Show patches with: Archived = No       |   2123 patches
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Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[meta-java] openjdk-8: improve patch for different architecure [meta-java] openjdk-8: improve patch for different architecure - - - --- 2024-05-27 Andrej Kozemcak mototimo Under Review
[layerindex-web,1/2] rrs: fix bitbakepath variable [layerindex-web,1/2] rrs: fix bitbakepath variable - - - --- 2024-09-07 Yi Zhao mototimo Under Review
[layerindex-web,2/2] fix email sending error [layerindex-web,1/2] rrs: fix bitbakepath variable - - - --- 2024-09-07 Yi Zhao mototimo Under Review
[layerindex-web] requirements.txt: bump django-reversion, kombu,... [layerindex-web] requirements.txt: bump django-reversion, kombu,... - - - --- 2024-09-07 Tim Orling mototimo Under Review
[meta-security] Upgrade parsec-tool to 0.5.1 [meta-security] Upgrade parsec-tool to 0.5.1 - - - --- 2022-02-23 Anton Antonov akuster Under Review
[meta-security-isafw] meta-security-isafw: Fixes to work with oe-core master [meta-security-isafw] meta-security-isafw: Fixes to work with oe-core master - - - --- 2022-03-03 Akshay Bhat akuster Under Review
[meta-security] Subject: [PATCH] Subject: python3-fail2ban: switch to legacy setuptools3 [meta-security] Subject: [PATCH] Subject: python3-fail2ban: switch to legacy setuptools3 - - - --- 2022-03-10 Ashish Sharma akuster Under Review
[meta-security,dunfell] tpm2-tools: backport fix for CVE-2021-3565 [meta-security,dunfell] tpm2-tools: backport fix for CVE-2021-3565 - - - --- 2022-03-14 Ralph Siemsen akuster Superseded
[meta-parsec,1/3] meta-parsec: Add pkg grps [meta-parsec,1/3] meta-parsec: Add pkg grps - - - --- 2022-05-21 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-parsec,2/3] meta-parsec: add build image. [meta-parsec,1/3] meta-parsec: Add pkg grps - - - --- 2022-05-21 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-parsec,3/3] oeqa: add parsec runtime tests [meta-parsec,1/3] meta-parsec: Add pkg grps - - - --- 2022-05-21 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security] aide: fix typo [meta-security] aide: fix typo - - - --- 2022-06-08 Yi Zhao akuster Accepted
[meta-security] meta-integrity: kernel-modsign: prevents splitting out debug [meta-security] meta-integrity: kernel-modsign: prevents splitting out debug - - - --- 2022-06-27 Jose Quaresma akuster Superseded
[meta-security] bubblewrap: Add recipe [meta-security] bubblewrap: Add recipe - - - --- 2022-07-14 Alex Kiernan akuster Under Review
[meta-security,kirkstone] sssd: ignore CVE-2018-16838 [meta-security,kirkstone] sssd: ignore CVE-2018-16838 - - - --- 2022-07-18 Davide Gardenal akuster Under Review
[meta-security] meta-security: Add recipe for libhoth [meta-security] meta-security: Add recipe for libhoth - - - --- 2022-07-21 John Broadbent akuster Accepted
[meta-security,V2] meta-security: Add recipe for libhoth [meta-security,V2] meta-security: Add recipe for libhoth - - - --- 2022-07-22 John Broadbent akuster Accepted
[meta-security,V3] meta-security: Add recipe for libhoth [meta-security,V3] meta-security: Add recipe for libhoth - - - --- 2022-07-22 John Broadbent akuster Accepted
[meta-security] packagegroup-security-tpm: add libhoth to pkg grp [meta-security] packagegroup-security-tpm: add libhoth to pkg grp - - - --- 2022-07-26 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,1/5] python3-privacyidea: update to 3.7.2 [meta-security,1/5] python3-privacyidea: update to 3.7.2 - - - --- 2022-07-28 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,2/5] suricata: update to 6.0.5 [meta-security,1/5] python3-privacyidea: update to 3.7.2 - - - --- 2022-07-28 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,3/5] chipsec: update to 1.8.7 [meta-security,1/5] python3-privacyidea: update to 3.7.2 - - - --- 2022-07-28 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,4/5] sssd: upgrade 2.7.1 -> 2.7.3 [meta-security,1/5] python3-privacyidea: update to 3.7.2 - - - --- 2022-07-28 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,5/5] fail2ban: add UPSTREAM_CHECK vars [meta-security,1/5] python3-privacyidea: update to 3.7.2 - - - --- 2022-07-28 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,1/9] fail2ban: add UPSTREAM_CHECK vars [meta-security,1/9] fail2ban: add UPSTREAM_CHECK vars - - - --- 2022-07-28 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,2/9] ibmtpm2tss: