From patchwork Mon Apr 25 07:59:50 2022 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Vasyl Vavrychuk X-Patchwork-Id: 7094 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from (localhost.localdomain []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 86384C54F3E for ; Mon, 25 Apr 2022 19:26:13 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by with SMTP id smtpd.web09.26991.1650873647995482624 for ; Mon, 25 Apr 2022 01:00:48 -0700 Authentication-Results:; dkim=fail reason="body hash did not verify" header.s=tm-dkim-20210503141657 header.b=wpMvAbLN; spf=pass (domain:, ip:, mailfrom: Received: from (unknown []) by (Postfix) with SMTP id 707D9100022E1 for ; Mon, 25 Apr 2022 08:00:46 +0000 (UTC) X-TM-MAIL-RECEIVED-TIME: 1650873626.373000 X-TM-MAIL-UUID: f3f5cc31-7339-428e-b8d6-c136d418ab96 Received: from (unknown []) by (Trend Micro Email Security) with ESMTPS id 5B5F510003741 for ; Mon, 25 Apr 2022 08:00:26 +0000 (UTC) ARC-Seal: i=1; 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1; spf=temperror (sender ip is; dmarc=temperror action=none; dkim=none (message not signed); arc=none X-MS-Exchange-Authentication-Results: spf=temperror (sender IP is; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=temperror action=none; Received-SPF: TempError ( error in processing during lookup of DNS Timeout) From: Vasyl Vavrychuk To: Cc: Vasyl Vavrychuk Subject: [psplash][RFC PATCH 10/14] Import drm-howto modeset.c as psplash-drm.c Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2022 10:59:50 +0300 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.30.2 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-EOPAttributedMessage: 0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: a810c750-14c4-432c-3515-08da2691a5d2 X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: AM7PR04MB7144:EE_ X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:;CTRY:DE;LANG:en;SCL:1;SRV:;IPV:NLI;SFV:NSPM;;;CAT:NONE;SFS:(13230001)(346002)(136003)(396003)(376002)(39830400003)(36840700001)(46966006)(508600001)(86362001)(2616005)(8676002)(26005)(4326008)(966005)(316002)(42186006)(40480700001)(6916009)(70206006)(81166007)(70586007)(82310400005)(47076005)(19273905006)(336012)(30864003)(5660300002)(8936002)(63370400001)(63350400001)(36756003)(83380400001)(107886003)(1076003)(186003)(2906002)(44832011)(36860700001)(563064011);DIR:OUT;SFP:1102; X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 25 Apr 2022 08:00:21.9695 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: a810c750-14c4-432c-3515-08da2691a5d2 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 800fae25-9b1b-4edc-993d-c939c4e84a64 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalAttributedTenantConnectingIp: TenantId=800fae25-9b1b-4edc-993d-c939c4e84a64;Ip=[];Helo=[] X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Anonymous X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: HybridOnPrem X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: AM7PR04MB7144 X-TM-AS-ERS: X-TMASE-Version: StarCloud-1.3-8.8.1001-26854.006 X-TMASE-Result: 10--25.997900-4.000000 X-TMASE-MatchedRID: IgNyDWy1nLJhaj10i6TXQMYv//yaWh0DP8UQejhp29q8j0eQ+IUAHQSD CUdk18Wif146W0iUu2tMCgkc3/BmTUwYXRRr2ymn2Sa33ZGXWdaBiLDUCsch28fASe7knCtthjs M6fjcAyn1YRrloPf+Jo3gkRYeMdM+O4lAcKQRwo3wlvzzUUaf2aIazKtJxIUHRLQWlsj7XhPHee xQAHDXfEZrarpjLj2L7ySOi2zbTPwK011Ivs0zFBqkhv3OdF4DSLyuC617NWmcpGufbGiAqCdBl ANff8yfkD7dBt4dE2nbhCyicp/JyBkdCXR28QKxcCpWIzs12NWn9jE2Rk+acqkUwB3MABAny7d+ 7uYYRNm+zvmBxjl7LpifsYTYhe3oVZsjdPpr5NiYh7QjWI3JDPUORLBtNVve33Nl3elSfso6WzX m6eJNYNg76o9q9XdftqD63GOAwvtVlMCAFPVZHi0x8J2DopENgesVjcAB/Vvl90JVB3jyCuPhs1 7991vR3yKJ3jqLmA9YQP62QpRT7Iu21C7tun2gxrDvUMltogTnpmIrKZRxTrEoPl3jAkZdNE6mR LCupPicvGVeHmdfY5g8Up3LLwc2VPVUF2N3LyNv+ggm5QAi4ReK/B+WKxKsS3LxyJ8YfRQHjCTI