diff mbox series

insane: Drop oe.qa.add_message usage

Message ID 20240828161450.1488792-1-richard.purdie@linuxfoundation.org
State Accepted, archived
Commit 9b2eea9fd4eab4f5e12e955738db22091b91f698
Headers show
Series insane: Drop oe.qa.add_message usage | expand

Commit Message

Richard Purdie Aug. 28, 2024, 4:14 p.m. UTC
Drop the oe.qa.add_message() usage in favour of oe.qa.handle_error() which has
code allowing it to be optimised with contains usage.

The patch also drops unused return values which we stopped using a while ago
and drops the now unneeded function parameters, generally leading to cleaner

The code should be functionally equivalent.

Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard.purdie@linuxfoundation.org>
 meta/classes-global/insane.bbclass | 219 +++++++++++------------------
 meta/lib/oe/qa.py                  |   6 -
 2 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-)


patchtest@automation.yoctoproject.org Aug. 28, 2024, 4:33 p.m. UTC | #1
Thank you for your submission. Patchtest identified one
or more issues with the patch. Please see the log below for
more information:

Testing patch /home/patchtest/share/mboxes/insane-Drop-oe.qa.add_message-usage.patch

FAIL: test max line length: Patch line too long (current length 236, maximum is 200) (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_max_line_length)

PASS: pretest pylint (test_python_pylint.PyLint.pretest_pylint)
PASS: test Signed-off-by presence (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_signed_off_by_presence)
PASS: test author valid (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_author_valid)
PASS: test commit message presence (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_commit_message_presence)
PASS: test mbox format (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_mbox_format)
PASS: test non-AUH upgrade (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_non_auh_upgrade)
PASS: test pylint (test_python_pylint.PyLint.test_pylint)
PASS: test shortlog format (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_shortlog_format)
PASS: test shortlog length (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_shortlog_length)
PASS: test target mailing list (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_target_mailing_list)

SKIP: pretest src uri left files: Patch cannot be merged (test_metadata.TestMetadata.pretest_src_uri_left_files)
SKIP: test CVE check ignore: No modified recipes or older target branch, skipping test (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_cve_check_ignore)
SKIP: test CVE tag format: No new CVE patches introduced (test_patch.TestPatch.test_cve_tag_format)
SKIP: test Signed-off-by presence: No new CVE patches introduced (test_patch.TestPatch.test_signed_off_by_presence)
SKIP: test Upstream-Status presence: No new CVE patches introduced (test_patch.TestPatch.test_upstream_status_presence_format)
SKIP: test bugzilla entry format: No bug ID found (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_bugzilla_entry_format)
SKIP: test lic files chksum modified not mentioned: No modified recipes, skipping test (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_lic_files_chksum_modified_not_mentioned)
SKIP: test lic files chksum presence: No added recipes, skipping test (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_lic_files_chksum_presence)
SKIP: test license presence: No added recipes, skipping test (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_license_presence)
SKIP: test series merge on head: Merge test is disabled for now (test_mbox.TestMbox.test_series_merge_on_head)
SKIP: test src uri left files: Patch cannot be merged (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_src_uri_left_files)
SKIP: test summary presence: No added recipes, skipping test (test_metadata.TestMetadata.test_summary_presence)


Please address the issues identified and
submit a new revision of the patch, or alternatively, reply to this
email with an explanation of why the patch should be accepted. If you
believe these results are due to an error in patchtest, please submit a
bug at https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/ (use the 'Patchtest' category
under 'Yocto Project Subprojects'). For more information on specific
failures, see: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Patchtest. Thank
Peter Kjellerstedt Sept. 1, 2024, 11:21 a.m. UTC | #2
> -----Original Message-----
> From: openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org <openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org> On Behalf Of Richard Purdie
> Sent: den 28 augusti 2024 18:15
> To: openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org
> Subject: [OE-core] [PATCH] insane: Drop oe.qa.add_message usage
> Drop the oe.qa.add_message() usage in favour of oe.qa.handle_error() which has
> code allowing it to be optimised with contains usage.
> The patch also drops unused return values which we stopped using a while ago
> and drops the now unneeded function parameters, generally leading to cleaner
> code.
> The code should be functionally equivalent.

There is at least one difference. We have the following in our distro:

WARN_QA:remove = "virtual-slash"
ERROR_QA:remove = "virtual-slash"

since we do not build any package feeds and thus this QA error is not a problem 
for us.

After the change from add_message() to handle_error(), I now get a lot of:

NOTE: /path/to/recipe_1.2.3.bb: QA Issue: RDEPENDS is set to virtual/foobar but the substring 'virtual/' holds no meaning in this context. It only works for build time dependencies, not runtime ones. It is suggested to use 'VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_' variables instead. [virtual-slash]

during recipe parsing, which defeats the purpose of turning of the QA error.

