Show patches with: Archived = No       |   1992 patches
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Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[master,08/12] update Beagle BSP to 6.1.83 [master,01/12] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-12-13 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,07/12] u-boot-bb_org, linux-bb_org: move "bb_org" providers to meta-beagle [master,01/12] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-12-13 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,06/12] conf/machine: move remaining Beagle platforms to meta-beagle [master,01/12] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-12-13 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,05/12] conf/machine: split beagleplay config between meta-ti-bsp and meta-beagle [master,01/12] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-12-13 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,04/12] conf/machine: move "bb_org" BSP settings to meta-beagle [master,01/12] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-12-13 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,03/12] meta-beagle: layer.conf: add lz4c to host tools list [master,01/12] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-12-13 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[master,02/12] meta-beagle: create a separate layer for Beagle platforms [master,01/12] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-12-13 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Superseded
[master,01/12] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti [master,01/12] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-12-13 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master,v2] meta-ti-bsp: ti-rtos-bin: Move this with the other firmware recipes [meta-ti,master,v2] meta-ti-bsp: ti-rtos-bin: Move this with the other firmware recipes - - - --- 2024-12-13 Andrew Davis reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master] meta-ti-extras: recipes-ti: Remove gadget-init package [meta-ti,master] meta-ti-extras: recipes-ti: Remove gadget-init package - - - --- 2024-12-13 Andrew Davis reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master] wl18xx-fw: Do not depend on the makefile for install [meta-ti,master] wl18xx-fw: Do not depend on the makefile for install - - - --- 2024-12-13 Andrew Davis reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master] meta-ti-bsp: ti-rtos-bin: Move this with the other firmware recipes [meta-ti,master] meta-ti-bsp: ti-rtos-bin: Move this with the other firmware recipes - - - --- 2024-12-13 Andrew Davis reatmon Superseded
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v4] recipes-security: optee: Remove software PRNG for am62pxx [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v4] recipes-security: optee: Remove software PRNG for am62pxx 1 - - --- 2024-12-09 Aashvij Shenai reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,scarthgap/master,2/2] conf: machine: include ipu1 firmware in the boot parti… omap-a15: Add - - - --- 2024-12-09 Aniket Limaye reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,scarthgap/master,1/2] meta-ti-extras: ti-ipc-rtos: Deploy ipc firmware omap-a15: Add - - - --- 2024-12-09 Aniket Limaye reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v3] recipes-security: optee: Remove softare PRNG for am62pxx [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v3] recipes-security: optee: Remove softare PRNG for am62pxx - - - --- 2024-12-09 Aashvij Shenai reatmon Superseded
[meta-ti,master] u-boot: Add patch to use SWIG_AppendOutput [meta-ti,master] u-boot: Add patch to use SWIG_AppendOutput - - - --- 2024-12-06 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2] am62p: PRNG: Remove software PRNG [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2] am62p: PRNG: Remove software PRNG - - - --- 2024-12-06 Aashvij Shenai reatmon Superseded
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v1] am62p: PRNG: Remove software PRNG [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v1] am62p: PRNG: Remove software PRNG - - - --- 2024-12-06 Aashvij Shenai reatmon Superseded
[meta-ti,kirkstone,2/2] conf: machine: include ipu1 firmware in the boot partition omap-a15: Add dra7-ipu1-fw to boot - - - --- 2024-12-05 Aniket Limaye reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,kirkstone,1/2] meta-ti-extras: ti-ipc-rtos: Deploy ipc firmware omap-a15: Add dra7-ipu1-fw to boot - - - --- 2024-12-05 Aniket Limaye reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2] conf: machine: am62xx-lp-evm: Add PWM overlays [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2] conf: machine: am62xx-lp-evm: Add PWM overlays - - - --- 2024-12-05 Judith Mendez reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master] conf: layer.conf: Drop scarthgap from LAYERSERIES_COMPAT [meta-ti,master] conf: layer.conf: Drop scarthgap from LAYERSERIES_COMPAT 1 - - --- 2024-12-04 Chirag Shilwant reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap] conf: machine: am62xx-lp-evm: Add PWM overlay [meta-ti,master/scarthgap] conf: machine: am62xx-lp-evm: Add PWM overlay - - - --- 2024-12-02 Judith Mendez reatmon Superseded
