone1000: Fix Secure Debug connection due to token version mismatch arm-bsp/trusted-firmware-m: corstone1000: Fix Secure Debug connection due to token version mismatch - - - --- 2024-12-02 Hugues KAMBA MPIANA New
[4/4] linux-yocto: remove signing uefi secureboot with Unified Kernel Image (UKI) - - - --- 2024-11-22 Mikko Rapeli New
[3/4] uefi-secureboot.yml: switch to Unified Kernel Image (UKI) uefi secureboot with Unified Kernel Image (UKI) - - - --- 2024-11-22 Mikko Rapeli New
[2/4] uefi-secureboot.yml: remove duplicate distro features uefi secureboot with Unified Kernel Image (UKI) - - - --- 2024-11-22 Mikko Rapeli New
[1/4] qemuarm64-secureboot.conf: append to WKS_FILE_DEPENDS uefi secureboot with Unified Kernel Image (UKI) - - - --- 2024-11-22 Mikko Rapeli New
CI: add poky-altcfg in xen.yml for systemd image requirement CI: add poky-altcfg in xen.yml for systemd image requirement - - - --- 2024-11-21 Jon Mason New
CI: don't use debug-tweaks CI: don't use debug-tweaks - - - --- 2024-11-08 Ross Burton New
[scarthgap] arm-bsp/documentation: corstone1000: Add SystemReady IR v2.0 certification [scarthgap] arm-bsp/documentation: corstone1000: Add SystemReady IR v2.0 certification - - - --- 2024-11-06 Hugues KAMBA MPIANA New
[scarthgap] arm-base/linux-yocto: revert interim 6.10 patch for fvp-base [scarthgap] arm-base/linux-yocto: revert interim 6.10 patch for fvp-base - - - --- 2024-11-05 Jon Mason New
arm-bsp/documentation: corstone1000: Add SystemReady IR v2.0 certification arm-bsp/documentation: corstone1000: Add SystemReady IR v2.0 certification - - - --- 2024-11-01 Hugues KAMBA MPIANA New
arm-systemready/linux-distros: Follow WORKDIR -> UNPACKDIR transition arm-systemready/linux-distros: Follow WORKDIR -> UNPACKDIR transition - - - --- 2024-10-28 Ziad Elhanafy New
[v2,8/8] CI: test external-arm-toolchain with usrmerge enabled [v2,1/8] external-arm-toolchain: remove old sed fixup for - - - --- 2024-10-25 Romain Naour New
[v2,7/8] external-arm-toolchain: rebuild symlink if any [v2,1/8] external-arm-toolchain: remove old sed fixup for - - - --- 2024-10-25 Romain Naour New
[v2,6/8] external-arm-toolchain: override dynamic loader path with usrmerge enabled [v2,1/8] external-arm-toolchain: remove old sed fixup for - - - --- 2024-10-25 Romain Naour New
[v2,5/8] external-arm-toolchain: remove ${base_libdir}/libpthread*.so from FILES:${PN} [v2,1/8] external-arm-toolchain: remove old sed fixup for 1 - - --- 2024-10-25 Romain Naour New
[v2,4/8] external-arm-toolchain: in GNU ld script use base_libdir [v2,1/8] external-arm-toolchain: remove old sed fixup for - - - --- 2024-10-25 Romain Naour New
[v2,3/8] external-arm-toolchain: wrap symlink handling under usrmerge check [v2,1/8] external-arm-toolchain: remove old sed fixup for - - - --- 2024-10-25 Romain Naour New
[v2,2/8] external-arm-toolchain: wrap base_libdir vs libdir manipulations under usrmerge check [v2,1/8] external-arm-toolchain: remove old sed fixup for 1 - - --- 2024-10-25 Romain Naour New
[v2,1/8] external-arm-toolchain: remove old sed fixup for [v2,1/8] external-arm-toolchain: remove old sed fixup for - 1 - --- 2024-10-25 Romain Naour New
[2/2] arm-bsp/tc: remove all references to total compute [1/2] arm-bsp/fvp-base: remove backported u-boot patches - - - --- 2024-10-23 Jon Mason New
[1/2] arm-bsp/fvp-base: remove backported u-boot patches [1/2] arm-bsp/fvp-base: remove backported u-boot patches - - - --- 2024-10-23 Jon Mason New
[kirkstone] arm/linux-yocto: disable CONFIG_MTD_NAND_FSL_IFC [kirkstone] arm/linux-yocto: disable CONFIG_MTD_NAND_FSL_IFC - - - --- 2024-10-21 Jon Mason New