Now, we can of course fix our recipes to avoid the use of runtime dependencies 
on virtual/. I just wanted to point out that there is a difference in 
functionality, and one that is hard to do anything about in layers on top of 

> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard.purdie@linuxfoundation.org>
> ---
>  meta/classes-global/insane.bbclass | 219 +++++++++++------------------
>  meta/lib/oe/qa.py                  |   6 -
>  2 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-)

Richard Purdie Sept. 1, 2024, 11:31 a.m. UTC | #3
On Sun, 2024-09-01 at 11:21 +0000, Peter Kjellerstedt wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org <openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org> On Behalf Of Richard Purdie
> > Sent: den 28 augusti 2024 18:15
> > To: openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org
> > Subject: [OE-core] [PATCH] insane: Drop oe.qa.add_message usage
> > 
> > Drop the oe.qa.add_message() usage in favour of oe.qa.handle_error() which has
> > code allowing it to be optimised with contains usage.
> > 
> > The patch also drops unused return values which we stopped using a while ago
> > and drops the now unneeded function parameters, generally leading to cleaner
> > code.
> > 
> > The code should be functionally equivalent.
> There is at least one difference. We have the following in our distro:
> WARN_QA:remove = "virtual-slash"
> ERROR_QA:remove = "virtual-slash"
> since we do not build any package feeds and thus this QA error is not a problem 
> for us.
> After the change from add_message() to handle_error(), I now get a lot of:
> NOTE: /path/to/recipe_1.2.3.bb: QA Issue: RDEPENDS is set to virtual/foobar but the substring 'virtual/' holds no meaning in this context. It only works for build time dependencies, not runtime ones. It is suggested to use 'VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_' variables instead. [virtual-slash]
> during recipe parsing, which defeats the purpose of turning of the QA error.
> Now, we can of course fix our recipes to avoid the use of runtime dependencies 
> on virtual/. I just wanted to point out that there is a difference in
> functionality, and one that is hard to do anything about in layers on top of 
> OE-Core.

You're right, that is an unintended side effect. That said, I think the
note log level is very noisy anyway? 

Is the issue that notes at parse time get handled differently to those
during task execution?


Peter Kjellerstedt Sept. 1, 2024, 6:51 p.m. UTC | #4
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Purdie <richard.purdie@linuxfoundation.org>
> Sent: den 1 september 2024 13:31
> To: Peter Kjellerstedt <peter.kjellerstedt@axis.com>; openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org
> Subject: Re: [OE-core] [PATCH] insane: Drop oe.qa.add_message usage
> On Sun, 2024-09-01 at 11:21 +0000, Peter Kjellerstedt wrote:
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org <openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org> On Behalf Of Richard Purdie
> > > Sent: den 28 augusti 2024 18:15
> > > To: openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org
> > > Subject: [OE-core] [PATCH] insane: Drop oe.qa.add_message usage
> > >
> > > Drop the oe.qa.add_message() usage in favour of oe.qa.handle_error() which has
> > > code allowing it to be optimised with contains usage.
> > >
> > > The patch also drops unused return values which we stopped using a while ago
> > > and drops the now unneeded function parameters, generally leading to cleaner
> > > code.
> > >
> > > The code should be functionally equivalent.
> >
> > There is at least one difference. We have the following in our distro:
> >
> > WARN_QA:remove = "virtual-slash"
> > ERROR_QA:remove = "virtual-slash"
> >
> > since we do not build any package feeds and thus this QA error is not a
> > problem for us.
> >
> > After the change from add_message() to handle_error(), I now get a lot
> > of:
> >
> > NOTE: /path/to/recipe_1.2.3.bb: QA Issue: RDEPENDS is set to
> > virtual/foobar but the substring 'virtual/' holds no meaning in this
> > context. It only works for build time dependencies, not runtime ones. It
> > is suggested to use 'VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_' variables instead. [virtual-slash]
> >
> > during recipe parsing, which defeats the purpose of turning of the QA
> > error.
> >
> > Now, we can of course fix our recipes to avoid the use of runtime
> > dependencies on virtual/. I just wanted to point out that there is 
> > a difference in functionality, and one that is hard to do anything 
> > about in layers on top of OE-Core.
> You're right, that is an unintended side effect. That said, I think the
> note log level is very noisy anyway?
> Is the issue that notes at parse time get handled differently to those
> during task execution?

I would say so. Notes during task execution are only seen in the log, while 
notes before task execution are shown in the UI. However, I would not like 
to loose all notes shown before task execution begins, e.g., those that 
show how bitbake is progressing though its initial work are helpful to know 
what is going on. But the ones from oe.qa.handle_error() I can do without...

Also notes such as:

NOTE: Multiple providers are available for foobar (foobar, barfoo)
Consider defining a PREFERRED_PROVIDER entry to match foobar

might actually make more sense as a warning?