F43I/czZXLR+atz9IBNGx6D5dgIOiGVwjkjOUIdlc1JaOB1TCCo+lsDuynXW2YYHslT0I1XKp+s scaSS1eKt+ktDRM90oU8EHuLaxh2FWI13Ey90kYD8wAZKsSDjLrHqvAiSy5F2kRRKjUQ9en4hsi SLu62smEouX0eLAkXHf81qWGNmzK+5MIDvDOV+yskgwrfsCyH5xd1Wn9PCmyiLZetSf8lRN1j+Z 19Ne0kpbiYOUmwx33fj+sMArfMaMUyeC0staEkVAPr0TXS8 X-TMASE-XGENCLOUD: 5a135cd8-d730-4972-b9ba-d86a34aab610-0-0-200-0 X-TM-Deliver-Signature: 5F80333085747B7FB573FCA63FD99CE6 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=simple/simple;; s=TM-DKIM-20210503141657; t=1650873646; bh=9DRlDJ+eByMajORjoIDK2K/A22pTID7xPiFm+0ddhfs=; l=26714; h=From:To:Date; b=wpMvAbLNuM+aVhlFE3GFpmW6RD9Zp3Y47yKxmANMMVUYep0VynqDg6pE3FyD6sHtx 8L6jmP90WmQ6mgVmsDXc8lHhTZtbMfXFdI5lxRORyPBCigGIX7DdHl02ThxYfxiEhI 32qA9WfQtSY11wiR0MLW2v9paPLs66IFFGy7CZJF7g11KVVaKijSjW/D0Y4OyM2mBR CA0+wRD8w8meTsxgaKsC3WyfTCTIhCvF/Yw1ojVtmhsFyXDcK6tdypGP1PcIQL0MUq 5H4LpyiTL8BRrVM287q+X5Lt6WeUHt7gHxhfgVZOYN1SLfPi3Zv/TYYL8Tm4GJtifM dBBgCQ1K3ffDg== List-Id: X-Webhook-Received: from [] by with HTTPS for ; Mon, 25 Apr 2022 19:26:13 -0000 X-Groupsio-URL: Imported as is from repo: branch: master commit: fc5c63f path: drm-howto/modeset.c Signed-off-by: Vasyl Vavrychuk --- psplash-drm.c | 735 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 735 insertions(+) create mode 100644 psplash-drm.c diff --git a/psplash-drm.c b/psplash-drm.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9a9f5c --- /dev/null +++ b/psplash-drm.c @@ -0,0 +1,735 @@ +/* + * modeset - DRM Modesetting Example + * + * Written 2012 by David Rheinsberg + * Dedicated to the Public Domain. + */ + +/* + * DRM Modesetting Howto + * This document describes the DRM modesetting API. Before we can use the DRM + * API, we have to include xf86drm.h and xf86drmMode.h. Both are provided by + * libdrm which every major distribution ships by default. It has no other + * dependencies and is pretty small. + * + * Please ignore all forward-declarations of functions which are used later. I + * reordered the functions so you can read this document from top to bottom. If + * you reimplement it, you would probably reorder the functions to avoid all the + * nasty forward declarations. + * + * For easier reading, we ignore all memory-allocation errors of malloc() and + * friends here. However, we try to correctly handle all other kinds of errors + * that may occur. + * + * All functions and global variables are prefixed with "modeset_*" in this + * file. So it should be clear whether a function is a local helper or if it is + * provided by some external library. + */ + +#define _GNU_SOURCE +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +struct modeset_dev; +static int modeset_find_crtc(int fd, drmModeRes *res, drmModeConnector *conn, + struct modeset_dev *dev); +static int modeset_create_fb(int fd, struct modeset_dev *dev); +static int modeset_setup_dev(int fd, drmModeRes *res, drmModeConnector *conn, + struct modeset_dev *dev); +static int modeset_open(int *out, const char *node); +static int modeset_prepare(int fd); +static void modeset_draw(void); +static void modeset_cleanup(int fd); + +/* + * When the linux kernel detects a graphics-card on your machine, it loads the + * correct device driver (located in kernel-tree at ./drivers/gpu/drm/) and + * provides two character-devices to control it. Udev (or whatever hotplugging + * application you use) will create them as: + * /dev/dri/card0 + * /dev/dri/controlID64 + * We only need the first one. You can hard-code this path into your application + * like we do here, but it is recommended to use libudev with real hotplugging + * and multi-seat support. However, this is beyond the scope of this document. + * Also note that if you have multiple graphics-cards, there may also be + * /dev/dri/card1, /dev/dri/card2, ... + * + * We