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[6/6] rust/README-rust.md: fix markdown style issues

Message ID 20250204100114.3749576-7-igor.opaniuk@foundries.io
State Accepted, archived
Commit 62bade83dd6e021f11e9599a2699a1b202324f0f
Headers show
Series Fix markdown style issues | expand

Commit Message

Igor Opaniuk Feb. 4, 2025, 10:01 a.m. UTC
From: Igor Opaniuk <igor.opaniuk@foundries.io>

Fix markdown style issues using markdownlint tool [1]:

$ cat ./meta/recipes-devtools/rust/README-rust.md | mdl
(stdin):1: MD002 First header should be a top level header
(stdin):25: MD006 Consider starting bulleted lists at the beginning of the line
(stdin):3: MD009 Trailing spaces
(stdin):11: MD009 Trailing spaces
(stdin):26: MD009 Trailing spaces
(stdin):39: MD012 Multiple consecutive blank lines
(stdin):32: MD032 Lists should be surrounded by blank lines
(stdin):36: MD032 Lists should be surrounded by blank lines

[1] https://github.com/markdownlint/markdownlint
Signed-off-by: Igor Opaniuk <igor.opaniuk@foundries.io>
 meta/recipes-devtools/rust/README-rust.md | 24 ++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/rust/README-rust.md b/meta/recipes-devtools/rust/README-rust.md
index 209836ab65..a7e19c506e 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-devtools/rust/README-rust.md
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/rust/README-rust.md
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ 
-## Introduction
+# Introduction
-This provides the Rust compiler, tools for building packages (cargo), and 
+This provides the Rust compiler, tools for building packages (cargo), and
 a few example projects.
 ## Building a rust package
 When building a rust package in bitbake, it's usually easiest to build with
 cargo using cargo.bbclass.  If the package already has a Cargo.toml file (most
-rust packages do), then it's especially easy.  Otherwise you should probably
-get the code building in cargo first. 
+rust packages do), then it's especially easy. Otherwise you should probably
+get the code building in cargo first.
 Once your package builds in cargo, you can use
 [cargo-bitbake](https://github.com/cardoe/cargo-bitbake) to generate a bitbake
@@ -22,17 +22,19 @@  contained within it
 ## Pitfalls
- - TARGET_SYS _must_ be different from BUILD_SYS. This is due to the way Rust
- configuration options are tracked for different targets. This is the reason 
- we use the Yocto triples instead of the native Rust triples. See rust-lang/cargo#3349.
+`TARGET_SYS` _must_ be different from `BUILD_SYS`. This is due to the way Rust
+configuration options are tracked for different targets. This is the reason
+we use the Yocto triples instead of the native Rust triples. See
+[Add the ability to provide build flags for the build-script-build #3349](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/3349)
 ## Dependencies
 On the host:
- - Any `-sys` packages your project might need must have RDEPENDs for
- the native library.
+* Any `-sys` packages your project might need must have RDEPENDs for
+  the native library.
 On the target:
- - Any `-sys` packages your project might need must have RDEPENDs for
- the native library.
+* Any `-sys` packages your project might need must have RDEPENDs for
+  the native library.