fix SRC_URI [meta-security,1/9] fail2ban: add UPSTREAM_CHECK vars - - - --- 2022-07-28 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,3/9] tpm2-tss-engine: add UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI [meta-security,1/9] fail2ban: add UPSTREAM_CHECK vars - - - --- 2022-07-28 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,4/9] tpm2-tss: add UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI [meta-security,1/9] fail2ban: add UPSTREAM_CHECK vars - - - --- 2022-07-28 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,5/9] tpm2-tools: Add UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI [meta-security,1/9] fail2ban: add UPSTREAM_CHECK vars - - - --- 2022-07-28 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,6/9] tpm2-openssl: Add UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI [meta-security,1/9] fail2ban: add UPSTREAM_CHECK vars - - - --- 2022-07-28 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,7/9] tpm2-pkcs11: Add UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI [meta-security,1/9] fail2ban: add UPSTREAM_CHECK vars - - - --- 2022-07-28 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,8/9] tpm2-abrmd: add UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI [meta-security,1/9] fail2ban: add UPSTREAM_CHECK vars - - - --- 2022-07-28 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,9/9] tpm2-tcti-uefi: Add UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI [meta-security,1/9] fail2ban: add UPSTREAM_CHECK vars - - - --- 2022-07-28 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,1/4] aide: add UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI [meta-security,1/4] aide: add UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI - - - --- 2022-07-30 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,2/4] ecryptfs-utils: add UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI [meta-security,1/4] aide: add UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI - - - --- 2022-07-30 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,3/4] krill: update to 0.9.6 [meta-security,1/4] aide: add UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI - - - --- 2022-07-30 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,4/4] packagegroup-core-security: add krill to pkg grps [meta-security,1/4] aide: add UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI - - - --- 2022-07-30 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security] packagegroup-core-security: add chipsec pkg to grp [meta-security] packagegroup-core-security: add chipsec pkg to grp - - - --- 2022-07-30 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,1/2] apparmor: update to 3.0.5 [meta-security,1/2] apparmor: update to 3.0.5 - - - --- 2022-07-30 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,2/2] clamav: update to 0.104.4 [meta-security,1/2] apparmor: update to 3.0.5 - - - --- 2022-07-30 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,1/4] ibmtpm2tss: update version format [meta-security,1/4] ibmtpm2tss: update version format - - - --- 2022-07-31 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,2/4] ibmswtpm2: fix UPSTREAM_CHECK [meta-security,1/4] ibmtpm2tss: update version format - - - --- 2022-07-31 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,3/4] ibmswtpm2: update to 1682 [meta-security,1/4] ibmtpm2tss: update version format - - - --- 2022-07-31 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,4/4] swtpm: update to 0.7.3 [meta-security,1/4] ibmtpm2tss: update version format - - - --- 2022-07-31 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security] lkrg: update to 0.9.4 [meta-security] lkrg: update to 0.9.4 - - - --- 2022-07-31 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,v2] lkrg: update to 0.9.4 [meta-security,v2] lkrg: update to 0.9.4 - - - --- 2022-07-31 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,1/2] krill: only builds on x86/x86-64 and arm64 [meta-security,1/2] krill: only builds on x86/x86-64 and arm64 - - - --- 2022-08-01 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,2/2] packagegroup-core-security: remove krill for some archs [meta-security,1/2] krill: only builds on x86/x86-64 and arm64 - - - --- 2022-08-01 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,1/3] python3-privacyidea: update to 3.7.3 [meta-security,1/3] python3-privacyidea: update to 3.7.3 - - - --- 