simply use /dev/dri/card0 here but the user can specify another path on + * the command line. + * + * modeset_open(out, node): This small helper function opens the DRM device + * which is given as @node. The new fd is stored in @out on success. On failure, + * a negative error code is returned. + * After opening the file, we also check for the DRM_CAP_DUMB_BUFFER capability. + * If the driver supports this capability, we can create simple memory-mapped + * buffers without any driver-dependent code. As we want to avoid any radeon, + * nvidia, intel, etc. specific code, we depend on DUMB_BUFFERs here. + */ + +static int modeset_open(int *out, const char *node) +{ + int fd, ret; + uint64_t has_dumb; + + fd = open(node, O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC); + if (fd < 0) { + ret = -errno; + fprintf(stderr, "cannot open '%s': %m\n", node); + return ret; + } + + if (drmGetCap(fd, DRM_CAP_DUMB_BUFFER, &has_dumb) < 0 || + !has_dumb) { + fprintf(stderr, "drm device '%s' does not support dumb buffers\n", + node); + close(fd); + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + } + + *out = fd; + return 0; +} + +/* + * As a next step we need to find our available display devices. libdrm provides + * a drmModeRes structure that contains all the needed information. We can + * retrieve it via drmModeGetResources(fd) and free it via + * drmModeFreeResources(res) again. + * + * A physical connector on your graphics card is called a "connector". You can + * plug a monitor into it and control what is displayed. We are definitely + * interested in what connectors are currently used, so we simply iterate + * through the list of connectors and try to display a test-picture on each + * available monitor. + * However, this isn't as easy as it sounds. First, we need to check whether the + * connector is actually used (a monitor is plugged in and turned on). Then we + * need to find a CRTC that can control this connector. CRTCs are described + * later on. After that we create a framebuffer object. If we have all this, we + * can mmap() the framebuffer and draw a test-picture into it. Then we can tell + * the DRM device to show the framebuffer on the given CRTC with the selected + * connector. + * + * As we want to draw moving pictures on the framebuffer, we actually have to + * remember all these settings. Therefore, we create one "struct modeset_dev" + * object for each connector+crtc+framebuffer pair that we successfully + * initialized and push it into the global device-list. + * + * Each field of this structure is described when it is first used. But as a + * summary: + * "struct modeset_dev" contains: { + * - @next: points to the next device in the single-linked list + * + * - @width: width of our buffer object + * - @height: height of our buffer object + * - @stride: stride value of our buffer object + * - @size: size of the memory mapped buffer + * - @handle: a DRM handle to the buffer object that we can draw into + * - @map: pointer to the memory mapped buffer + * + * - @mode: the display mode that we want to use + * - @fb: a framebuffer handle with our buffer object as scanout buffer + * - @conn: the connector ID that we want to use with this buffer + * - @crtc: the crtc ID that we want to use with this connector + * - @saved_crtc: the configuration of the crtc before we changed it. We use it + * so we can restore the same mode when we exit. + * } + */ + +struct modeset_dev { + struct modeset_dev *next; + + uint32_t width; + uint32_t height; + uint32_t stride; + uint32_t size; + uint32_t handle; + uint8_t *map; + + drmModeModeInfo mode; + uint32_t fb; + uint32_t conn; + uint32_t crtc; + drmModeCrtc *saved_crtc; +}; + +static struct modeset_dev *modeset_list = NULL; + +/* + * So as next step we