[scarthgap,2/2] arm/linux-yocto: disable CONFIG_MTD_NAND_FSL_IFC [scarthgap,1/2] arm-bsp/fvp-base: Get 6.10 kernel working - - - --- 2024-10-21 Jon Mason New
[scarthgap,1/2] arm-bsp/fvp-base: Get 6.10 kernel working [scarthgap,1/2] arm-bsp/fvp-base: Get 6.10 kernel working - - - --- 2024-10-21 Jon Mason New
CI: test external-arm-toolchain with usrmerge enabled CI: test external-arm-toolchain with usrmerge enabled - - - --- 2024-10-21 Romain Naour New
[v3,2/2] trusted-service: remove optee udev and group settings [v3,1/2] optee-client: use udev rule and systemd service from upstream - - - --- 2024-10-17 Mikko Rapeli New
[v3,1/2] optee-client: use udev rule and systemd service from upstream [v3,1/2] optee-client: use udev rule and systemd service from upstream - - - --- 2024-10-17 Mikko Rapeli New
[styhead,3/3] kas: Include unattended openSUSE test [styhead,1/3] arm-systemready/linux-distros: Implement unattended openSUSE - - - --- 2024-10-16 Ben Cownley New
[styhead,2/3] arm-systemready/oeqa: Add unattended installation testcase [styhead,1/3] arm-systemready/linux-distros: Implement unattended openSUSE - - - --- 2024-10-16 Ben Cownley New
[styhead,1/3] arm-systemready/linux-distros: Implement unattended openSUSE [styhead,1/3] arm-systemready/linux-distros: Implement unattended openSUSE - - - --- 2024-10-16 Ben Cownley New
[scarthgap,3/3] kas: Include unattended openSUSE test [scarthgap,1/3] arm-systemready/linux-distros: Implement unattended openSUSE - - - --- 2024-10-15 Ben Cownley New
[scarthgap,2/3] arm-systemready/oeqa: Add unattended installation testcase [scarthgap,1/3] arm-systemready/linux-distros: Implement unattended openSUSE - - - --- 2024-10-15 Ben Cownley New
[scarthgap,1/3] arm-systemready/linux-distros: Implement unattended openSUSE [scarthgap,1/3] arm-systemready/linux-distros: Implement unattended openSUSE - - - --- 2024-10-15 Ben Cownley New
[v2] optee-client: use udev rule and systemd service from upstream [v2] optee-client: use udev rule and systemd service from upstream - - - --- 2024-10-15 Mikko Rapeli New
optee-client: use udev rule and systemd service from upstream optee-client: use udev rule and systemd service from upstream - - - --- 2024-10-15 Mikko Rapeli New
[2/2] arm/scp-firmware: update to v2.15.0 [1/2] arm/edk2: update to 202408 - - - --- 2024-10-14 Jon Mason New
[1/2] arm/edk2: update to 202408 [1/2] arm/edk2: update to 202408 - - - --- 2024-10-14 Jon Mason New
[3/3] kas: Include unattended openSUSE test [1/3] arm-systemready/linux-distros: Implement unattended openSUSE - - - --- 2024-10-08 Ben Cownley New
[2/3] arm-systemready/oeqa: Add unattended installation testcase [1/3] arm-systemready/linux-distros: Implement unattended openSUSE - - - --- 2024-10-08 Ben Cownley New
[1/3] arm-systemready/linux-distros: Implement unattended openSUSE [1/3] arm-systemready/linux-distros: Implement unattended openSUSE - - - --- 2024-10-08 Ben Cownley New
[v0] arm/uefi-secureboot: Add uefi capsule update support [v0] arm/uefi-secureboot: Add uefi capsule update support - - - --- 2024-10-08 Javier Tia New
CI: Rework qemuarm64-secureboot matrix CI: Rework qemuarm64-secureboot matrix - - - --- 2024-10-07 Jon Mason New
[v0] arm/uefi-secureboot: Add uefi http boot support [v0] arm/uefi-secureboot: Add uefi http boot support - - - --- 2024-10-07 Javier Tia New
layer.conf: Update to walnascar (5.2) layer/release series layer.conf: Update to walnascar (5.2) layer/release series - - - --- 2024-10-05 Khem Raj New
[v9,2/2] arm/qemuarm64-secureboot: Enable UEFI Secure Boot [v9,1/2] arm: Enable Secure Boot in all required recipes - - - --- 2024-10-04 Mikko Rapeli New