> Cheers,
> Richard

diff mbox series


diff --git a/meta/classes-global/insane.bbclass b/meta/classes-global/insane.bbclass
index a008f21c6ee..3094197804e 100644
--- a/meta/classes-global/insane.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes-global/insane.bbclass
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@  def package_qa_clean_path(path, d, pkg=None):
     return path.replace(d.getVar("TMPDIR"), "/").replace("//", "/")
 QAPATHTEST[shebang-size] = "package_qa_check_shebang_size"
-def package_qa_check_shebang_size(path, name, d, elf, messages):
+def package_qa_check_shebang_size(path, name, d, elf):
     import stat
     if os.path.islink(path) or stat.S_ISFIFO(os.stat(path).st_mode) or elf:
@@ -102,25 +102,23 @@  def package_qa_check_shebang_size(path, name, d, elf, messages):
         if len(stanza) > 129:
-            oe.qa.add_message(messages, "shebang-size", "%s: %s maximum shebang size exceeded, the maximum size is 128." % (name, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)))
+            oe.qa.handle_error("shebang-size", "%s: %s maximum shebang size exceeded, the maximum size is 128." % (name, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)), d)
 QAPATHTEST[libexec] = "package_qa_check_libexec"
-def package_qa_check_libexec(path,name, d, elf, messages):
+def package_qa_check_libexec(path,name, d, elf):
     # Skip the case where the default is explicitly /usr/libexec
     libexec = d.getVar('libexecdir')
     if libexec == "/usr/libexec":
-        return True
+        return
     if 'libexec' in path.split(os.path.sep):
-        oe.qa.add_message(messages, "libexec", "%s: %s is using libexec please relocate to %s" % (name, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name), libexec))
-        return False
-    return True
+        oe.qa.handle_error("libexec", "%s: %s is using libexec please relocate to %s" % (name, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name), libexec), d)
+        return
 QAPATHTEST[rpaths] = "package_qa_check_rpath"
-def package_qa_check_rpath(file,name, d, elf, messages):
+def package_qa_check_rpath(file,name, d, elf):
     Check for dangerous RPATHs
@@ -142,10 +140,10 @@  def package_qa_check_rpath(file,name, d, elf, messages):
             rpath = m.group(1)
             for dir in bad_dirs:
                 if dir in rpath:
-                    oe.qa.add_message(messages, "rpaths", "package %s contains bad RPATH %s in file %s" % (name, rpath, file))
+                    oe.qa.handle_error("rpaths", "package %s contains bad RPATH %s in file %s" % (name, rpath, file), d)
 QAPATHTEST[useless-rpaths] = "package_qa_check_useless_rpaths"
-def package_qa_check_useless_rpaths(file, name, d, elf, messages):
+def package_qa_check_useless_rpaths(file, name, d, elf):
     Check for RPATHs that are useless but not dangerous
@@ -172,31 +170,31 @@  def package_qa_check_useless_rpaths(file, name, d, elf, messages):
             if rpath_eq(rpath, libdir) or rpath_eq(rpath, base_libdir):
                 # The dynamic linker searches both these places anyway.  There is no point in
                 # looking there again.
-                oe.qa.add_message(messages, "useless-rpaths", "%s: %s contains probably-redundant RPATH %s" % (name, package_qa_clean_path(file, d, name), rpath))
+                oe.qa.handle_error("useless-rpaths", "%s: %s contains probably-redundant RPATH %s" % (name, package_qa_clean_path(file, d, name), rpath), d)
 QAPATHTEST[dev-so] = "package_qa_check_dev"
-def package_qa_check_dev(path, name, d, elf, messages):
+def package_qa_check_dev(path, name, d, elf):
     Check for ".so" library symlinks in non-dev packages
     if not name.endswith("-dev") and not name.endswith("-dbg") and not name.endswith("-ptest") and not name.startswith("nativesdk-") and path.endswith(".so") and os.path.islink(path):
-        oe.qa.add_message(messages, "dev-so", "non -dev/-dbg/nativesdk- package %s contains symlink .so '%s'" % \
-                 (name, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)))
+        oe.qa.handle_error("dev-so", "non -dev/-dbg/nativesdk- package %s contains symlink .so '%s'" % \
+                 (name, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)), d)
 QAPATHTEST[dev-elf] = "package_qa_check_dev_elf"
-def package_qa_check_dev_elf(path, name, d, elf, messages):
+def package_qa_check_dev_elf(path, name, d, elf):
     Check that -dev doesn't contain real shared libraries.  The test has to
     check that the file is not a link and is an ELF object as some recipes
     install link-time .so files that are linker scripts.
     if name.endswith("-dev") and path.endswith(".so") and not os.path.islink(path) and elf:
-        oe.qa.add_message(messages, "dev-elf", "-dev package %s contains non-symlink .so '%s'" % \