need to actually prepare all connectors that we find. We + * do this in this little helper function: + * + * modeset_prepare(fd): This helper function takes the DRM fd as argument and + * then simply retrieves the resource-info from the device. It then iterates + * through all connectors and calls other helper functions to initialize this + * connector (described later on). + * If the initialization was successful, we simply add this object as new device + * into the global modeset device list. + * + * The resource-structure contains a list of all connector-IDs. We use the + * helper function drmModeGetConnector() to retrieve more information on each + * connector. After we are done with it, we free it again with + * drmModeFreeConnector(). + * Our helper modeset_setup_dev() returns -ENOENT if the connector is currently + * unused and no monitor is plugged in. So we can ignore this connector. + */ + +static int modeset_prepare(int fd) +{ + drmModeRes *res; + drmModeConnector *conn; + unsigned int i; + struct modeset_dev *dev; + int ret; + + /* retrieve resources */ + res = drmModeGetResources(fd); + if (!res) { + fprintf(stderr, "cannot retrieve DRM resources (%d): %m\n", + errno); + return -errno; + } + + /* iterate all connectors */ + for (i = 0; i < res->count_connectors; ++i) { + /* get information for each connector */ + conn = drmModeGetConnector(fd, res->connectors[i]); + if (!conn) { + fprintf(stderr, "cannot retrieve DRM connector %u:%u (%d): %m\n", + i, res->connectors[i], errno); + continue; + } + + /* create a device structure */ + dev = malloc(sizeof(*dev)); + memset(dev, 0, sizeof(*dev)); + dev->conn = conn->connector_id; + + /* call helper function to prepare this connector */ + ret = modeset_setup_dev(fd, res, conn, dev); + if (ret) { + if (ret != -ENOENT) { + errno = -ret; + fprintf(stderr, "cannot setup device for connector %u:%u (%d): %m\n", + i, res->connectors[i], errno); + } + free(dev); + drmModeFreeConnector(conn); + continue; + } + + /* free connector data and link device into global list */ + drmModeFreeConnector(conn); + dev->next = modeset_list; + modeset_list = dev; + } + + /* free resources again */ + drmModeFreeResources(res); + return 0; +} + +/* + * Now we dig deeper into setting up a single connector. As described earlier, + * we need to check several things first: + * * If the connector is currently unused, that is, no monitor is plugged in, + * then we can ignore it. + * * We have to find a suitable resolution and refresh-rate. All this is + * available in drmModeModeInfo structures saved for each crtc. We simply + * use the first mode that is available. This is always the mode with the + * highest resolution. + * A more sophisticated mode-selection should be done in real applications, + * though. + * * Then we need to find an CRTC that can drive this connector. A CRTC is an + * internal resource of each graphics-card. The number of CRTCs controls how + * many connectors can be controlled indepedently. That is, a graphics-cards + * may have more connectors than CRTCs, which means, not all monitors can be + * controlled independently. + * There is actually the possibility to control multiple connectors via a + * single CRTC if the monitors should display the same content. However, we + * do not make use of this here. + * So think of connectors as pipelines to the connected monitors and the + * CRTCs are the controllers that manage which data goes to which pipeline. + * If there are more pipelines than CRTCs, then we cannot control all of + * them at the same time. + * * We need to create a framebuffer for this connector. A framebuffer is a + * memory buffer that we can write XRGB32 data into. So we use this to + * render our graphics and then the CRTC can scan-out this