[master/scarthgap] ti-ipc: mark as incompatible with non-Linux builds [master/scarthgap] ti-ipc: mark as incompatible with non-Linux builds - - - --- 2024-11-21 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,scarthgap/master] conf: machine: am62pxx: Pick overlays for V3Link cameras [meta-ti,scarthgap/master] conf: machine: am62pxx: Pick overlays for V3Link cameras 1 - - --- 2024-11-21 Devarsh Thakkar reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap/kirkstone] SECURITY: Add file [meta-ti,master/scarthgap/kirkstone] SECURITY: Add file 1 - - --- 2024-11-15 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[master] conf: machine: k3: use ARMv8-A as base arch [master] conf: machine: k3: use ARMv8-A as base arch - - - --- 2024-11-14 Matthias Schiffer reatmon Rejected
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v1] meta-ti: Linux configs: Bring selinux related configs [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v1] meta-ti: Linux configs: Bring selinux related configs - - - --- 2024-11-14 Aashvij Shenai reatmon Rejected
[meta-ti,master] ti-ipc-examples: Remove DSP/BIOS IPC examples [meta-ti,master] ti-ipc-examples: Remove DSP/BIOS IPC examples - - - --- 2024-11-08 Andrew Davis reatmon Accepted
[master,RFC,v2,10/10] beagle-bsp,, add support for 6.6 BSP [master,RFC,v2,01/10] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-11-08 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,v2,09/10], rename recipes with version [master,RFC,v2,01/10] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-11-08 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,v2,08/10] conf/machine: add BeagleY-AI platform [master,RFC,v2,01/10] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-11-08 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,v2,07/10] update Beagle BSP to 6.1.83 [master,RFC,v2,01/10] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-11-08 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,v2,06/10] u-boot-bb_org, linux-bb_org: move "bb_org" providers to meta-beagle [master,RFC,v2,01/10] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-11-08 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,v2,05/10] conf/machine: move remaining Beagle platforms to meta-beagle [master,RFC,v2,01/10] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-11-08 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,v2,04/10] conf/machine: split beagleplay config between meta-ti-bsp and meta-beagle [master,RFC,v2,01/10] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-11-08 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,v2,03/10] conf/machine: move "bb_org" BSP settings to meta-beagle [master,RFC,v2,01/10] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-11-08 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,v2,02/10] meta-beagle: create a separate layer for Beagle platforms [master,RFC,v2,01/10] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-11-08 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,v2,01/10] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti [master,RFC,v2,01/10] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-11-08 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[meta-ti,scarthgap/master,PATCHv2] sgx: bump version for kernel 6.6 / mesa 23.2.1 [meta-ti,scarthgap/master,PATCHv2] sgx: bump version for kernel 6.6 / mesa 23.2.1 - - - --- 2024-11-07 Randolph Sapp reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2] trusted-firmware-a: Update to DM_MANAGED suspend [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2] trusted-firmware-a: Update to DM_MANAGED suspend - - - --- 2024-11-06 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap] trusted-firmware-a: Update to DM_MANAGED suspend [meta-ti,master/scarthgap] trusted-firmware-a: Update to DM_MANAGED suspend - - - --- 2024-11-06 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Superseded
[master,RFC,6/6] u-boot-bb_org, linux-bb_org: move "bb_org" providers to meta-beagle [master,RFC,1/6] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-11-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,5/6] conf/machine: move remaining Beagle platforms to meta-beagle [master,RFC,1/6] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-11-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,4/6] conf/machine: split beagleplay config between meta-ti-bsp and meta-beagle [master,RFC,1/6] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-11-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,3/6] conf/machine: move "bb_org" BSP settings to meta-beagle [master,RFC,1/6] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-11-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,2/6] meta-beagle: create a separate layer for Beagle platforms [master,RFC,1/6] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - - - --- 2024-11-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[master,RFC,1/6] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti [master,RFC,1/6] conf/machine: rename beagleplay machine to beagleplay-ti - 1 - --- 2024-11-05 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon RFC