-                 (name, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)))
+        oe.qa.handle_error("dev-elf", "-dev package %s contains non-symlink .so '%s'" % \
+                 (name, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)), d)
 QAPATHTEST[staticdev] = "package_qa_check_staticdev"
-def package_qa_check_staticdev(path, name, d, elf, messages):
+def package_qa_check_staticdev(path, name, d, elf):
     Check for ".a" library in non-staticdev packages
     There are a number of exceptions to this rule, -pic packages can contain
@@ -205,22 +203,22 @@  def package_qa_check_staticdev(path, name, d, elf, messages):
     if not name.endswith("-pic") and not name.endswith("-staticdev") and not name.endswith("-ptest") and path.endswith(".a") and not path.endswith("_nonshared.a") and not '/usr/lib/debug-static/' in path and not '/.debug-static/' in path:
-        oe.qa.add_message(messages, "staticdev", "non -staticdev package contains static .a library: %s path '%s'" % \
-                 (name, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)))
+        oe.qa.handle_error("staticdev", "non -staticdev package contains static .a library: %s path '%s'" % \
+                 (name, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)), d)
 QAPATHTEST[mime] = "package_qa_check_mime"
-def package_qa_check_mime(path, name, d, elf, messages):
+def package_qa_check_mime(path, name, d, elf):
     Check if package installs mime types to /usr/share/mime/packages
     while no inheriting mime.bbclass
     if d.getVar("datadir") + "/mime/packages" in path and path.endswith('.xml') and not bb.data.inherits_class("mime", d):
-        oe.qa.add_message(messages, "mime", "package contains mime types but does not inherit mime: %s path '%s'" % \
-                 (name, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)))
+        oe.qa.handle_error("mime", "package contains mime types but does not inherit mime: %s path '%s'" % \
+                 (name, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)), d)
 QAPATHTEST[mime-xdg] = "package_qa_check_mime_xdg"
-def package_qa_check_mime_xdg(path, name, d, elf, messages):
+def package_qa_check_mime_xdg(path, name, d, elf):
     Check if package installs desktop file containing MimeType and requires
     mime-types.bbclass to create /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache
@@ -243,10 +241,10 @@  def package_qa_check_mime_xdg(path, name, d, elf, messages):
             if name == d.getVar('PN'):
                 pkgname = '${PN}'
             wstr += "If yes: add \'inhert mime-xdg\' and \'MIME_XDG_PACKAGES += \"%s\"\' / if no add \'INSANE_SKIP:%s += \"mime-xdg\"\' to recipe." % (pkgname, pkgname)
-            oe.qa.add_message(messages, "mime-xdg", wstr)
+            oe.qa.handle_error("mime-xdg", wstr, d)
         if mime_type_found:
-            oe.qa.add_message(messages, "mime-xdg", "%s: contains desktop file with key 'MimeType' but does not inhert mime-xdg: %s" % \
-                    (name, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)))
+            oe.qa.handle_error("mime-xdg", "%s: contains desktop file with key 'MimeType' but does not inhert mime-xdg: %s" % \
+                    (name, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)), d)
 def package_qa_check_libdir(d):
@@ -312,18 +310,18 @@  def package_qa_check_libdir(d):
         oe.qa.handle_error("libdir", "\n".join(messages), d)
 QAPATHTEST[debug-files] = "package_qa_check_dbg"
-def package_qa_check_dbg(path, name, d, elf, messages):
+def package_qa_check_dbg(path, name, d, elf):
     Check for ".debug" files or directories outside of the dbg package
     if not "-dbg" in name and not "-ptest" in name:
         if '.debug' in path.split(os.path.sep):
-            oe.qa.add_message(messages, "debug-files", "%s: non debug package contains .debug directory %s" % \
-                     (name, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)))
+            oe.qa.handle_error("debug-files", "%s: non debug package contains .debug directory %s" % \
+                     (name, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)), d)
 QAPATHTEST[arch] = "package_qa_check_arch"
-def package_qa_check_arch(path,name,d, elf, messages):
+def package_qa_check_arch(path,name,d, elf):
     Check if archs are compatible
@@ -339,7 +337,7 @@  def package_qa_check_arch(path,name,d, elf, messages):
     if host_arch == "allarch":
         pn = d.getVar('PN')
-        oe.qa.add_message(messages, "arch", pn + ": Recipe inherits the allarch class, but has packaged architecture-specific binaries")
+        oe.qa.handle_error("arch", pn + ": Recipe inherits the allarch class, but has packaged architecture-specific binaries", d)