data from the + * framebuffer onto the monitor. + */ + +static int modeset_setup_dev(int fd, drmModeRes *res, drmModeConnector *conn, + struct modeset_dev *dev) +{ + int ret; + + /* check if a monitor is connected */ + if (conn->connection != DRM_MODE_CONNECTED) { + fprintf(stderr, "ignoring unused connector %u\n", + conn->connector_id); + return -ENOENT; + } + + /* check if there is at least one valid mode */ + if (conn->count_modes == 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "no valid mode for connector %u\n", + conn->connector_id); + return -EFAULT; + } + + /* copy the mode information into our device structure */ + memcpy(&dev->mode, &conn->modes[0], sizeof(dev->mode)); + dev->width = conn->modes[0].hdisplay; + dev->height = conn->modes[0].vdisplay; + fprintf(stderr, "mode for connector %u is %ux%u\n", + conn->connector_id, dev->width, dev->height); + + /* find a crtc for this connector */ + ret = modeset_find_crtc(fd, res, conn, dev); + if (ret) { + fprintf(stderr, "no valid crtc for connector %u\n", + conn->connector_id); + return ret; + } + + /* create a framebuffer for this CRTC */ + ret = modeset_create_fb(fd, dev); + if (ret) { + fprintf(stderr, "cannot create framebuffer for connector %u\n", + conn->connector_id); + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} + +/* + * modeset_find_crtc(fd, res, conn, dev): This small helper tries to find a + * suitable CRTC for the given connector. We have actually have to introduce one + * more DRM object to make this more clear: Encoders. + * Encoders help the CRTC to convert data from a framebuffer into the right + * format that can be used for the chosen connector. We do not have to + * understand any more of these conversions to make use of it. However, you must + * know that each connector has a limited list of encoders that it can use. And + * each encoder can only work with a limited list of CRTCs. So what we do is + * trying each encoder that is available and looking for a CRTC that this + * encoder can work with. If we find the first working combination, we are happy + * and write it into the @dev structure. + * But before iterating all available encoders, we first try the currently + * active encoder+crtc on a connector to avoid a full modeset. + * + * However, before we can use a CRTC we must make sure that no other device, + * that we setup previously, is already using this CRTC. Remember, we can only + * drive one connector per CRTC! So we simply iterate through the "modeset_list" + * of previously setup devices and check that this CRTC wasn't used before. + * Otherwise, we continue with the next CRTC/Encoder combination. + */ + +static int modeset_find_crtc(int fd, drmModeRes *res, drmModeConnector *conn, + struct modeset_dev *dev) +{ + drmModeEncoder *enc; + unsigned int i, j; + int32_t crtc; + struct modeset_dev *iter; + + /* first try the currently conected encoder+crtc */ + if (conn->encoder_id) + enc = drmModeGetEncoder(fd, conn->encoder_id); + else + enc = NULL; + + if (enc) { + if (enc->crtc_id) { + crtc = enc->crtc_id; + for (iter = modeset_list; iter; iter = iter->next) { + if (iter->crtc == crtc) { + crtc = -1; + break; + } + } + + if (crtc >= 0) { + drmModeFreeEncoder(enc); + dev->crtc = crtc; + return 0; + } + } + + drmModeFreeEncoder(enc); + } + + /* If the connector is not currently bound to an encoder or if the + * encoder+crtc is already used by another connector (actually unlikely + * but lets be safe), iterate all other available encoders to find a + * matching CRTC. */ + for (i = 0; i < conn->count_encoders; ++i) { + enc = drmModeGetEncoder(fd, conn->encoders[i]); + if (!enc) { + fprintf(stderr, "cannot retrieve encoder %u:%u (%d): %m\n", + i, conn->encoders[i], errno); + continue; + } + + /* iterate all global CRTCs */ + for (j = 0; j < res->count_crtcs; ++j) { + /* check whether this CRTC works with the encoder */ + if (!