2022-08-03 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,2/3] lkrg-module: update to 0.9.5 [meta-security,1/3] python3-privacyidea: update to 3.7.3 - - - --- 2022-08-03 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,3/3] apparmor: update to 3.0.6 [meta-security,1/3] python3-privacyidea: update to 3.7.3 - - - --- 2022-08-03 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security] packagegroup-core-security: add space for appends [meta-security] packagegroup-core-security: add space for appends - - - --- 2022-08-04 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[layerindex-web] Fix for is_commit_ancestor() [layerindex-web] Fix for is_commit_ancestor() - - - --- 2022-08-05 Robert Yang akuster Accepted
[meta-security,1/2] cryptmount: Add new pkg [meta-security,1/2] cryptmount: Add new pkg - - - --- 2022-08-06 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security,2/2] packagegroup-core-security: add pkg to grp [meta-security,1/2] cryptmount: Add new pkg - - - --- 2022-08-06 akuster808 akuster Accepted
[meta-security] meta-security: Add recipe for Glome [meta-security] meta-security: Add recipe for Glome - - - --- 2022-08-08 John Broadbent akuster Superseded
[meta-security,V2] meta-security: Add recipe for Glome [meta-security,V2] meta-security: Add recipe for Glome - - - --- 2022-08-08 John Broadbent akuster Under Review
[meta-security] samhain-standalone: fix buildpaths issue [meta-security] samhain-standalone: fix buildpaths issue - - - --- 2022-08-11 Yu, Mingli akuster Under Review
[meta-parsec] Use CARGO_TARGET_SUBDIR in do_install [meta-parsec] Use CARGO_TARGET_SUBDIR in do_install - - - --- 2022-08-18 Anton Antonov akuster Under Review
[meta-parsec] parsec-service: Update oeqa tests [meta-parsec] parsec-service: Update oeqa tests - - - --- 2022-08-23 Anton Antonov akuster Under Review
[meta-security] tpm2-openssl: update to 1.1.1 [meta-security] tpm2-openssl: update to 1.1.1 - - - --- 2022-10-10 M. Haener akuster Under Review
[meta-security] Update PARSEC recipe to latest v1.1.0 release [meta-security] Update PARSEC recipe to latest v1.1.0 release - - - --- 2022-10-20 Gowtham Suresh Kumar akuster Under Review
[meta-security] tpm2-tools: update to 5.3 [meta-security] tpm2-tools: update to 5.3 - - - --- 2022-11-04 M. Haener akuster Under Review
[meta-security] bubblewrap: Update 0.6.2 -> 0.7.0 [meta-security] bubblewrap: Update 0.6.2 -> 0.7.0 - - - --- 2022-11-08 Alex Kiernan akuster Under Review
[meta-security] layer.conf: update LAYERSERIES_COMPAT for mickledore [meta-security] layer.conf: update LAYERSERIES_COMPAT for mickledore - - - --- 2023-01-03 Martin Jansa akuster Under Review
[meta-mingw] dtc: update for recipe changes in oe-core [meta-mingw] dtc: update for recipe changes in oe-core - - - --- 2021-11-12 Ross Burton New
[meta-raspberrypi] libwpe: Migrate build workaround from oe-core [meta-raspberrypi] libwpe: Migrate build workaround from oe-core - - - --- 2021-11-14 Andrei Gherzan New
[meta-raspberrypi] rpi-config: Take into consideration ENABLE_UART value of 0 [meta-raspberrypi] rpi-config: Take into consideration ENABLE_UART value of 0 - - - --- 2021-11-14 Andrei Gherzan New
[meta-zephyr] zephyr-kernel-src: fix build with latest dtc [meta-zephyr] zephyr-kernel-src: fix build with latest dtc - - - --- 2021-11-15 Ross Burton New
[meta-raspberrypi] linux-firmware-rpidistro: add branch in SRC_URI [meta-raspberrypi] linux-firmware-rpidistro: add branch in SRC_URI - - - --- 2021-11-18 Devendra Tewari New
[meta-security] apparmor: fix warning of remove operator combined with += [meta-security] apparmor: fix warning of remove operator combined with += - - - --- 2021-11-19 Kai New
[meta-security,1/2] openssl-tpm-engine: fix warning for append operator combined with += [meta-security,1/2] openssl-tpm-engine: fix warning for append operator combined with += - - - --- 2021-11-19 Yi Zhao New
[meta-security,2/2] meta-parsec/ fix for append operator combined with += [meta-security,1/2] openssl-tpm-engine: fix warning for append operator combined with += - - - --- 2021-11-19 Yi Zhao New