     # avoid following links to /usr/bin (e.g. on udev builds)
@@ -357,17 +355,17 @@  def package_qa_check_arch(path,name,d, elf, messages):
             host_os == "linux-gnu_ilp32" or re.match(r'mips64.*32', d.getVar('DEFAULTTUNE')))
     is_bpf = (oe.qa.elf_machine_to_string(elf.machine()) == "BPF")
     if not ((machine == elf.machine()) or is_32 or is_bpf):
-        oe.qa.add_message(messages, "arch", "Architecture did not match (%s, expected %s) in %s" % \
-                 (oe.qa.elf_machine_to_string(elf.machine()), oe.qa.elf_machine_to_string(machine), package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)))
+        oe.qa.handle_error("arch", "Architecture did not match (%s, expected %s) in %s" % \
+                 (oe.qa.elf_machine_to_string(elf.machine()), oe.qa.elf_machine_to_string(machine), package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)), d)
     elif not ((bits == elf.abiSize()) or is_32 or is_bpf):
-        oe.qa.add_message(messages, "arch", "Bit size did not match (%d, expected %d) in %s" % \
-                 (elf.abiSize(), bits, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)))
+        oe.qa.handle_error("arch", "Bit size did not match (%d, expected %d) in %s" % \
+                 (elf.abiSize(), bits, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)), d)
     elif not ((littleendian == elf.isLittleEndian()) or is_bpf):
-        oe.qa.add_message(messages, "arch", "Endiannes did not match (%d, expected %d) in %s" % \
-                 (elf.isLittleEndian(), littleendian, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)))
+        oe.qa.handle_error("arch", "Endiannes did not match (%d, expected %d) in %s" % \
+                 (elf.isLittleEndian(), littleendian, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)), d)
 QAPATHTEST[desktop] = "package_qa_check_desktop"
-def package_qa_check_desktop(path, name, d, elf, messages):
+def package_qa_check_desktop(path, name, d, elf):
     Run all desktop files through desktop-file-validate.
@@ -376,10 +374,10 @@  def package_qa_check_desktop(path, name, d, elf, messages):
         output = os.popen("%s %s" % (desktop_file_validate, path))
         # This only produces output on errors
         for l in output:
-            oe.qa.add_message(messages, "desktop", "Desktop file issue: " + l.strip())
+            oe.qa.handle_error("desktop", "Desktop file issue: " + l.strip(), d)
 QAPATHTEST[textrel] = "package_qa_textrel"
-def package_qa_textrel(path, name, d, elf, messages):
+def package_qa_textrel(path, name, d, elf):
     Check if the binary contains relocations in .text
@@ -391,21 +389,17 @@  def package_qa_textrel(path, name, d, elf, messages):
     phdrs = elf.run_objdump("-p", d)
-    sane = True
     import re
     textrel_re = re.compile(r"\s+TEXTREL\s+")
     for line in phdrs.split("\n"):
         if textrel_re.match(line):
-            sane = False
-            break
-    if not sane:
-        path = package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)
-        oe.qa.add_message(messages, "textrel", "%s: ELF binary %s has relocations in .text" % (name, path))
+            path = package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)
+            oe.qa.handle_error("textrel", "%s: ELF binary %s has relocations in .text" % (name, path), d)
+            return
 QAPATHTEST[ldflags] = "package_qa_hash_style"
-def package_qa_hash_style(path, name, d, elf, messages):
+def package_qa_hash_style(path, name, d, elf):
     Check if the binary has the right hash style...
@@ -437,11 +431,11 @@  def package_qa_hash_style(path, name, d, elf, messages):
             sane = True
     if has_syms and not sane:
         path = package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)
-        oe.qa.add_message(messages, "ldflags", "File %s in package %s doesn't have GNU_HASH (didn't pass LDFLAGS?)" % (path, name))
+        oe.qa.handle_error("ldflags", "File %s in package %s doesn't have GNU_HASH (didn't pass LDFLAGS?)" % (path, name), d)
 QAPATHTEST[buildpaths] = "package_qa_check_buildpaths"
-def package_qa_check_buildpaths(path, name, d, elf, messages):
+def package_qa_check_buildpaths(path, name, d, elf):
     Check for build paths inside target files and error if paths are not
     explicitly ignored.
@@ -458,11 +452,11 @@  def package_qa_check_buildpaths(path, name, d, elf, messages):
         file_content = f.read()
         if tmpdir in file_content:
             path = package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)
-            oe.qa.add_message(messages, "buildpaths", "File %s in package %s contains reference to TMPDIR" % (path, name))