(enc->possible_crtcs & (1 << j))) + continue; + + /* check that no other device already uses this CRTC */ + crtc = res->crtcs[j]; + for (iter = modeset_list; iter; iter = iter->next) { + if (iter->crtc == crtc) { + crtc = -1; + break; + } + } + + /* we have found a CRTC, so save it and return */ + if (crtc >= 0) { + drmModeFreeEncoder(enc); + dev->crtc = crtc; + return 0; + } + } + + drmModeFreeEncoder(enc); + } + + fprintf(stderr, "cannot find suitable CRTC for connector %u\n", + conn->connector_id); + return -ENOENT; +} + +/* + * modeset_create_fb(fd, dev): After we have found a crtc+connector+mode + * combination, we need to actually create a suitable framebuffer that we can + * use with it. There are actually two ways to do that: + * * We can create a so called "dumb buffer". This is a buffer that we can + * memory-map via mmap() and every driver supports this. We can use it for + * unaccelerated software rendering on the CPU. + * * We can use libgbm to create buffers available for hardware-acceleration. + * libgbm is an abstraction layer that creates these buffers for each + * available DRM driver. As there is no generic API for this, each driver + * provides its own way to create these buffers. + * We can then use such buffers to create OpenGL contexts with the mesa3D + * library. + * We use the first solution here as it is much simpler and doesn't require any + * external libraries. However, if you want to use hardware-acceleration via + * OpenGL, it is actually pretty easy to create such buffers with libgbm and + * libEGL. But this is beyond the scope of this document. + * + * So what we do is requesting a new dumb-buffer from the driver. We specify the + * same size as the current mode that we selected for the connector. + * Then we request the driver to prepare this buffer for memory mapping. After + * that we perform the actual mmap() call. So we can now access the framebuffer + * memory directly via the dev->map memory map. + */ + +static int modeset_create_fb(int fd, struct modeset_dev *dev) +{ + struct drm_mode_create_dumb creq; + struct drm_mode_destroy_dumb dreq; + struct drm_mode_map_dumb mreq; + int ret; + + /* create dumb buffer */ + memset(&creq, 0, sizeof(creq)); + creq.width = dev->width; + creq.height = dev->height; + creq.bpp = 32; + ret = drmIoctl(fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_CREATE_DUMB, &creq); + if (ret < 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "cannot create dumb buffer (%d): %m\n", + errno); + return -errno; + } + dev->stride = creq.pitch; + dev->size = creq.size; + dev->handle = creq.handle; + + /* create framebuffer object for the dumb-buffer */ + ret = drmModeAddFB(fd, dev->width, dev->height, 24, 32, dev->stride, + dev->handle, &dev->fb); + if (ret) { + fprintf(stderr, "cannot create framebuffer (%d): %m\n", + errno); + ret = -errno; + goto err_destroy; + } + + /* prepare buffer for memory mapping */ + memset(&mreq, 0, sizeof(mreq)); + mreq.handle = dev->handle; + ret = drmIoctl(fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_MAP_DUMB, &mreq); + if (ret) { + fprintf(stderr, "cannot map dumb buffer (%d): %m\n", + errno); + ret = -errno; + goto err_fb; + } + + /* perform actual memory mapping */ + dev->map = mmap(0, dev->size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, + fd, mreq.offset); + if (dev->map == MAP_FAILED) { + fprintf(stderr, "cannot mmap dumb buffer (%d): %m\n", + errno); + ret = -errno; + goto err_fb; + } + + /* clear the framebuffer to 0 */ + memset(dev->map, 0, dev->size); + + return 0; + +err_fb: + drmModeRmFB(fd, dev->fb); +err_destroy: + memset(&dreq, 0, sizeof(dreq)); + dreq.handle = dev->handle; + drmIoctl(fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_DESTROY_DUMB, &dreq); + return ret; +} + +/* + * Finally! We have a connector with a suitable CRTC. We know which mode we want + * to use and we have a framebuffer of the correct size that we can write to. + * There is nothing special left to do. We only have to program the CRTC to + * connect each new framebuffer to each selected connector for each combination + * that we saved in the global modeset_list. + * This is done with a call to drmModeSetCrtc(). + * + * So we are ready for our main() function. First we check whether the user + * specified a DRM device on the command line, otherwise we use the default + * /dev/dri/card0. Then we open the device via modeset_open(). modeset_prepare() + * prepares all connectors and we can loop over "modeset_list" and call + * drmModeSetCrtc() on every CRTC/connector combination. + * + * But printing empty black pages is boring so we have another helper function + * modeset_draw() that draws some colors into the framebuffer for 5 seconds and + * then returns. And then we have all the cleanup functions which correctly free + * all devices again after we used them. All these functions are described below + * the main() function. + * + * As a side note: drmModeSetCrtc() actually takes a list of connectors that we + * want to control with this CRTC. We pass only one connector, though. As + * explained earlier, if we used multiple connectors, then all connectors would + * have the same controlling framebuffer so the output would be cloned. This is + * most often not what you want so we avoid explaining this feature here. + * Furthermore, all connectors will have to run with the same mode, which is + * also often not guaranteed. So instead, we only use one connector per CRTC. + * + * Before calling drmModeSetCrtc() we also save the current CRTC configuration. + * This is used in modeset_cleanup() to restore the CRTC to the same mode as was + * before we changed it. + * If we don't do this, the screen will stay blank after we exit until another + * application performs modesetting itself. + */ + +int main(int argc, char **argv) +{ + int ret, fd; + const char *card; + struct modeset_dev *iter; + + /* check which DRM device to open */ + if (argc > 1) + card = argv[1]; + else + card = "/dev/dri/card0"; + + fprintf(stderr, "using card '%s'\n", card); + + /* open the DRM device */ + ret = modeset_open(&fd, card); + if (ret) + goto out_return; + + /* prepare all connectors and CRTCs */ + ret = modeset_prepare(fd); + if (ret) + goto out_close; + + /* perform actual modesetting on each found connector+CRTC */ + for (iter = modeset_list; iter; iter = iter->next) { + iter->saved_crtc = drmModeGetCrtc(fd, iter->crtc); + ret = drmModeSetCrtc(fd, iter->crtc, iter->fb, 0, 0, + &iter->conn, 1, &iter->mode); + if (ret) + fprintf(stderr, "cannot set CRTC for connector %u (%d): %m\n", + iter->conn, errno); + } + + /* draw some colors for 5seconds */ + modeset_draw(); + + /* cleanup everything */ + modeset_cleanup(fd); + + ret = 0; + +out_close: + close(fd); +out_return: + if (ret) { + errno = -ret; + fprintf(stderr, "modeset failed with error %d: %m\n", errno); + } else { + fprintf(stderr, "exiting\n"); + } + return ret; +} + +/* + * A short helper function to compute a changing color value. No need to + * understand it. + */ + +static uint8_t next_color(bool *up, uint8_t cur, unsigned int mod) +{ + uint8_t next; + + next = cur + (*up ? 1 : -1) * (rand() % mod); + if ((*up && next < cur) || (!*up && next > cur)) { + *up = !