[v9,1/2] arm: Enable Secure Boot in all required recipes [v9,1/2] arm: Enable Secure Boot in all required recipes - - - --- 2024-10-04 Mikko Rapeli New
[master-next,2/2] qemuarm*-secureboot.conf: fix kernel serial consoles [master-next,1/2] ci/uefi-secureboot.yml: include ci/meta-secure-core.yml - - - --- 2024-10-04 Mikko Rapeli New
[master-next,1/2] ci/uefi-secureboot.yml: include ci/meta-secure-core.yml [master-next,1/2] ci/uefi-secureboot.yml: include ci/meta-secure-core.yml - - - --- 2024-10-04 Mikko Rapeli New
[v8,2/2] arm/qemuarm64-secureboot: Enable UEFI Secure Boot Add UEFI Secure Boot - - - --- 2024-10-03 Javier Tia New
[v8,1/2] arm: Enable Secure Boot in all required recipes Add UEFI Secure Boot - - - --- 2024-10-03 Javier Tia New
[master-next] optee-client: switch systemd service to notify type [master-next] optee-client: switch systemd service to notify type - - - --- 2024-10-02 Mikko Rapeli New
[5/5] arm/oeqa/ increase timeout value from 22 to 45 minutes [1/5] arm/optee: update to 4.3.0 - - - --- 2024-10-01 Jon Mason New
[4/5] arm/gn: update to latest commit [1/5] arm/optee: update to 4.3.0 - - - --- 2024-10-01 Jon Mason New
[3/5] arm/arm-ffa-user: update to 5.0.2 [1/5] arm/optee: update to 4.3.0 - - - --- 2024-10-01 Jon Mason New
[2/5] arm/opencsd: update to 1.5.4 [1/5] arm/optee: update to 4.3.0 - - - --- 2024-10-01 Jon Mason New
[1/5] arm/optee: update to 4.3.0 [1/5] arm/optee: update to 4.3.0 - - - --- 2024-10-01 Jon Mason New
Revert "CI: switch to building against styhead branches where possible" Revert "CI: switch to building against styhead branches where possible" - - - --- 2024-10-01 Jon Mason New
[master] arm-base/linux-yocto: revert interim 6.10 patch for fvp-base [master] arm-base/linux-yocto: revert interim 6.10 patch for fvp-base - - - --- 2024-10-01 Ross Burton New
trusted-firmware-a: fix panic on kv260/zynqmp trusted-firmware-a: fix panic on kv260/zynqmp - - - --- 2024-09-30 Mikko Rapeli New
trusted-firmware-a: fix build error when using ccache trusted-firmware-a: fix build error when using ccache - - - --- 2024-09-28 Adrian DC New
arm/optee-os: Backport the clang fixes arm/optee-os: Backport the clang fixes - - - --- 2024-09-27 Jon Mason New
arm-bsp/fvp-base: use trusted-firmware-a v2.11 arm-bsp/fvp-base: use trusted-firmware-a v2.11 - - - --- 2024-09-27 Jon Mason New
[3/3] CI: transform testimage reports into JUnit XML reports [1/3] CI: add KAS_BUILD_DIR variable - - - --- 2024-09-27 Ross Burton New
[2/3] CI: remove duplicate arm-systemready-ir-acs [1/3] CI: add KAS_BUILD_DIR variable - - - --- 2024-09-27 Ross Burton New
[1/3] CI: add KAS_BUILD_DIR variable [1/3] CI: add KAS_BUILD_DIR variable - - - --- 2024-09-27 Ross Burton New
[1/1] arm-bsp/optee: corstone1000: Update upstream status arm-bsp/optee: corstone1000: Update upstream status - - - --- 2024-09-27 New
arm/trusted-firmware-a: add recipe for more-recent-but-not-yet-released source code arm/trusted-firmware-a: add recipe for more-recent-but-not-yet-released source code - - - --- 2024-09-27 Quentin Schulz New
arm-bsp/trusted-firmware-m: corstone1000: Update patches arm-bsp/trusted-firmware-m: corstone1000: Update patches - - - --- 2024-09-26 New
arm-bsp/trusted-firmware-m: corstone1000: Update metadata handling arm-bsp/trusted-firmware-m: corstone1000: Update metadata handling - - - --- 2024-09-26 New
CI: switch to building against styhead branches where possible CI: switch to building against styhead branches where possible - - - --- 2024-09-26 Ross Burton New
[v7,4/4] arm/qemuarm64-secureboot: Enable UEFI Secure Boot UEFI secureboot - - - --- 2024-09-26 Jon Mason New
[v7,3/4] arm: Enable Secure Boot in all required recipes UEFI secureboot - - - --- 2024-09-26 Jon Mason New