+            oe.qa.handle_error("buildpaths", "File %s in package %s contains reference to TMPDIR" % (path, name), d)
 QAPATHTEST[xorg-driver-abi] = "package_qa_check_xorg_driver_abi"
-def package_qa_check_xorg_driver_abi(path, name, d, elf, messages):
+def package_qa_check_xorg_driver_abi(path, name, d, elf):
     Check that all packages containing Xorg drivers have ABI dependencies
@@ -477,20 +471,20 @@  def package_qa_check_xorg_driver_abi(path, name, d, elf, messages):
         for rdep in bb.utils.explode_deps(d.getVar('RDEPENDS:' + name) or ""):
             if rdep.startswith("%sxorg-abi-" % mlprefix):
-        oe.qa.add_message(messages, "xorg-driver-abi", "Package %s contains Xorg driver (%s) but no xorg-abi- dependencies" % (name, os.path.basename(path)))
+        oe.qa.handle_error("xorg-driver-abi", "Package %s contains Xorg driver (%s) but no xorg-abi- dependencies" % (name, os.path.basename(path)), d)
 QAPATHTEST[infodir] = "package_qa_check_infodir"
-def package_qa_check_infodir(path, name, d, elf, messages):
+def package_qa_check_infodir(path, name, d, elf):
     Check that /usr/share/info/dir isn't shipped in a particular package
     infodir = d.expand("${infodir}/dir")
     if infodir in path:
-        oe.qa.add_message(messages, "infodir", "The %s file is not meant to be shipped in a particular package." % infodir)
+        oe.qa.handle_error("infodir", "The %s file is not meant to be shipped in a particular package." % infodir, d)
 QAPATHTEST[symlink-to-sysroot] = "package_qa_check_symlink_to_sysroot"
-def package_qa_check_symlink_to_sysroot(path, name, d, elf, messages):
+def package_qa_check_symlink_to_sysroot(path, name, d, elf):
     Check that the package doesn't contain any absolute symlinks to the sysroot.
@@ -500,10 +494,10 @@  def package_qa_check_symlink_to_sysroot(path, name, d, elf, messages):
             tmpdir = d.getVar('TMPDIR')
             if target.startswith(tmpdir):
                 path = package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name)
-                oe.qa.add_message(messages, "symlink-to-sysroot", "Symlink %s in %s points to TMPDIR" % (path, name))
+                oe.qa.handle_error("symlink-to-sysroot", "Symlink %s in %s points to TMPDIR" % (path, name), d)
 QAPATHTEST[32bit-time] = "check_32bit_symbols"
-def check_32bit_symbols(path, packagename, d, elf, messages):
+def check_32bit_symbols(path, packagename, d, elf):
     Check that ELF files do not use any 32 bit time APIs from glibc.
@@ -622,11 +616,8 @@  def check_32bit_symbols(path, packagename, d, elf, messages):
             if not allowed:
                 msgformat = elfpath + " uses 32-bit api '%s'"
                 for sym in usedapis:
-                    oe.qa.add_message(messages, '32bit-time', msgformat % sym)
-                oe.qa.add_message(
-                    messages, '32bit-time',
-                    'Suppress with INSANE_SKIP = "32bit-time"'
-                )
+                    oe.qa.handle_error('32bit-time', msgformat % sym, d)
+                oe.qa.handle_error('32bit-time', 'Suppress with INSANE_SKIP = "32bit-time"', d)
 # Check license variables
 do_populate_lic[postfuncs] += "populate_lic_qa_checksum"
@@ -787,53 +778,23 @@  def qa_check_staged(path,d):
                         oe.qa.handle_error("pkgconfig", error_msg, d)
             if not skip_shebang_size:
-                errors = {}
                 package_qa_check_shebang_size(path, "", d, None, errors)
-                if "shebang-size" in errors:
-                    oe.qa.handle_error("shebang-size", errors["shebang-size"], d)
-# Run all package-wide warnfuncs and errorfuncs
-def package_qa_package(warnfuncs, errorfuncs, package, d):
-    warnings = {}
-    errors = {}
-    for func in warnfuncs:
-        func(package, d, warnings)
-    for func in errorfuncs:
-        func(package, d, errors)
-    for w in warnings:
-        oe.qa.handle_error(w, warnings[w], d)
-    for e in errors:
-        oe.qa.handle_error(e, errors[e], d)
-    return len(errors) == 0
 # Run all recipe-wide warnfuncs and errorfuncs
 def package_qa_recipe(warnfuncs, errorfuncs, pn, d):
-    warnings = {}
-    errors = {}
     for func in warnfuncs:
         func(pn, d, warnings)
     for func in errorfuncs:
         func(pn, d, errors)
-    for w in warnings:
-        oe.qa.handle_error(w, warnings[w], d)
-    for e in errors:
-        oe.qa.handle_error(e, errors[e], d)
-    return len(errors) == 0
 def prepopulate_objdump_p(elf, d):
     output = elf.run_objdump("-p", d)
     return (elf.name, output)
 # Walk over all files in a directory and call func
 def package_qa_walk(warnfuncs, errorfuncs, package, d):
-    warnings = {}
-    errors = {}
     elves = {}
     for path in pkgfiles[package]:
             elf = None