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2,2/2] mesa-pvr-22.3.5: Fix build issues with llvm 18+ [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2,1/2] mesa-pvr_23.2.1: Fix build issues with llvm 18+ - - - --- 2024-11-04 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2,1/2] mesa-pvr_23.2.1: Fix build issues with llvm 18+ [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2,1/2] mesa-pvr_23.2.1: Fix build issues with llvm 18+ - - - --- 2024-11-04 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap] mesa-pvr: remove dynamic-layer append for llvmpipe [meta-ti,master/scarthgap] mesa-pvr: remove dynamic-layer append for llvmpipe - - - --- 2024-11-04 Randolph Sapp reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap] mesa-pvr: Fix build issues with llvm 18+ [meta-ti,master/scarthgap] mesa-pvr: Fix build issues with llvm 18+ - 1 - --- 2024-11-04 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Superseded
[meta-ti,scarthgap/master] sgx: bump version for kernel 6.6 / mesa 23.2.1 [meta-ti,scarthgap/master] sgx: bump version for kernel 6.6 / mesa 23.2.1 - - - --- 2024-10-31 Randolph Sapp reatmon Superseded
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap] ti-bsp: Tighten up versions for PREFERRED_VERSION [meta-ti,master/scarthgap] ti-bsp: Tighten up versions for PREFERRED_VERSION - - - --- 2024-10-31 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,scarthgap] optee: Update to v4.4.0 [meta-ti,scarthgap] optee: Update to v4.4.0 - - - --- 2024-10-23 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,scarthgap/master] optee-os: Enable OP-TEE TRNG in J722s [meta-ti,scarthgap/master] optee-os: Enable OP-TEE TRNG in J722s - - - --- 2024-10-23 Manorit Chawdhry reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2] optee: Update to v4.4.0 [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2] optee: Update to v4.4.0 - - - --- 2024-10-22 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2] uboot-ti-next: Add new recipe to track master-next [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2] uboot-ti-next: Add new recipe to track master-next - - - --- 2024-10-22 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap] optee: Update to v4.4.0 [meta-ti,master/scarthgap] optee: Update to v4.4.0 - - - --- 2024-10-22 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Superseded
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap] u-boot-ti: Tweak the GIT variables for u-boot [meta-ti,master/scarthgap] u-boot-ti: Tweak the GIT variables for u-boot - - - --- 2024-10-21 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap] u-boot-ti-mainline: Update to 2024.10 [meta-ti,master/scarthgap] u-boot-ti-mainline: Update to 2024.10 - - - --- 2024-10-21 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master] uboot-ti-next: Add new recipe to track master-next [meta-ti,master] uboot-ti-next: Add new recipe to track master-next - - - --- 2024-10-21 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Superseded
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap] ti-img-rogue-umlibs: fix j721e NPOT texture issues [meta-ti,master/scarthgap] ti-img-rogue-umlibs: fix j721e NPOT texture issues - - - --- 2024-10-18 Randolph Sapp reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap] sgx: breaking things to fix other things [meta-ti,master/scarthgap] sgx: breaking things to fix other things - - - --- 2024-10-18 Randolph Sapp reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,kirkstone] sgx: breaking things to fix other things [meta-ti,kirkstone] sgx: breaking things to fix other things - - - --- 2024-10-18 Randolph Sapp reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2] linux: Consolidate the SRC_URI variables [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2] linux: Consolidate the SRC_URI variables - - - --- 2024-10-17 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap] linux: Consolidate the SRC_URI variables [meta-ti,master/scarthgap] linux: Consolidate the SRC_URI variables - - - --- 2024-10-17 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Superseded
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap] linux: Rework the reproducibility patches [meta-ti,master/scarthgap] linux: Rework the reproducibility patches - - - --- 2024-10-17 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Superseded
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap] conf: machine: Add support for bsp-ti-6_12 in beagleplay [meta-ti,master/scarthgap] conf: machine: Add support for bsp-ti-6_12 in beagleplay - - - --- 2024-10-17 Chirag Shilwant reatmon Accepted
[master/scarthgap] conf: machine: k3: use weak assignment for FIT image variables [master/scarthgap] conf: machine: k3: use weak assignment for FIT image variables - - - --- 2024-10-14 Sergio Prado reatmon Rejected
[master] layer.conf: add compatibility with walnascar [master] layer.conf: add compatibility with walnascar - - - --- 2024-10-12 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Accepted
layer.conf: add compatibility with walnascar layer.conf: add compatibility with walnascar - - - --- 2024-10-12 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Superseded
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v3] ti-bsp: Add RT and systest support [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v3] ti-bsp: Add RT and systest support - - - --- 2024-10-09 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2] ti-bsp: Add RT and systest support [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2] ti-bsp: Add RT and systest support - - - --- 2024-10-09 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Superseded