[v7,2/4] arm/optee-client: fix systemd service dependencies UEFI secureboot - - - --- 2024-09-26 Jon Mason New
[v7,1/4] arm/optee: Add optee udev rules UEFI secureboot - - - --- 2024-09-26 Jon Mason New
add basic b4 config file add basic b4 config file - - - --- 2024-09-26 Quentin Schulz New
Revert "arm/optee: disable clang due to breakage" Revert "arm/optee: disable clang due to breakage" - - - --- 2024-09-25 Mikko Rapeli New
[v2,4/4] oeqa increase timeout value from 22 to 45 minutes optee update and systemd service changes - - - --- 2024-09-25 Mikko Rapeli New
[v2,3/4] optee-client: fix systemd service dependencies optee update and systemd service changes - - - --- 2024-09-25 Mikko Rapeli New
[v2,2/4] arm/optee: Add optee udev rules optee update and systemd service changes - - - --- 2024-09-25 Mikko Rapeli New
[v2,1/4] arm/optee: update to 4.3.0 optee update and systemd service changes - - - --- 2024-09-25 Mikko Rapeli New
[4/4] oeqa increase timeout value from 22 to 45 minutes optee 4.3 update and systemd service changes - - - --- 2024-09-25 Mikko Rapeli New
[3/4] optee-client: fix systemd service dependencies optee 4.3 update and systemd service changes - - - --- 2024-09-25 Mikko Rapeli New
[2/4] arm/optee: Add optee udev rules optee 4.3 update and systemd service changes - - - --- 2024-09-25 Mikko Rapeli New
[1/4] arm/optee: update to 4.3.0 optee 4.3 update and systemd service changes - - - --- 2024-09-25 Mikko Rapeli New
[scarthgap] arm/lib: Handle timeout for spawn object on stop() [scarthgap] arm/lib: Handle timeout for spawn object on stop() - - - --- 2024-09-23 Luca Fancellu New
arm/lib: Handle timeout for spawn object on stop() arm/lib: Handle timeout for spawn object on stop() - - - --- 2024-09-23 Luca Fancellu New
[1/1] arm-bsp/trusted-services: corstone1000: Update Trusted-Services patches arm-bsp/trusted-services: corstone1000: Update Trusted-Services patches - - - --- 2024-09-20 New
[3/3] arm-bsp/fvp: Re-enable parselogs [1/3] arm-bsp/fvp-base: support poky-altcfg - - - --- 2024-09-20 Jon Mason New
[2/3] arm-bsp/fvp-base: Get 6.10 kernel working [1/3] arm-bsp/fvp-base: support poky-altcfg - - - --- 2024-09-20 Jon Mason New
[1/3] arm-bsp/fvp-base: support poky-altcfg [1/3] arm-bsp/fvp-base: support poky-altcfg - - - --- 2024-09-20 Jon Mason New
arm-toolchain: remove libmount-mountfd-support when using binary toolchain arm-toolchain: remove libmount-mountfd-support when using binary toolchain 1 - - --- 2024-09-19 Jon Mason New
[v6,2/2] qemuarm64-secureboot: Enable UEFI Secure Boot qemuarm64-secureboot: Add UEFI Secure Boot - - - --- 2024-09-19 Javier Tia New
[v6,1/2] Enable Secure Boot in all required recipes qemuarm64-secureboot: Add UEFI Secure Boot - - - --- 2024-09-19 Javier Tia New
[scarthgap] arm-bsp/trusted-firmware-m: corstone1000: Fix MPU configuration [scarthgap] arm-bsp/trusted-firmware-m: corstone1000: Fix MPU configuration - - - --- 2024-09-17 New
arm-bsp/trusted-firmware-m: corstone1000: Fix MPU configuration arm-bsp/trusted-firmware-m: corstone1000: Fix MPU configuration - - - --- 2024-09-17 New
[v2,3/3] arm-bsp/documentation: corstone1000: remove TEE driver load [v2,1/3] arm/libts: Patch to fix 6.10 kernel builds breaks - - - --- 2024-09-17 Jon Mason New
[v2,2/3] arm-bsp/linux-yocto: corstone1000: bump to v6.10 [v2,1/3] arm/libts: Patch to fix 6.10 kernel builds breaks - - - --- 2024-09-17 Jon Mason New
[v2,1/3] arm/libts: Patch to fix 6.10 kernel builds breaks [v2,1/3] arm/libts: Patch to fix 6.10 kernel builds breaks - - - --- 2024-09-17 Jon Mason New
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