@@ -855,17 +816,12 @@  def package_qa_walk(warnfuncs, errorfuncs, package, d):
             if path in elves:
             for func in warnfuncs:
-                func(path, package, d, elves.get(path), warnings)
+                func(path, package, d, elves.get(path))
             for func in errorfuncs:
-                func(path, package, d, elves.get(path), errors)
+                func(path, package, d, elves.get(path))
             if path in elves:
-    for w in warnings:
-        oe.qa.handle_error(w, warnings[w], d)
-    for e in errors:
-        oe.qa.handle_error(e, errors[e], d)
 def package_qa_check_rdepends(pkg, pkgdest, skip, taskdeps, packages, d):
     # Don't do this check for kernel/module recipes, there aren't too many debug/development
     # packages and you can get false positives e.g. on kernel-module-lirc-dev
@@ -986,7 +942,7 @@  def package_qa_check_deps(pkg, pkgdest, d):
 QAPKGTEST[usrmerge] = "package_qa_check_usrmerge"
-def package_qa_check_usrmerge(pkg, d, messages):
+def package_qa_check_usrmerge(pkg, d):
     pkgdest = d.getVar('PKGDEST')
     pkg_dir = pkgdest + os.sep + pkg + os.sep
@@ -994,12 +950,12 @@  def package_qa_check_usrmerge(pkg, d, messages):
     for f in merged_dirs:
         if os.path.exists(pkg_dir + f) and not os.path.islink(pkg_dir + f):
             msg = "%s package is not obeying usrmerge distro feature. /%s should be relocated to /usr." % (pkg, f)
-            oe.qa.add_message(messages, "usrmerge", msg)
-            return False
-    return True
+            oe.qa.handle_error("usrmerge", msg, d)
+            return
+    return
 QAPKGTEST[perllocalpod] = "package_qa_check_perllocalpod"
-def package_qa_check_perllocalpod(pkg, d, messages):
+def package_qa_check_perllocalpod(pkg, d):
     Check that the recipe didn't ship a perlocal.pod file, which shouldn't be
     installed in a distribution package.  cpan.bbclass sets NO_PERLLOCAL=1 to
@@ -1013,54 +969,47 @@  def package_qa_check_perllocalpod(pkg, d, messages):
     if matches:
         matches = [package_qa_clean_path(path, d, pkg) for path in matches]
         msg = "%s contains perllocal.pod (%s), should not be installed" % (pkg, " ".join(matches))
-        oe.qa.add_message(messages, "perllocalpod", msg)
+        oe.qa.handle_error("perllocalpod", msg, d)
 QAPKGTEST[expanded-d] = "package_qa_check_expanded_d"
-def package_qa_check_expanded_d(package, d, messages):
+def package_qa_check_expanded_d(package, d):
     Check for the expanded D (${D}) value in pkg_* and FILES
     variables, warn the user to use it correctly.
-    sane = True
     expanded_d = d.getVar('D')
     for var in 'FILES','pkg_preinst', 'pkg_postinst', 'pkg_prerm', 'pkg_postrm':
         bbvar = d.getVar(var + ":" + package) or ""
         if expanded_d in bbvar:
             if var == 'FILES':
-                oe.qa.add_message(messages, "expanded-d", "FILES in %s recipe should not contain the ${D} variable as it references the local build directory not the target filesystem, best solution is to remove the ${D} reference" % package)
-                sane = False
+                oe.qa.handle_error("expanded-d", "FILES in %s recipe should not contain the ${D} variable as it references the local build directory not the target filesystem, best solution is to remove the ${D} reference" % package, d)
-                oe.qa.add_message(messages, "expanded-d", "%s in %s recipe contains ${D}, it should be replaced by $D instead" % (var, package))
-                sane = False
-    return sane
+                oe.qa.handle_error("expanded-d", "%s in %s recipe contains ${D}, it should be replaced by $D instead" % (var, package), d)
 QAPKGTEST[unlisted-pkg-lics] = "package_qa_check_unlisted_pkg_lics"
-def package_qa_check_unlisted_pkg_lics(package, d, messages):
+def package_qa_check_unlisted_pkg_lics(package, d):
     Check that all licenses for a package are among the licenses for the recipe.
     pkg_lics = d.getVar('LICENSE:' + package)
     if not pkg_lics:
-        return True
+        return
     recipe_lics_set = oe.license.list_licenses(d.getVar('LICENSE'))
     package_lics = oe.license.list_licenses(pkg_lics)
     unlisted = package_lics - recipe_lics_set
     if unlisted:
-        oe.qa.add_message(messages, "unlisted-pkg-lics",
+        oe.qa.handle_error("unlisted-pkg-lics",
                                "LICENSE:%s includes licenses (%s) that are not "
-                               "listed in LICENSE" % (package, ' '.join(unlisted)))
-        return False
+                               "listed in LICENSE" % (package, ' '.join(unlisted)), d)
     obsolete = set(oe.license.obsolete_license_list()) & package_lics - recipe_lics_set
     if obsolete:
-        oe.qa.add_message(messages, "obsolete-license",