[meta-ti,scarthgap,v2,4/4] debugss-module-drv: Add patch for kernel 6.11 change [meta-ti,scarthgap,v2,1/4] linux-ti-staging: Add v6.12 recipe - - - --- 2024-10-08 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,scarthgap,v2,3/4] ti-bsp: Add ti-6_12 [meta-ti,scarthgap,v2,1/4] linux-ti-staging: Add v6.12 recipe - - - --- 2024-10-08 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,scarthgap,v2,2/4] u-boot-ti-staging: Add v2024.10 recipe [meta-ti,scarthgap,v2,1/4] linux-ti-staging: Add v6.12 recipe - - - --- 2024-10-08 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,scarthgap,v2,1/4] linux-ti-staging: Add v6.12 recipe [meta-ti,scarthgap,v2,1/4] linux-ti-staging: Add v6.12 recipe - - - --- 2024-10-08 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master,v2] ti-bsp: Fix copy/paste error for bsp-ti-6_12 setting [meta-ti,master,v2] ti-bsp: Fix copy/paste error for bsp-ti-6_12 setting - - - --- 2024-10-08 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master] ti-bsp: Fix copy/paste error for bsp-6_12 setting [meta-ti,master] ti-bsp: Fix copy/paste error for bsp-6_12 setting - - - --- 2024-10-08 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Superseded
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap] ti-bsp: Add RT and systest support [meta-ti,master/scarthgap] ti-bsp: Add RT and systest support - - - --- 2024-10-08 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Superseded
[meta-ti,scarthgap] optee: Update to v4.3.0 [meta-ti,scarthgap] optee: Update to v4.3.0 - - - --- 2024-10-04 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master] optee: Update to v4.3.0 [meta-ti,master] optee: Update to v4.3.0 - - - --- 2024-10-04 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,4/4] debugss-module-drv: Add patch for kernel 6.11 change [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,1/4] linux-ti-staging: Add v6.12 recipe - - - --- 2024-10-04 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,3/4] ti-bsp: Add ti-6_12 [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,1/4] linux-ti-staging: Add v6.12 recipe - - - --- 2024-10-04 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,2/4] u-boot-ti-staging: Add v2024.10 recipe [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,1/4] linux-ti-staging: Add v6.12 recipe - - - --- 2024-10-04 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,1/4] linux-ti-staging: Add v6.12 recipe [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,1/4] linux-ti-staging: Add v6.12 recipe - - - --- 2024-10-04 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
meta-ti-bsp: ti-dm-fw: declare files installed in 'DEPLOYDIR' meta-ti-bsp: ti-dm-fw: declare files installed in 'DEPLOYDIR' - - - --- 2024-09-28 Adrian DC reatmon Rejected
[meta-ti,master,scarthgap] u-boot-ti: avoid write erros on the logs when removing deployed files [meta-ti,master,scarthgap] u-boot-ti: avoid write erros on the logs when removing deployed files - - - --- 2024-09-26 Jose Quaresma reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master,2/2] meta-ti-extras: ti-osal: Remove this recipe [meta-ti,master,1/2] meta-ti-extras: dspdce-fw: Remove unused firmware - - - --- 2024-09-23 Andrew Davis reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master,1/2] meta-ti-extras: dspdce-fw: Remove unused firmware [meta-ti,master,1/2] meta-ti-extras: dspdce-fw: Remove unused firmware - - - --- 2024-09-23 Andrew Davis reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master] cmem: Remove CMEM userspace library [meta-ti,master] cmem: Remove CMEM userspace library - - - --- 2024-09-23 Andrew Davis reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master] linux-ti-mainline: Update to version: v6.11 [meta-ti,master] linux-ti-mainline: Update to version: v6.11 - - - --- 2024-09-17 LCPD Automation Script reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2] linux: Remove two 6.6 reproducibility patches [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2] linux: Remove two 6.6 reproducibility patches - - - --- 2024-09-16 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap] linux: Remove two 6.6 reproducibility patches [meta-ti,master/scarthgap] linux: Remove two 6.6 reproducibility patches - - - --- 2024-09-16 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Superseded
[meta-ti,kirkstone] CI/CD Auto-Merger: cicd.kirkstone.202409121457 [meta-ti,kirkstone] CI/CD Auto-Merger: cicd.kirkstone.202409121457 - - - --- 2024-09-13 LCPD Automation Script reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2] conf: machine: Remove multiconfig compulsion for k3 platforms [meta-ti,master/scarthgap,v2] conf: machine: Remove multiconfig compulsion for k3 platforms - - - --- 2024-09-12 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,master] CI/CD Auto-Merger: cicd.master.202409100100 [meta-ti,master] CI/CD Auto-Merger: cicd.master.202409100100 - - - --- 2024-09-10 LCPD Automation Script reatmon Accepted
[meta-ti,scarthgap] CI/CD Auto-Merger: cicd.scarthgap.202409090400 [meta-ti,scarthgap] CI/CD Auto-Merger: cicd.scarthgap.202409090400 - - - --- 2024-09-09 LCPD Automation Script reatmon Accepted
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