*up; + next = cur; + } + + return next; +} + +/* + * modeset_draw(): This draws a solid color into all configured framebuffers. + * Every 100ms the color changes to a slightly different color so we get some + * kind of smoothly changing color-gradient. + * + * The color calculation can be ignored as it is pretty boring. So the + * interesting stuff is iterating over "modeset_list" and then through all lines + * and width. We then set each pixel individually to the current color. + * + * We do this 50 times as we sleep 100ms after each redraw round. This makes + * 50*100ms = 5000ms = 5s so it takes about 5seconds to finish this loop. + * + * Please note that we draw directly into the framebuffer. This means that you + * will see flickering as the monitor might refresh while we redraw the screen. + * To avoid this you would need to use two framebuffers and a call to + * drmModeSetCrtc() to switch between both buffers. + * You can also use drmModePageFlip() to do a vsync'ed pageflip. But this is + * beyond the scope of this document. + */ + +static void modeset_draw(void) +{ + uint8_t r, g, b; + bool r_up, g_up, b_up; + unsigned int i, j, k, off; + struct modeset_dev *iter; + + srand(time(NULL)); + r = rand() % 0xff; + g = rand() % 0xff; + b = rand() % 0xff; + r_up = g_up = b_up = true; + + for (i = 0; i < 50; ++i) { + r = next_color(&r_up, r, 20); + g = next_color(&g_up, g, 10); + b = next_color(&b_up, b, 5); + + for (iter = modeset_list; iter; iter = iter->next) { + for (j = 0; j < iter->height; ++j) { + for (k = 0; k < iter->width; ++k) { + off = iter->stride * j + k * 4; + *(uint32_t*)&iter->map[off] = + (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; + } + } + } + + usleep(100000); + } +} + +/* + * modeset_cleanup(fd): This cleans up all the devices we created during + * modeset_prepare(). It resets the CRTCs to their saved states and deallocates + * all memory. + * It should be pretty obvious how all of this works. + */ + +static void modeset_cleanup(int fd) +{ + struct modeset_dev *iter; + struct drm_mode_destroy_dumb dreq; + + while (modeset_list) { + /* remove from global list */ + iter = modeset_list; + modeset_list = iter->next; + + /* restore saved CRTC configuration */ + drmModeSetCrtc(fd, + iter->saved_crtc->crtc_id, + iter->saved_crtc->buffer_id, + iter->saved_crtc->x, + iter->saved_crtc->y, + &iter->conn, + 1, + &iter->saved_crtc->mode); + drmModeFreeCrtc(iter->saved_crtc); + + /* unmap buffer */ + munmap(iter->map, iter->size); + + /* delete framebuffer */ + drmModeRmFB(fd, iter->fb); + + /* delete dumb buffer */ + memset(&dreq, 0, sizeof(dreq)); + dreq.handle = iter->handle; + drmIoctl(fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_DESTROY_DUMB, &dreq); + + /* free allocated memory */ + free(iter); + } +} + +/* + * I hope this was a short but easy overview of the DRM modesetting API. The DRM + * API offers much more capabilities including: + * - double-buffering or tripple-buffering (or whatever you want) + * - vsync'ed page-flips + * - hardware-accelerated rendering (for example via OpenGL) + * - output cloning + * - graphics-clients plus authentication + * - DRM planes/overlays/sprites + * - ... + * If you are interested in these topics, I can currently only redirect you to + * existing implementations, including: + * - plymouth (which uses dumb-buffers like this example; very easy to understand) + * - kmscon (which uses libuterm to do this) + * - wayland (very sophisticated DRM renderer; hard to understand fully as it + * uses more complicated techniques like DRM planes) + * - xserver (very hard to understand as it is split across many files/projects) + * + * But understanding how modesetting (as described in this document) works, is + * essential to understand all further DRM topics. + * + * Any feedback is welcome. Feel free to use this code freely for your own + * documentation or projects. + * + * - Hosted on + * - Written by David Rheinsberg + */