Message ID | |
State | New |
Headers | show |
Series | [1/5] devtool: standard: cleanup imports; stop relying on transitive bb imports | expand |
Thank you for your submission. Patchtest identified one or more issues with the patch. Please see the log below for more information: --- Testing patch /home/patchtest/share/mboxes/5-5-oeqa-selftest-when-setting-up-the-local-poky-copy-also-copy-local-changes-from-the-scripts-dir.patch FAIL: test shortlog length: Edit shortlog so that it is 90 characters or less (currently 101 characters) (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_shortlog_length) PASS: pretest pylint (test_python_pylint.PyLint.pretest_pylint) PASS: test Signed-off-by presence (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_signed_off_by_presence) PASS: test author valid (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_author_valid) PASS: test commit message presence (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_commit_message_presence) PASS: test commit message user tags (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_commit_message_user_tags) PASS: test max line length (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_max_line_length) PASS: test mbox format (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_mbox_format) PASS: test non-AUH upgrade (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_non_auh_upgrade) PASS: test pylint (test_python_pylint.PyLint.test_pylint) PASS: test shortlog format (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_shortlog_format) PASS: test target mailing list (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_target_mailing_list) SKIP: pretest src uri left files: No modified recipes, skipping pretest (test_metadata.TestMetadata.pretest_src_uri_left_files) SKIP: test CVE check ignore: No modified recipes or older target branch, skipping test (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_cve_check_ignore) SKIP: test CVE tag format: No new CVE patches introduced (test_patch.TestPatch.test_cve_tag_format) SKIP: test Signed-off-by presence: No new CVE patches introduced (test_patch.TestPatch.test_signed_off_by_presence) SKIP: test Upstream-Status presence: No new CVE patches introduced (test_patch.TestPatch.test_upstream_status_presence_format) SKIP: test bugzilla entry format: No bug ID found (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_bugzilla_entry_format) SKIP: test lic files chksum modified not mentioned: No modified recipes, skipping test (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_lic_files_chksum_modified_not_mentioned) SKIP: test lic files chksum presence: No added recipes, skipping test (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_lic_files_chksum_presence) SKIP: test license presence: No added recipes, skipping test (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_license_presence) SKIP: test series merge on head: Merge test is disabled for now (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_series_merge_on_head) SKIP: test src uri left files: No modified recipes, skipping pretest (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_src_uri_left_files) SKIP: test summary presence: No added recipes, skipping test (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_summary_presence) --- Please address the issues identified and submit a new revision of the patch, or alternatively, reply to this email with an explanation of why the patch should be accepted. If you believe these results are due to an error in patchtest, please submit a bug at (use the 'Patchtest' category under 'Yocto Project Subprojects'). For more information on specific failures, see: Thank you!
diff --git a/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/ b/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/ index fb9d7966ed..e09e9755a3 100644 --- a/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/ +++ b/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/ @@ -64,11 +64,15 @@ def setUpModule(): # under COREBASE and we don't want to copy that, so we have # to be selective. result = runCmd('git status --porcelain', cwd=oldreporoot) + + # Also copy modifications to the 'scripts/' directory + canonical_layerpath_scripts = os.path.normpath(canonical_layerpath + "../scripts") + for line in result.output.splitlines(): if line.startswith(' M ') or line.startswith('?? '): relpth = line.split()[1] pth = os.path.join(oldreporoot, relpth) - if pth.startswith(canonical_layerpath): + if pth.startswith(canonical_layerpath) or pth.startswith(canonical_layerpath_scripts): if relpth.endswith('/'): destdir = os.path.join(corecopydir, relpth) # avoid race condition by not copying .pyc files YPBZ#13421,13803