[meta-cgl] resource-agents: Fix QA Issue: [meta-cgl] resource-agents: Fix QA Issue: - - - --- 2021-11-23 Maohui Lei (Fujitsu) New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: build generic-arm64 instead of Juno [yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: build generic-arm64 instead of Juno - - - --- 2021-11-23 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: set ZSTD_THREADS like XZ_THREADS [yocto-autobuilder-helper] config.json: set ZSTD_THREADS like XZ_THREADS - - - --- 2021-11-23 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] scripts/run-docs-build: remove gatesgarth [yocto-autobuilder-helper] scripts/run-docs-build: remove gatesgarth - - - --- 2021-11-24 Michael Opdenacker New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] scripts/run-docs-build: add comments [yocto-autobuilder-helper] scripts/run-docs-build: add comments - - - --- 2021-11-24 Michael Opdenacker New
[yocto-autobuilder2] schedulers: add deploy_artefacts to all builders [yocto-autobuilder2] schedulers: add deploy_artefacts to all builders - - - --- 2021-11-24 Ross Burton New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] publish-artefacts: publish meta-arm/generic-arm64 binaries [yocto-autobuilder-helper] publish-artefacts: publish meta-arm/generic-arm64 binaries - - - --- 2021-11-25 Ross Burton New
[meta-security] libest: does not build with openssl 3.x [meta-security] libest: does not build with openssl 3.x - - - --- 2021-11-29 akuster808 New
[meta-security] python3-fail2ban: update to tip [meta-security] python3-fail2ban: update to tip - - - --- 2021-11-29 akuster808 New
[meta-rockchip] README: Add intstructions to add patch template [meta-rockchip] README: Add intstructions to add patch template - - - --- 2021-12-01 Khem Raj New
[meta-mingw] remove qemu-usermode from MACHINE_FEATURES [meta-mingw] remove qemu-usermode from MACHINE_FEATURES - - - --- 2021-12-01 Alexander Kanavin New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] scripts/run-docs-build: make all versions list releases known to master [yocto-autobuilder-helper] scripts/run-docs-build: make all versions list releases known to master - - - --- 2021-12-01 Michael Opdenacker New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] scripts/run-docs-build: stop using the "transition" branch [yocto-autobuilder-helper] scripts/run-docs-build: stop using the "transition" branch - - - --- 2021-12-01 Michael Opdenacker New
[meta-realtime] schedtool-dl: add branch and protocol in SRC_URI [meta-realtime] schedtool-dl: add branch and protocol in SRC_URI - - - --- 2021-12-08 Chen, Qi New
[meta-selinux,1/3] selinux-python: add RDEPENDES on audit-python [meta-selinux,1/3] selinux-python: add RDEPENDES on audit-python - - - --- 2021-12-08 Yi Zhao New
[meta-selinux,2/3] selinux: move selinux scripts to selinux-scripts [meta-selinux,1/3] selinux-python: add RDEPENDES on audit-python - - - --- 2021-12-08 Yi Zhao New
[meta-selinux,3/3] selinux: upgrade 3.2 -> 3.3 [meta-selinux,1/3] selinux-python: add RDEPENDES on audit-python - - - --- 2021-12-08 Yi Zhao New
[meta-rockchip] trusted-firmware-a: Drop 0001-Fix-build-with-gcc-11.patch [meta-rockchip] trusted-firmware-a: Drop 0001-Fix-build-with-gcc-11.patch - - - --- 2021-12-08 Khem Raj New
[meta-rockchip] u-boot: remove "virtual" keyword in dependency [meta-rockchip] u-boot: remove "virtual" keyword in dependency - - - --- 2021-12-08 Trevor Woerner New
[meta-rockchip] u-boot: Replace virtual/trusted-firmware-a with trusted-firmware-a [meta-rockchip] u-boot: Replace virtual/trusted-firmware-a with trusted-firmware-a - - - --- 2021-12-08 Khem Raj New
[meta-raspberrypi] xserver-xorg: remove xshmfence configure option [meta-raspberrypi] xserver-xorg: remove xshmfence configure option - - - --- 2021-12-09 Yu, Mingli New
[meta-rockchip] trusted-firmware-a: Pin to use gcc for now [meta-rockchip] trusted-firmware-a: Pin to use gcc for now - - - --- 2021-12-10 Khem Raj New
[OE-core] libva: move wayland PACKAGECONFIG to [OE-core] libva: move wayland PACKAGECONFIG to - - - --- 2021-12-10 Markus Volk New
[meta-rockchip] rock-pi-e: override syntax fixup [meta-rockchip] rock-pi-e: override syntax fixup - - - --- 2021-12-10 Trevor Woerner New
[meta-rockchip,v2] override syntax fixup [meta-rockchip,v2] override syntax fixup - - - --- 2021-12-11 Trevor Woerner New
[yocto-autobuilder-helper] run-auh: do not clean up build directory [yocto-autobuilder-helper] run-auh: do not clean up build directory - - - --- 2021-12-12 Alexander Kanavin New
[meta-selinux] refpolicy: upgrade 20210203+git -> 20210908+git [meta-selinux] refpolicy: upgrade 20210203+git -> 20210908+git - - - --- 2021-12-17 Yi Zhao New
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