-                               "LICENSE:%s includes obsolete licenses %s" % (package, ' '.join(obsolete)))
-        return False
-    return True
+        oe.qa.handle_error(messages, "obsolete-license",
+                               "LICENSE:%s includes obsolete licenses %s" % (package, ' '.join(obsolete)), d)
 QAPKGTEST[empty-dirs] = "package_qa_check_empty_dirs"
-def package_qa_check_empty_dirs(pkg, d, messages):
+def package_qa_check_empty_dirs(pkg, d):
     Check for the existence of files in directories that are expected to be
@@ -1073,7 +1022,7 @@  def package_qa_check_empty_dirs(pkg, d, messages):
             recommendation = (d.getVar('QA_EMPTY_DIRS_RECOMMENDATION:' + dir) or
                               "but it is expected to be empty")
             msg = "%s installs files in %s, %s" % (pkg, dir, recommendation)
-            oe.qa.add_message(messages, "empty-dirs", msg)
+            oe.qa.handle_error("empty-dirs", msg, d)
 def package_qa_check_encoding(keys, encode, d):
     def check_encoding(key, enc):
@@ -1097,7 +1046,7 @@  HOST_USER_UID := "${@os.getuid()}"
 HOST_USER_GID := "${@os.getgid()}"
 QAPATHTEST[host-user-contaminated] = "package_qa_check_host_user"
-def package_qa_check_host_user(path, name, d, elf, messages):
+def package_qa_check_host_user(path, name, d, elf):
     """Check for paths outside of /home which are owned by the user running bitbake."""
     if not os.path.lexists(path):
@@ -1118,17 +1067,14 @@  def package_qa_check_host_user(path, name, d, elf, messages):
         check_uid = int(d.getVar('HOST_USER_UID'))
         if stat.st_uid == check_uid:
-            oe.qa.add_message(messages, "host-user-contaminated", "%s: %s is owned by uid %d, which is the same as the user running bitbake. This may be due to host contamination" % (pn, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name), check_uid))
-            return False
+            oe.qa.handle_error("host-user-contaminated", "%s: %s is owned by uid %d, which is the same as the user running bitbake. This may be due to host contamination" % (pn, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name), check_uid), d)
         check_gid = int(d.getVar('HOST_USER_GID'))
         if stat.st_gid == check_gid:
-            oe.qa.add_message(messages, "host-user-contaminated", "%s: %s is owned by gid %d, which is the same as the user running bitbake. This may be due to host contamination" % (pn, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name), check_gid))
-            return False
-    return True
+            oe.qa.handle_error("host-user-contaminated", "%s: %s is owned by gid %d, which is the same as the user running bitbake. This may be due to host contamination" % (pn, package_qa_clean_path(path, d, name), check_gid), d)
 QARECIPETEST[unhandled-features-check] = "package_qa_check_unhandled_features_check"
-def package_qa_check_unhandled_features_check(pn, d, messages):
+def package_qa_check_unhandled_features_check(pn, d):
     if not bb.data.inherits_class('features_check', d):
         var_set = False
         for kind in ['DISTRO', 'MACHINE', 'COMBINED']:
@@ -1139,7 +1085,7 @@  def package_qa_check_unhandled_features_check(pn, d, messages):
             oe.qa.handle_error("unhandled-features-check", "%s: recipe doesn't inherit features_check" % pn, d)
 QARECIPETEST[missing-update-alternatives] = "package_qa_check_missing_update_alternatives"
-def package_qa_check_missing_update_alternatives(pn, d, messages):
+def package_qa_check_missing_update_alternatives(pn, d):
     # Look at all packages and find out if any of those sets ALTERNATIVE variable
     # without inheriting update-alternatives class
     for pkg in (d.getVar('PACKAGES') or '').split():
@@ -1235,7 +1181,10 @@  python do_package_qa () {
         package_qa_walk(warn_checks, error_checks, package, d)
         warn_checks, error_checks = parse_test_matrix("QAPKGTEST")
-        package_qa_package(warn_checks, error_checks, package, d)
+        for func in warn_checks:
+            func(package, d)
+        for func in error_checks:
+            func(package, d)
         package_qa_check_rdepends(package, pkgdest, skip, taskdeps, packages, d)
         package_qa_check_deps(package, pkgdest, d)
diff --git a/meta/lib/oe/qa.py b/meta/lib/oe/qa.py
index 2c558673701..d8834d4d13a 100644
--- a/meta/lib/oe/qa.py
+++ b/meta/lib/oe/qa.py
@@ -210,12 +210,6 @@  else:
-def add_message(messages, section, new_msg):
-    if section not in messages:
-        messages[section] = new_msg
-    else:
-        messages[section] = messages[section] + "\n" + new_msg
 def exit_with_message_if_errors(message, d):
     qa_fatal_errors = bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar("QA_ERRORS_FOUND"), False)
     if qa_fatal_errors: