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[1/3] meta-poky/conf/templates/default/bblayers.conf.sample: do not assume integrated poky repo

Message ID 20250225120635.171931-1-alex.kanavin@gmail.com (mailing list archive)
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Series [1/3] meta-poky/conf/templates/default/bblayers.conf.sample: do not assume integrated poky repo | expand

Commit Message

Alexander Kanavin Feb. 25, 2025, 12:06 p.m. UTC
From: Alexander Kanavin <alex@linutronix.de>

The list of layers was written assuming the template is used with
the 'integrated' poky checkout, where content of meta-yocto is
'overlaid' on content of openembedded-core, and the layers are
all in the same top level poky repository directory.

This doesn't work when oe-core and meta-yocto are cloned separately,
where relative path that starts from oe-core would have to go one
level above oe-core and then go into meta-yocto, assuming the
separate repo clones are in the same top level directory.

This requires a custom tweak to bblayers.conf when it makes its way from
meta-yocto into poky that would strip the ../meta-yocto/ part in
BBLAYERS. As there are already numerous other tweaks of similar
nature, I think this is feasible.

This was prompted by

Signed-off-by: Alexander Kanavin <alex@linutronix.de>
 meta-poky/conf/templates/default/bblayers.conf.sample | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/meta-poky/conf/templates/default/bblayers.conf.sample b/meta-poky/conf/templates/default/bblayers.conf.sample
index 8b1cbdfc5c4..d34b552cb71 100644
--- a/meta-poky/conf/templates/default/bblayers.conf.sample
+++ b/meta-poky/conf/templates/default/bblayers.conf.sample
@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@  BBFILES ?= ""
 BBLAYERS ?= " \
   ##OEROOT##/meta \
-  ##OEROOT##/meta-poky \
-  ##OEROOT##/meta-yocto-bsp \
+  ##OEROOT##/../meta-yocto/meta-poky \
+  ##OEROOT##/../meta-yocto/meta-yocto-bsp \