From patchwork Wed Dec 29 01:44:49 2021 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: ChenQi X-Patchwork-Id: 1913 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from (localhost.localdomain []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 03FB6C433EF for ; Wed, 29 Dec 2021 01:46:07 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by with SMTP id smtpd.web09.45989.1640742365958880015 for ; Tue, 28 Dec 2021 17:46:06 -0800 Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass header.s=pps06212021 header.b=g8wdXg9c; spf=permerror, err=parse error for token &{10 18 %{ir}.%{v}.%{d}}: invalid domain name (domain:, ip:, mailfrom: Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with ESMTP id 1BT1iOZ0020282 for ; Tue, 28 Dec 2021 17:46:04 -0800 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h=from : to : subject : date : message-id : content-transfer-encoding : content-type : mime-version; s=PPS06212021; bh=0RMv4vC0KO/FmUj2sDonzUejBrk5m4hMG2lEYLr79l4=; 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h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=0RMv4vC0KO/FmUj2sDonzUejBrk5m4hMG2lEYLr79l4=; b=J2fI5ghFT26fS8AzJzfg9uy0FwxhXvotOLZq3OybCvZQqMxdn8zF2ygpvKODO4kWyB5soIwYK6pi1m2Uf6yfAh2U3PZ9xVZjNWRq9prvJ+EOMeq//uIp9fhp/h8gcGyvrZEpif82bYHoGpVJlrzLZeHmNZiArVESonqMKH1ramYMFT1WPkoGE0HvrU6gImXTEgATw7hi+R86p2xYjYgHV6/YO7X/TOigM1jaJUvD69aeecKt6zDLyaCXuJZVSCQ215/t+F+3iZWqrmPXJHointz3GQOThleBXdl4EP897+nIrrRnyomk8r6X9ziPX8heYqID7mwzrGXt4wwjsVC5ow== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none Received: from (2603:10b6:510:ed::9) by (2603:10b6:510:e7::5) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.4823.21; Wed, 29 Dec 2021 01:45:57 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::b52c:74ae:e50a:5206]) by ([fe80::b52c:74ae:e50a:5206%7]) with mapi id 15.20.4823.023; Wed, 29 Dec 2021 01:45:57 +0000 From: Chen Qi To: Subject: [OE-core][hardknott][PATCH V3] busybox: backport patches to fix CVEs Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 17:44:49 -0800 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.33.0 X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:10b6:510:e::26) To (2603:10b6:510:ed::9) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 20b3786d-1499-4d2e-9668-08d9ca6cf50b X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: PH0PR11MB5612:EE_ X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:923; 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Wed, 29 Dec 2021 01:46:07 -0000 X-Groupsio-URL: Backport patches to fix the following CVEs: CVE-2021-42373 CVE-2021-42378 CVE-2021-42379 CVE-2021-42380 CVE-2021-42381 CVE-2021-42382 CVE-2021-42383 CVE-2021-42384 CVE-2021-42385 CVE-2021-42386 Signed-off-by: Chen Qi --- .../busybox/busybox/0001-awk-fix-CVEs.patch | 3142 +++++++++++++++++ .../0002-man-fix-segfault-in-man-1.patch | 30 + meta/recipes-core/busybox/ | 2 + 3 files changed, 3174 insertions(+) create mode 100644 meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/0001-awk-fix-CVEs.patch create mode 100644 meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/0002-man-fix-segfault-in-man-1.patch diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/0001-awk-fix-CVEs.patch b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/0001-awk-fix-CVEs.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9b7079cbe9 --- /dev/null +++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/0001-awk-fix-CVEs.patch @@ -0,0 +1,3142 @@ +From 0b313943ee5c6611d32c55c3d16084d04a4c2a6d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Chen Qi +Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2021 21:25:33 -0800 +Subject: [PATCH] awk: fix CVEs + +The awk CVEs is hard to be separated, thus we use the following method +to format the current patch. +git format-patch --stdout 1_33_1..1_34_1 -- editors/awk.c | git am -3 + +CVE: CVE-2021-42378 +CVE: CVE-2021-42379 +CVE: CVE-2021-42380 +CVE: CVE-2021-42381 +CVE: CVE-2021-42382 +CVE: CVE-2021-42383 +CVE: CVE-2021-42384 +CVE: CVE-2021-42385 +CVE: CVE-2021-42386 + +Upstream-Status: Backport + +Signed-off-by: Chen Qi +--- + editors/awk.c | 2060 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- + 1 file changed, 1204 insertions(+), 856 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/editors/awk.c b/editors/awk.c +index 2c15f9e4e..f6314ac72 100644 +--- a/editors/awk.c ++++ b/editors/awk.c +@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ + #endif + #ifndef debug_printf_parse + # define debug_printf_parse(...) (fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)) ++#else ++# define debug_parse_print_tc(...) ((void)0) + #endif + + +@@ -91,7 +93,6 @@ enum { + }; + + #define MAXVARFMT 240 +-#define MINNVBLOCK 64 + + /* variable flags */ + #define VF_NUMBER 0x0001 /* 1 = primary type is number */ +@@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ enum { + #define VF_USER 0x0200 /* 1 = user input (may be numeric string) */ + #define VF_SPECIAL 0x0400 /* 1 = requires extra handling when changed */ + #define VF_WALK 0x0800 /* 1 = variable has alloc'd x.walker list */ +-#define VF_FSTR 0x1000 /* 1 = var::string points to fstring buffer */ ++#define VF_FSTR 0x1000 /* 1 = don't free() var::string (not malloced, or is owned by something else) */ + #define VF_CHILD 0x2000 /* 1 = function arg; x.parent points to source */ + #define VF_DIRTY 0x4000 /* 1 = variable was set explicitly */ + +@@ -118,8 +119,8 @@ typedef struct walker_list { + /* Variable */ + typedef struct var_s { + unsigned type; /* flags */ +- double number; + char *string; ++ double number; + union { + int aidx; /* func arg idx (for compilation stage) */ + struct xhash_s *array; /* array ptr */ +@@ -138,6 +139,7 @@ typedef struct chain_s { + /* Function */ + typedef struct func_s { + unsigned nargs; ++ smallint defined; + struct chain_s body; + } func; + +@@ -177,7 +179,7 @@ typedef struct node_s { + struct node_s *n; + var *v; + int aidx; +- char *new_progname; ++ const char *new_progname; + regex_t *re; + } l; + union { +@@ -190,91 +192,120 @@ typedef struct node_s { + } a; + } node; + +-/* Block of temporary variables */ +-typedef struct nvblock_s { +- int size; +- var *pos; +- struct nvblock_s *prev; +- struct nvblock_s *next; +- var nv[]; +-} nvblock; +- + typedef struct tsplitter_s { + node n; + regex_t re[2]; + } tsplitter; + + /* simple token classes */ +-/* Order and hex values are very important!!! See next_token() */ +-#define TC_SEQSTART (1 << 0) /* ( */ +-#define TC_SEQTERM (1 << 1) /* ) */ +-#define TC_REGEXP (1 << 2) /* /.../ */ +-#define TC_OUTRDR (1 << 3) /* | > >> */ +-#define TC_UOPPOST (1 << 4) /* unary postfix operator */ +-#define TC_UOPPRE1 (1 << 5) /* unary prefix operator */ +-#define TC_BINOPX (1 << 6) /* two-opnd operator */ +-#define TC_IN (1 << 7) +-#define TC_COMMA (1 << 8) +-#define TC_PIPE (1 << 9) /* input redirection pipe */ +-#define TC_UOPPRE2 (1 << 10) /* unary prefix operator */ +-#define TC_ARRTERM (1 << 11) /* ] */ +-#define TC_GRPSTART (1 << 12) /* { */ +-#define TC_GRPTERM (1 << 13) /* } */ +-#define TC_SEMICOL (1 << 14) +-#define TC_NEWLINE (1 << 15) +-#define TC_STATX (1 << 16) /* ctl statement (for, next...) */ +-#define TC_WHILE (1 << 17) +-#define TC_ELSE (1 << 18) +-#define TC_BUILTIN (1 << 19) ++/* order and hex values are very important!!! See next_token() */ ++#define TC_LPAREN (1 << 0) /* ( */ ++#define TC_RPAREN (1 << 1) /* ) */ ++#define TC_REGEXP (1 << 2) /* /.../ */ ++#define TC_OUTRDR (1 << 3) /* | > >> */ ++#define TC_UOPPOST (1 << 4) /* unary postfix operator ++ -- */ ++#define TC_UOPPRE1 (1 << 5) /* unary prefix operator ++ -- $ */ ++#define TC_BINOPX (1 << 6) /* two-opnd operator */ ++#define TC_IN (1 << 7) /* 'in' */ ++#define TC_COMMA (1 << 8) /* , */ ++#define TC_PIPE (1 << 9) /* input redirection pipe | */ ++#define TC_UOPPRE2 (1 << 10) /* unary prefix operator + - ! */ ++#define TC_ARRTERM (1 << 11) /* ] */ ++#define TC_LBRACE (1 << 12) /* { */ ++#define TC_RBRACE (1 << 13) /* } */ ++#define TC_SEMICOL (1 << 14) /* ; */ ++#define TC_NEWLINE (1 << 15) ++#define TC_STATX (1 << 16) /* ctl statement (for, next...) */ ++#define TC_WHILE (1 << 17) /* 'while' */ ++#define TC_ELSE (1 << 18) /* 'else' */ ++#define TC_BUILTIN (1 << 19) + /* This costs ~50 bytes of code. + * A separate class to support deprecated "length" form. If we don't need that + * (i.e. if we demand that only "length()" with () is valid), then TC_LENGTH + * can be merged with TC_BUILTIN: + */ +-#define TC_LENGTH (1 << 20) +-#define TC_GETLINE (1 << 21) +-#define TC_FUNCDECL (1 << 22) /* 'function' 'func' */ +-#define TC_BEGIN (1 << 23) +-#define TC_END (1 << 24) +-#define TC_EOF (1 << 25) +-#define TC_VARIABLE (1 << 26) +-#define TC_ARRAY (1 << 27) +-#define TC_FUNCTION (1 << 28) +-#define TC_STRING (1 << 29) +-#define TC_NUMBER (1 << 30) +- +-#define TC_UOPPRE (TC_UOPPRE1 | TC_UOPPRE2) +- +-/* combined token classes */ +-#define TC_BINOP (TC_BINOPX | TC_COMMA | TC_PIPE | TC_IN) +-//#define TC_UNARYOP (TC_UOPPRE | TC_UOPPOST) +-#define TC_OPERAND (TC_VARIABLE | TC_ARRAY | TC_FUNCTION \ +- | TC_BUILTIN | TC_LENGTH | TC_GETLINE \ +- | TC_SEQSTART | TC_STRING | TC_NUMBER) +- +-#define TC_STATEMNT (TC_STATX | TC_WHILE) +-#define TC_OPTERM (TC_SEMICOL | TC_NEWLINE) ++#define TC_LENGTH (1 << 20) /* 'length' */ ++#define TC_GETLINE (1 << 21) /* 'getline' */ ++#define TC_FUNCDECL (1 << 22) /* 'function' 'func' */ ++#define TC_BEGIN (1 << 23) /* 'BEGIN' */ ++#define TC_END (1 << 24) /* 'END' */ ++#define TC_EOF (1 << 25) ++#define TC_VARIABLE (1 << 26) /* name */ ++#define TC_ARRAY (1 << 27) /* name[ */ ++#define TC_FUNCTION (1 << 28) /* name( */ ++#define TC_STRING (1 << 29) /* "..." */ ++#define TC_NUMBER (1 << 30) ++ ++#ifndef debug_parse_print_tc ++static void debug_parse_print_tc(uint32_t n) ++{ ++ if (n & TC_LPAREN ) debug_printf_parse(" LPAREN" ); ++ if (n & TC_RPAREN ) debug_printf_parse(" RPAREN" ); ++ if (n & TC_REGEXP ) debug_printf_parse(" REGEXP" ); ++ if (n & TC_OUTRDR ) debug_printf_parse(" OUTRDR" ); ++ if (n & TC_UOPPOST ) debug_printf_parse(" UOPPOST" ); ++ if (n & TC_UOPPRE1 ) debug_printf_parse(" UOPPRE1" ); ++ if (n & TC_BINOPX ) debug_printf_parse(" BINOPX" ); ++ if (n & TC_IN ) debug_printf_parse(" IN" ); ++ if (n & TC_COMMA ) debug_printf_parse(" COMMA" ); ++ if (n & TC_PIPE ) debug_printf_parse(" PIPE" ); ++ if (n & TC_UOPPRE2 ) debug_printf_parse(" UOPPRE2" ); ++ if (n & TC_ARRTERM ) debug_printf_parse(" ARRTERM" ); ++ if (n & TC_LBRACE ) debug_printf_parse(" LBRACE" ); ++ if (n & TC_RBRACE ) debug_printf_parse(" RBRACE" ); ++ if (n & TC_SEMICOL ) debug_printf_parse(" SEMICOL" ); ++ if (n & TC_NEWLINE ) debug_printf_parse(" NEWLINE" ); ++ if (n & TC_STATX ) debug_printf_parse(" STATX" ); ++ if (n & TC_WHILE ) debug_printf_parse(" WHILE" ); ++ if (n & TC_ELSE ) debug_printf_parse(" ELSE" ); ++ if (n & TC_BUILTIN ) debug_printf_parse(" BUILTIN" ); ++ if (n & TC_LENGTH ) debug_printf_parse(" LENGTH" ); ++ if (n & TC_GETLINE ) debug_printf_parse(" GETLINE" ); ++ if (n & TC_FUNCDECL) debug_printf_parse(" FUNCDECL"); ++ if (n & TC_BEGIN ) debug_printf_parse(" BEGIN" ); ++ if (n & TC_END ) debug_printf_parse(" END" ); ++ if (n & TC_EOF ) debug_printf_parse(" EOF" ); ++ if (n & TC_VARIABLE) debug_printf_parse(" VARIABLE"); ++ if (n & TC_ARRAY ) debug_printf_parse(" ARRAY" ); ++ if (n & TC_FUNCTION) debug_printf_parse(" FUNCTION"); ++ if (n & TC_STRING ) debug_printf_parse(" STRING" ); ++ if (n & TC_NUMBER ) debug_printf_parse(" NUMBER" ); ++} ++#endif ++ ++/* combined token classes ("token [class] sets") */ ++#define TS_UOPPRE (TC_UOPPRE1 | TC_UOPPRE2) ++ ++#define TS_BINOP (TC_BINOPX | TC_COMMA | TC_PIPE | TC_IN) ++//#define TS_UNARYOP (TS_UOPPRE | TC_UOPPOST) ++#define TS_OPERAND (TC_VARIABLE | TC_ARRAY | TC_FUNCTION \ ++ | TC_BUILTIN | TC_LENGTH | TC_GETLINE \ ++ | TC_LPAREN | TC_STRING | TC_NUMBER) ++ ++#define TS_LVALUE (TC_VARIABLE | TC_ARRAY) ++#define TS_STATEMNT (TC_STATX | TC_WHILE) + + /* word tokens, cannot mean something else if not expected */ +-#define TC_WORD (TC_IN | TC_STATEMNT | TC_ELSE \ +- | TC_BUILTIN | TC_LENGTH | TC_GETLINE \ +- | TC_FUNCDECL | TC_BEGIN | TC_END) ++#define TS_WORD (TC_IN | TS_STATEMNT | TC_ELSE \ ++ | TC_BUILTIN | TC_LENGTH | TC_GETLINE \ ++ | TC_FUNCDECL | TC_BEGIN | TC_END) + + /* discard newlines after these */ +-#define TC_NOTERM (TC_COMMA | TC_GRPSTART | TC_GRPTERM \ +- | TC_BINOP | TC_OPTERM) ++#define TS_NOTERM (TS_BINOP | TC_COMMA | TC_LBRACE | TC_RBRACE \ ++ | TC_SEMICOL | TC_NEWLINE) + + /* what can expression begin with */ +-#define TC_OPSEQ (TC_OPERAND | TC_UOPPRE | TC_REGEXP) ++#define TS_OPSEQ (TS_OPERAND | TS_UOPPRE | TC_REGEXP) + /* what can group begin with */ +-#define TC_GRPSEQ (TC_OPSEQ | TC_OPTERM | TC_STATEMNT | TC_GRPSTART) ++#define TS_GRPSEQ (TS_OPSEQ | TS_STATEMNT \ ++ | TC_SEMICOL | TC_NEWLINE | TC_LBRACE) + +-/* if previous token class is CONCAT1 and next is CONCAT2, concatenation */ ++/* if previous token class is CONCAT_L and next is CONCAT_R, concatenation */ + /* operator is inserted between them */ +-#define TC_CONCAT1 (TC_VARIABLE | TC_ARRTERM | TC_SEQTERM \ ++#define TS_CONCAT_L (TC_VARIABLE | TC_ARRTERM | TC_RPAREN \ + | TC_STRING | TC_NUMBER | TC_UOPPOST \ + | TC_LENGTH) +-#define TC_CONCAT2 (TC_OPERAND | TC_UOPPRE) ++#define TS_CONCAT_R (TS_OPERAND | TS_UOPPRE) + + #define OF_RES1 0x010000 + #define OF_RES2 0x020000 +@@ -284,13 +315,12 @@ typedef struct tsplitter_s { + #define OF_CHECKED 0x200000 + #define OF_REQUIRED 0x400000 + +- + /* combined operator flags */ + #define xx 0 + #define xV OF_RES2 + #define xS (OF_RES2 | OF_STR2) + #define Vx OF_RES1 +-#define Rx (OF_RES1 | OF_NUM1 | OF_REQUIRED) ++#define Rx OF_REQUIRED + #define VV (OF_RES1 | OF_RES2) + #define Nx (OF_RES1 | OF_NUM1) + #define NV (OF_RES1 | OF_NUM1 | OF_RES2) +@@ -302,8 +332,7 @@ typedef struct tsplitter_s { + #define OPNMASK 0x007F + + /* operator priority is a highest byte (even: r->l, odd: l->r grouping) +- * For builtins it has different meaning: n n s3 s2 s1 v3 v2 v1, +- * n - min. number of args, vN - resolve Nth arg to var, sN - resolve to string ++ * (for builtins it has different meaning) + */ + #undef P + #undef PRIMASK +@@ -313,10 +342,8 @@ typedef struct tsplitter_s { + #define PRIMASK2 0x7E000000 + + /* Operation classes */ +- + #define SHIFT_TIL_THIS 0x0600 + #define RECUR_FROM_THIS 0x1000 +- + enum { + OC_DELETE = 0x0100, OC_EXEC = 0x0200, OC_NEWSOURCE = 0x0300, + OC_PRINT = 0x0400, OC_PRINTF = 0x0500, OC_WALKINIT = 0x0600, +@@ -358,8 +385,8 @@ enum { + #define NTCC '\377' + + static const char tokenlist[] ALIGN1 = +- "\1(" NTC /* TC_SEQSTART */ +- "\1)" NTC /* TC_SEQTERM */ ++ "\1(" NTC /* TC_LPAREN */ ++ "\1)" NTC /* TC_RPAREN */ + "\1/" NTC /* TC_REGEXP */ + "\2>>" "\1>" "\1|" NTC /* TC_OUTRDR */ + "\2++" "\2--" NTC /* TC_UOPPOST */ +@@ -376,8 +403,8 @@ static const char tokenlist[] ALIGN1 = + "\1|" NTC /* TC_PIPE */ + "\1+" "\1-" "\1!" NTC /* TC_UOPPRE2 */ + "\1]" NTC /* TC_ARRTERM */ +- "\1{" NTC /* TC_GRPSTART */ +- "\1}" NTC /* TC_GRPTERM */ ++ "\1{" NTC /* TC_LBRACE */ ++ "\1}" NTC /* TC_RBRACE */ + "\1;" NTC /* TC_SEMICOL */ + "\1\n" NTC /* TC_NEWLINE */ + "\2if" "\2do" "\3for" "\5break" /* TC_STATX */ +@@ -391,7 +418,7 @@ static const char tokenlist[] ALIGN1 = + "\5close" "\6system" "\6fflush" "\5atan2" + "\3cos" "\3exp" "\3int" "\3log" + "\4rand" "\3sin" "\4sqrt" "\5srand" +- "\6gensub" "\4gsub" "\5index" /* "\6length" was here */ ++ "\6gensub" "\4gsub" "\5index" /* "\6length" was here */ + "\5match" "\5split" "\7sprintf" "\3sub" + "\6substr" "\7systime" "\10strftime" "\6mktime" + "\7tolower" "\7toupper" NTC +@@ -403,25 +430,32 @@ static const char tokenlist[] ALIGN1 = + /* compiler adds trailing "\0" */ + ; + +-#define OC_B OC_BUILTIN +- + static const uint32_t tokeninfo[] ALIGN4 = { + 0, + 0, +- OC_REGEXP, ++#define TI_REGEXP OC_REGEXP ++ TI_REGEXP, + xS|'a', xS|'w', xS|'|', + OC_UNARY|xV|P(9)|'p', OC_UNARY|xV|P(9)|'m', +- OC_UNARY|xV|P(9)|'P', OC_UNARY|xV|P(9)|'M', OC_FIELD|xV|P(5), ++#define TI_PREINC (OC_UNARY|xV|P(9)|'P') ++#define TI_PREDEC (OC_UNARY|xV|P(9)|'M') ++ TI_PREINC, TI_PREDEC, OC_FIELD|xV|P(5), + OC_COMPARE|VV|P(39)|5, OC_MOVE|VV|P(74), OC_REPLACE|NV|P(74)|'+', OC_REPLACE|NV|P(74)|'-', + OC_REPLACE|NV|P(74)|'*', OC_REPLACE|NV|P(74)|'/', OC_REPLACE|NV|P(74)|'%', OC_REPLACE|NV|P(74)|'&', + OC_BINARY|NV|P(29)|'+', OC_BINARY|NV|P(29)|'-', OC_REPLACE|NV|P(74)|'&', OC_BINARY|NV|P(15)|'&', + OC_BINARY|NV|P(25)|'/', OC_BINARY|NV|P(25)|'%', OC_BINARY|NV|P(15)|'&', OC_BINARY|NV|P(25)|'*', + OC_COMPARE|VV|P(39)|4, OC_COMPARE|VV|P(39)|3, OC_COMPARE|VV|P(39)|0, OC_COMPARE|VV|P(39)|1, +- OC_COMPARE|VV|P(39)|2, OC_MATCH|Sx|P(45)|'!', OC_MATCH|Sx|P(45)|'~', OC_LAND|Vx|P(55), +- OC_LOR|Vx|P(59), OC_TERNARY|Vx|P(64)|'?', OC_COLON|xx|P(67)|':', +- OC_IN|SV|P(49), /* TC_IN */ +- OC_COMMA|SS|P(80), +- OC_PGETLINE|SV|P(37), ++#define TI_LESS (OC_COMPARE|VV|P(39)|2) ++ TI_LESS, OC_MATCH|Sx|P(45)|'!', OC_MATCH|Sx|P(45)|'~', OC_LAND|Vx|P(55), ++#define TI_TERNARY (OC_TERNARY|Vx|P(64)|'?') ++#define TI_COLON (OC_COLON|xx|P(67)|':') ++ OC_LOR|Vx|P(59), TI_TERNARY, TI_COLON, ++#define TI_IN (OC_IN|SV|P(49)) ++ TI_IN, ++#define TI_COMMA (OC_COMMA|SS|P(80)) ++ TI_COMMA, ++#define TI_PGETLINE (OC_PGETLINE|SV|P(37)) ++ TI_PGETLINE, + OC_UNARY|xV|P(19)|'+', OC_UNARY|xV|P(19)|'-', OC_UNARY|xV|P(19)|'!', + 0, /* ] */ + 0, +@@ -434,20 +468,45 @@ static const uint32_t tokeninfo[] ALIGN4 = { + OC_RETURN|Vx, OC_EXIT|Nx, + ST_WHILE, + 0, /* else */ +- OC_B|B_an|P(0x83), OC_B|B_co|P(0x41), OC_B|B_ls|P(0x83), OC_B|B_or|P(0x83), +- OC_B|B_rs|P(0x83), OC_B|B_xo|P(0x83), +- OC_FBLTIN|Sx|F_cl, OC_FBLTIN|Sx|F_sy, OC_FBLTIN|Sx|F_ff, OC_B|B_a2|P(0x83), +- OC_FBLTIN|Nx|F_co, OC_FBLTIN|Nx|F_ex, OC_FBLTIN|Nx|F_in, OC_FBLTIN|Nx|F_lg, +- OC_FBLTIN|F_rn, OC_FBLTIN|Nx|F_si, OC_FBLTIN|Nx|F_sq, OC_FBLTIN|Nx|F_sr, +- OC_B|B_ge|P(0xd6), OC_B|B_gs|P(0xb6), OC_B|B_ix|P(0x9b), /* OC_FBLTIN|Sx|F_le, was here */ +- OC_B|B_ma|P(0x89), OC_B|B_sp|P(0x8b), OC_SPRINTF, OC_B|B_su|P(0xb6), +- OC_B|B_ss|P(0x8f), OC_FBLTIN|F_ti, OC_B|B_ti|P(0x0b), OC_B|B_mt|P(0x0b), +- OC_B|B_lo|P(0x49), OC_B|B_up|P(0x49), +- OC_FBLTIN|Sx|F_le, /* TC_LENGTH */ +- OC_GETLINE|SV|P(0), +- 0, 0, +- 0, +- 0 /* TC_END */ ++// OC_B's are builtins with enforced minimum number of arguments (two upper bits). ++// Highest byte bit pattern: nn s3s2s1 v3v2v1 ++// nn - min. number of args, sN - resolve Nth arg to string, vN - resolve to var ++// OC_F's are builtins with zero or one argument. ++// |Rx| enforces that arg is present for: system, close, cos, sin, exp, int, log, sqrt ++// Check for no args is present in builtins' code (not in this table): rand, systime ++// Have one _optional_ arg: fflush, srand, length ++#define OC_B OC_BUILTIN ++#define OC_F OC_FBLTIN ++#define A1 P(0x40) /*one arg*/ ++#define A2 P(0x80) /*two args*/ ++#define A3 P(0xc0) /*three args*/ ++#define __v P(1) ++#define _vv P(3) ++#define __s__v P(9) ++#define __s_vv P(0x0b) ++#define __svvv P(0x0f) ++#define _ss_vv P(0x1b) ++#define _s_vv_ P(0x16) ++#define ss_vv_ P(0x36) ++ OC_B|B_an|_vv|A2, OC_B|B_co|__v|A1, OC_B|B_ls|_vv|A2, OC_B|B_or|_vv|A2, // and compl lshift or ++ OC_B|B_rs|_vv|A2, OC_B|B_xo|_vv|A2, // rshift xor ++ OC_F|F_cl|Sx|Rx, OC_F|F_sy|Sx|Rx, OC_F|F_ff|Sx, OC_B|B_a2|_vv|A2, // close system fflush atan2 ++ OC_F|F_co|Nx|Rx, OC_F|F_ex|Nx|Rx, OC_F|F_in|Nx|Rx, OC_F|F_lg|Nx|Rx, // cos exp int log ++ OC_F|F_rn, OC_F|F_si|Nx|Rx, OC_F|F_sq|Nx|Rx, OC_F|F_sr|Nx, // rand sin sqrt srand ++ OC_B|B_ge|_s_vv_|A3,OC_B|B_gs|ss_vv_|A2,OC_B|B_ix|_ss_vv|A2, // gensub gsub index /*length was here*/ ++ OC_B|B_ma|__s__v|A2,OC_B|B_sp|__s_vv|A2,OC_SPRINTF, OC_B|B_su|ss_vv_|A2,// match split sprintf sub ++ OC_B|B_ss|__svvv|A2,OC_F|F_ti, OC_B|B_ti|__s_vv, OC_B|B_mt|__s_vv, // substr systime strftime mktime ++ OC_B|B_lo|__s__v|A1,OC_B|B_up|__s__v|A1, // tolower toupper ++ OC_F|F_le|Sx, // length ++ OC_GETLINE|SV, // getline ++ 0, 0, // func function ++ 0, // BEGIN ++ 0 // END ++#undef A1 ++#undef A2 ++#undef A3 ++#undef OC_B ++#undef OC_F + }; + + /* internal variable names and their initial values */ +@@ -488,21 +547,29 @@ struct globals { + chain *seq; + node *break_ptr, *continue_ptr; + rstream *iF; +- xhash *vhash, *ahash, *fdhash, *fnhash; ++ xhash *ahash; /* argument names, used only while parsing function bodies */ ++ xhash *fnhash; /* function names, used only in parsing stage */ ++ xhash *vhash; /* variables and arrays */ ++ //xhash *fdhash; /* file objects, used only in execution stage */ ++ //we are reusing ahash as fdhash, via define (see later) + const char *g_progname; + int g_lineno; + int nfields; + int maxfields; /* used in fsrealloc() only */ + var *Fields; +- nvblock *g_cb; + char *g_pos; +- char *g_buf; ++ char g_saved_ch; + smallint icase; + smallint exiting; + smallint nextrec; + smallint nextfile; + smallint is_f0_split; + smallint t_rollback; ++ ++ /* former statics from various functions */ ++ smallint next_token__concat_inserted; ++ uint32_t next_token__save_tclass; ++ uint32_t next_token__save_info; + }; + struct globals2 { + uint32_t t_info; /* often used */ +@@ -515,32 +582,35 @@ struct globals2 { + /* former statics from various functions */ + char *split_f0__fstrings; + +- uint32_t next_token__save_tclass; +- uint32_t next_token__save_info; +- uint32_t next_token__ltclass; +- smallint next_token__concat_inserted; +- +- smallint next_input_file__files_happen; + rstream next_input_file__rsm; ++ smallint next_input_file__files_happen; ++ ++ smalluint exitcode; + +- var *evaluate__fnargs; + unsigned evaluate__seed; ++ var *evaluate__fnargs; + regex_t evaluate__sreg; + +- var ptest__v; ++ var ptest__tmpvar; ++ var awk_printf__tmpvar; ++ var as_regex__tmpvar; ++ var exit__tmpvar; ++ var main__tmpvar; + + tsplitter exec_builtin__tspl; + + /* biggest and least used members go last */ + tsplitter fsplitter, rsplitter; ++ ++ char g_buf[MAXVARFMT + 1]; + }; + #define G1 (ptr_to_globals[-1]) + #define G (*(struct globals2 *)ptr_to_globals) + /* For debug. nm --size-sort awk.o | grep -vi ' [tr] ' */ +-/*char G1size[sizeof(G1)]; - 0x74 */ +-/*char Gsize[sizeof(G)]; - 0x1c4 */ ++//char G1size[sizeof(G1)]; // 0x70 ++//char Gsize[sizeof(G)]; // 0x2f8 + /* Trying to keep most of members accessible with short offsets: */ +-/*char Gofs_seed[offsetof(struct globals2, evaluate__seed)]; - 0x90 */ ++//char Gofs_seed[offsetof(struct globals2, evaluate__seed)]; // 0x7c + #define t_double (G1.t_double ) + #define beginseq (G1.beginseq ) + #define mainseq (G1.mainseq ) +@@ -549,18 +619,20 @@ struct globals2 { + #define break_ptr (G1.break_ptr ) + #define continue_ptr (G1.continue_ptr) + #define iF (G1.iF ) +-#define vhash (G1.vhash ) + #define ahash (G1.ahash ) +-#define fdhash (G1.fdhash ) + #define fnhash (G1.fnhash ) ++#define vhash (G1.vhash ) ++#define fdhash ahash ++//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ahash is cleared after every function parsing, ++// and ends up empty after parsing phase. Thus, we can simply reuse it ++// for fdhash in execution stage. + #define g_progname (G1.g_progname ) + #define g_lineno (G1.g_lineno ) + #define nfields (G1.nfields ) + #define maxfields (G1.maxfields ) + #define Fields (G1.Fields ) +-#define g_cb (G1.g_cb ) + #define g_pos (G1.g_pos ) +-#define g_buf (G1.g_buf ) ++#define g_saved_ch (G1.g_saved_ch ) + #define icase (G1.icase ) + #define exiting (G1.exiting ) + #define nextrec (G1.nextrec ) +@@ -574,25 +646,13 @@ struct globals2 { + #define intvar (G.intvar ) + #define fsplitter (G.fsplitter ) + #define rsplitter (G.rsplitter ) ++#define g_buf (G.g_buf ) + #define INIT_G() do { \ + SET_PTR_TO_GLOBALS((char*)xzalloc(sizeof(G1)+sizeof(G)) + sizeof(G1)); \ +- G.next_token__ltclass = TC_OPTERM; \ ++ t_tclass = TC_NEWLINE; \ + G.evaluate__seed = 1; \ + } while (0) + +- +-/* function prototypes */ +-static void handle_special(var *); +-static node *parse_expr(uint32_t); +-static void chain_group(void); +-static var *evaluate(node *, var *); +-static rstream *next_input_file(void); +-static int fmt_num(char *, int, const char *, double, int); +-static int awk_exit(int) NORETURN; +- +-/* ---- error handling ---- */ +- +-static const char EMSG_INTERNAL_ERROR[] ALIGN1 = "Internal error"; + static const char EMSG_UNEXP_EOS[] ALIGN1 = "Unexpected end of string"; + static const char EMSG_UNEXP_TOKEN[] ALIGN1 = "Unexpected token"; + static const char EMSG_DIV_BY_ZERO[] ALIGN1 = "Division by zero"; +@@ -604,10 +664,7 @@ static const char EMSG_UNDEF_FUNC[] ALIGN1 = "Call to undefined function"; + static const char EMSG_NO_MATH[] ALIGN1 = "Math support is not compiled in"; + static const char EMSG_NEGATIVE_FIELD[] ALIGN1 = "Access to negative field"; + +-static void zero_out_var(var *vp) +-{ +- memset(vp, 0, sizeof(*vp)); +-} ++static int awk_exit(void) NORETURN; + + static void syntax_error(const char *message) NORETURN; + static void syntax_error(const char *message) +@@ -638,12 +695,40 @@ static xhash *hash_init(void) + return newhash; + } + ++static void hash_clear(xhash *hash) ++{ ++ unsigned i; ++ hash_item *hi, *thi; ++ ++ for (i = 0; i < hash->csize; i++) { ++ hi = hash->items[i]; ++ while (hi) { ++ thi = hi; ++ hi = hi->next; ++//FIXME: this assumes that it's a hash of *variables*: ++ free(thi->data.v.string); ++ free(thi); ++ } ++ hash->items[i] = NULL; ++ } ++ hash->glen = hash->nel = 0; ++} ++ ++#if 0 //UNUSED ++static void hash_free(xhash *hash) ++{ ++ hash_clear(hash); ++ free(hash->items); ++ free(hash); ++} ++#endif ++ + /* find item in hash, return ptr to data, NULL if not found */ +-static void *hash_search(xhash *hash, const char *name) ++static NOINLINE void *hash_search3(xhash *hash, const char *name, unsigned idx) + { + hash_item *hi; + +- hi = hash->items[hashidx(name) % hash->csize]; ++ hi = hash->items[idx % hash->csize]; + while (hi) { + if (strcmp(hi->name, name) == 0) + return &hi->data; +@@ -652,6 +737,11 @@ static void *hash_search(xhash *hash, const char *name) + return NULL; + } + ++static void *hash_search(xhash *hash, const char *name) ++{ ++ return hash_search3(hash, name, hashidx(name)); ++} ++ + /* grow hash if it becomes too big */ + static void hash_rebuild(xhash *hash) + { +@@ -687,16 +777,17 @@ static void *hash_find(xhash *hash, const char *name) + unsigned idx; + int l; + +- hi = hash_search(hash, name); ++ idx = hashidx(name); ++ hi = hash_search3(hash, name, idx); + if (!hi) { +- if (++hash->nel / hash->csize > 10) ++ if (++hash->nel > hash->csize * 8) + hash_rebuild(hash); + + l = strlen(name) + 1; + hi = xzalloc(sizeof(*hi) + l); + strcpy(hi->name, name); + +- idx = hashidx(name) % hash->csize; ++ idx = idx % hash->csize; + hi->next = hash->items[idx]; + hash->items[idx] = hi; + hash->glen += l; +@@ -731,7 +822,7 @@ static void hash_remove(xhash *hash, const char *name) + + static char *skip_spaces(char *p) + { +- while (1) { ++ for (;;) { + if (*p == '\\' && p[1] == '\n') { + p++; + t_lineno++; +@@ -747,8 +838,10 @@ static char *skip_spaces(char *p) + static char *nextword(char **s) + { + char *p = *s; +- while (*(*s)++ != '\0') ++ char *q = p; ++ while (*q++ != '\0') + continue; ++ *s = q; + return p; + } + +@@ -811,10 +904,27 @@ static double my_strtod(char **pp) + + /* -------- working with variables (set/get/copy/etc) -------- */ + +-static xhash *iamarray(var *v) ++static void fmt_num(const char *format, double n) + { +- var *a = v; ++ if (n == (long long)n) { ++ snprintf(g_buf, MAXVARFMT, "%lld", (long long)n); ++ } else { ++ const char *s = format; ++ char c; ++ ++ do { c = *s; } while (c && *++s); ++ if (strchr("diouxX", c)) { ++ snprintf(g_buf, MAXVARFMT, format, (int)n); ++ } else if (strchr("eEfFgGaA", c)) { ++ snprintf(g_buf, MAXVARFMT, format, n); ++ } else { ++ syntax_error(EMSG_INV_FMT); ++ } ++ } ++} + ++static xhash *iamarray(var *a) ++{ + while (a->type & VF_CHILD) + a = a->x.parent; + +@@ -825,23 +935,7 @@ static xhash *iamarray(var *v) + return a->x.array; + } + +-static void clear_array(xhash *array) +-{ +- unsigned i; +- hash_item *hi, *thi; +- +- for (i = 0; i < array->csize; i++) { +- hi = array->items[i]; +- while (hi) { +- thi = hi; +- hi = hi->next; +- free(thi->data.v.string); +- free(thi); +- } +- array->items[i] = NULL; +- } +- array->glen = array->nel = 0; +-} ++#define clear_array(array) hash_clear(array) + + /* clear a variable */ + static var *clrvar(var *v) +@@ -855,6 +949,8 @@ static var *clrvar(var *v) + return v; + } + ++static void handle_special(var *); ++ + /* assign string value to variable */ + static var *setvar_p(var *v, char *value) + { +@@ -901,7 +997,7 @@ static const char *getvar_s(var *v) + { + /* if v is numeric and has no cached string, convert it to string */ + if ((v->type & (VF_NUMBER | VF_CACHED)) == VF_NUMBER) { +- fmt_num(g_buf, MAXVARFMT, getvar_s(intvar[CONVFMT]), v->number, TRUE); ++ fmt_num(getvar_s(intvar[CONVFMT]), v->number); + v->string = xstrdup(g_buf); + v->type |= VF_CACHED; + } +@@ -920,6 +1016,7 @@ static double getvar_i(var *v) + v->number = my_strtod(&s); + debug_printf_eval("%f (s:'%s')\n", v->number, s); + if (v->type & VF_USER) { ++//TODO: skip_spaces() also skips backslash+newline, is it intended here? + s = skip_spaces(s); + if (*s != '\0') + v->type &= ~VF_USER; +@@ -981,94 +1078,28 @@ static int istrue(var *v) + return (v->string && v->string[0]); + } + +-/* temporary variables allocator. Last allocated should be first freed */ +-static var *nvalloc(int n) +-{ +- nvblock *pb = NULL; +- var *v, *r; +- int size; +- +- while (g_cb) { +- pb = g_cb; +- if ((g_cb->pos - g_cb->nv) + n <= g_cb->size) +- break; +- g_cb = g_cb->next; +- } +- +- if (!g_cb) { +- size = (n <= MINNVBLOCK) ? MINNVBLOCK : n; +- g_cb = xzalloc(sizeof(nvblock) + size * sizeof(var)); +- g_cb->size = size; +- g_cb->pos = g_cb->nv; +- g_cb->prev = pb; +- /*g_cb->next = NULL; - xzalloc did it */ +- if (pb) +- pb->next = g_cb; +- } +- +- v = r = g_cb->pos; +- g_cb->pos += n; +- +- while (v < g_cb->pos) { +- v->type = 0; +- v->string = NULL; +- v++; +- } +- +- return r; +-} +- +-static void nvfree(var *v) +-{ +- var *p; +- +- if (v < g_cb->nv || v >= g_cb->pos) +- syntax_error(EMSG_INTERNAL_ERROR); +- +- for (p = v; p < g_cb->pos; p++) { +- if ((p->type & (VF_ARRAY | VF_CHILD)) == VF_ARRAY) { +- clear_array(iamarray(p)); +- free(p->x.array->items); +- free(p->x.array); +- } +- if (p->type & VF_WALK) { +- walker_list *n; +- walker_list *w = p->x.walker; +- debug_printf_walker("nvfree: freeing walker @%p\n", &p->x.walker); +- p->x.walker = NULL; +- while (w) { +- n = w->prev; +- debug_printf_walker(" free(%p)\n", w); +- free(w); +- w = n; +- } +- } +- clrvar(p); +- } +- +- g_cb->pos = v; +- while (g_cb->prev && g_cb->pos == g_cb->nv) { +- g_cb = g_cb->prev; +- } +-} +- + /* ------- awk program text parsing ------- */ + +-/* Parse next token pointed by global pos, place results into global ttt. +- * If token isn't expected, give away. Return token class ++/* Parse next token pointed by global pos, place results into global t_XYZ variables. ++ * If token isn't expected, print error message and die. ++ * Return token class (also store it in t_tclass). + */ + static uint32_t next_token(uint32_t expected) + { +-#define concat_inserted (G.next_token__concat_inserted) +-#define save_tclass (G.next_token__save_tclass) +-#define save_info (G.next_token__save_info) +-/* Initialized to TC_OPTERM: */ +-#define ltclass (G.next_token__ltclass) ++#define concat_inserted (G1.next_token__concat_inserted) ++#define save_tclass (G1.next_token__save_tclass) ++#define save_info (G1.next_token__save_info) + +- char *p, *s; ++ char *p; + const char *tl; +- uint32_t tc; + const uint32_t *ti; ++ uint32_t tc, last_token_class; ++ ++ last_token_class = t_tclass; /* t_tclass is initialized to TC_NEWLINE */ ++ ++ debug_printf_parse("%s() expected(%x):", __func__, expected); ++ debug_parse_print_tc(expected); ++ debug_printf_parse("\n"); + + if (t_rollback) { + debug_printf_parse("%s: using rolled-back token\n", __func__); +@@ -1080,6 +1111,10 @@ static uint32_t next_token(uint32_t expected) + t_info = save_info; + } else { + p = g_pos; ++ if (g_saved_ch != '\0') { ++ *p = g_saved_ch; ++ g_saved_ch = '\0'; ++ } + readnext: + p = skip_spaces(p); + g_lineno = t_lineno; +@@ -1087,15 +1122,12 @@ static uint32_t next_token(uint32_t expected) + while (*p != '\n' && *p != '\0') + p++; + +- if (*p == '\n') +- t_lineno++; +- + if (*p == '\0') { + tc = TC_EOF; + debug_printf_parse("%s: token found: TC_EOF\n", __func__); + } else if (*p == '\"') { + /* it's a string */ +- t_string = s = ++p; ++ char *s = t_string = ++p; + while (*p != '\"') { + char *pp; + if (*p == '\0' || *p == '\n') +@@ -1110,7 +1142,7 @@ static uint32_t next_token(uint32_t expected) + debug_printf_parse("%s: token found:'%s' TC_STRING\n", __func__, t_string); + } else if ((expected & TC_REGEXP) && *p == '/') { + /* it's regexp */ +- t_string = s = ++p; ++ char *s = t_string = ++p; + while (*p != '/') { + if (*p == '\0' || *p == '\n') + syntax_error(EMSG_UNEXP_EOS); +@@ -1141,6 +1173,11 @@ static uint32_t next_token(uint32_t expected) + tc = TC_NUMBER; + debug_printf_parse("%s: token found:%f TC_NUMBER\n", __func__, t_double); + } else { ++ char *end_of_name; ++ ++ if (*p == '\n') ++ t_lineno++; ++ + /* search for something known */ + tl = tokenlist; + tc = 0x00000001; +@@ -1155,9 +1192,9 @@ static uint32_t next_token(uint32_t expected) + * token matches, + * and it's not a longer word, + */ +- if ((tc & (expected | TC_WORD | TC_NEWLINE)) ++ if ((tc & (expected | TS_WORD | TC_NEWLINE)) + && strncmp(p, tl, l) == 0 +- && !((tc & TC_WORD) && isalnum_(p[l])) ++ && !((tc & TS_WORD) && isalnum_(p[l])) + ) { + /* then this is what we are looking for */ + t_info = *ti; +@@ -1174,67 +1211,94 @@ static uint32_t next_token(uint32_t expected) + if (!isalnum_(*p)) + syntax_error(EMSG_UNEXP_TOKEN); /* no */ + /* yes */ +- t_string = --p; +- while (isalnum_(*++p)) { +- p[-1] = *p; +- } +- p[-1] = '\0'; +- tc = TC_VARIABLE; +- /* also consume whitespace between functionname and bracket */ +- if (!(expected & TC_VARIABLE) || (expected & TC_ARRAY)) ++ t_string = p; ++ while (isalnum_(*p)) ++ p++; ++ end_of_name = p; ++ ++ if (last_token_class == TC_FUNCDECL) ++ /* eat space in "function FUNC (...) {...}" declaration */ + p = skip_spaces(p); ++ else if (expected & TC_ARRAY) { ++ /* eat space between array name and [ */ ++ char *s = skip_spaces(p); ++ if (*s == '[') /* array ref, not just a name? */ ++ p = s; ++ } ++ /* else: do NOT consume whitespace after variable name! ++ * gawk allows definition "function FUNC (p) {...}" - note space, ++ * but disallows the call "FUNC (p)" because it isn't one - ++ * expression "v (a)" should NOT be parsed as TC_FUNCTION: ++ * it is a valid concatenation if "v" is a variable, ++ * not a function name (and type of name is not known at parse time). ++ */ ++ + if (*p == '(') { ++ p++; + tc = TC_FUNCTION; + debug_printf_parse("%s: token found:'%s' TC_FUNCTION\n", __func__, t_string); ++ } else if (*p == '[') { ++ p++; ++ tc = TC_ARRAY; ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: token found:'%s' TC_ARRAY\n", __func__, t_string); + } else { +- if (*p == '[') { +- p++; +- tc = TC_ARRAY; +- debug_printf_parse("%s: token found:'%s' TC_ARRAY\n", __func__, t_string); +- } else +- debug_printf_parse("%s: token found:'%s' TC_VARIABLE\n", __func__, t_string); ++ tc = TC_VARIABLE; ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: token found:'%s' TC_VARIABLE\n", __func__, t_string); ++ if (end_of_name == p) { ++ /* there is no space for trailing NUL in t_string! ++ * We need to save the char we are going to NUL. ++ * (we'll use it in future call to next_token()) ++ */ ++ g_saved_ch = *end_of_name; ++// especially pathological example is V="abc"; V.2 - it's V concatenated to .2 ++// (it evaluates to "abc0.2"). Because of this case, we can't simply cache ++// '.' and analyze it later: we also have to *store it back* in next ++// next_token(), in order to give my_strtod() the undamaged ".2" string. ++ } + } ++ *end_of_name = '\0'; /* terminate t_string */ + } + token_found: + g_pos = p; + + /* skipping newlines in some cases */ +- if ((ltclass & TC_NOTERM) && (tc & TC_NEWLINE)) ++ if ((last_token_class & TS_NOTERM) && (tc & TC_NEWLINE)) + goto readnext; + + /* insert concatenation operator when needed */ +- debug_printf_parse("%s: %x %x %x concat_inserted?\n", __func__, +- (ltclass & TC_CONCAT1), (tc & TC_CONCAT2), (expected & TC_BINOP)); +- if ((ltclass & TC_CONCAT1) && (tc & TC_CONCAT2) && (expected & TC_BINOP) +- && !(ltclass == TC_LENGTH && tc == TC_SEQSTART) /* but not for "length(..." */ ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: concat_inserted if all nonzero: %x %x %x %x\n", __func__, ++ (last_token_class & TS_CONCAT_L), (tc & TS_CONCAT_R), (expected & TS_BINOP), ++ !(last_token_class == TC_LENGTH && tc == TC_LPAREN)); ++ if ((last_token_class & TS_CONCAT_L) && (tc & TS_CONCAT_R) && (expected & TS_BINOP) ++ && !(last_token_class == TC_LENGTH && tc == TC_LPAREN) /* but not for "length(..." */ + ) { + concat_inserted = TRUE; + save_tclass = tc; + save_info = t_info; +- tc = TC_BINOP; ++ tc = TC_BINOPX; + t_info = OC_CONCAT | SS | P(35); + } + +- debug_printf_parse("%s: t_tclass=tc=%x\n", __func__, t_tclass); + t_tclass = tc; ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: t_tclass=tc=%x\n", __func__, tc); + } +- ltclass = t_tclass; +- + /* Are we ready for this? */ +- if (!(ltclass & expected)) { +- syntax_error((ltclass & (TC_NEWLINE | TC_EOF)) ? ++ if (!(t_tclass & expected)) { ++ syntax_error((last_token_class & (TC_NEWLINE | TC_EOF)) ? + EMSG_UNEXP_EOS : EMSG_UNEXP_TOKEN); + } + +- debug_printf_parse("%s: returning, ltclass:%x t_double:%f\n", __func__, ltclass, t_double); +- return ltclass; ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: returning, t_double:%f t_tclass:", __func__, t_double); ++ debug_parse_print_tc(t_tclass); ++ debug_printf_parse("\n"); ++ ++ return t_tclass; + #undef concat_inserted + #undef save_tclass + #undef save_info +-#undef ltclass + } + +-static void rollback_token(void) ++static ALWAYS_INLINE void rollback_token(void) + { + t_rollback = TRUE; + } +@@ -1251,169 +1315,188 @@ static node *new_node(uint32_t info) + + static void mk_re_node(const char *s, node *n, regex_t *re) + { +- n->info = OC_REGEXP; ++ n->info = TI_REGEXP; + n-> = re; + n->r.ire = re + 1; + xregcomp(re, s, REG_EXTENDED); + xregcomp(re + 1, s, REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE); + } + +-static node *condition(void) ++static node *parse_expr(uint32_t); ++ ++static node *parse_lrparen_list(void) + { +- next_token(TC_SEQSTART); +- return parse_expr(TC_SEQTERM); ++ next_token(TC_LPAREN); ++ return parse_expr(TC_RPAREN); + } + + /* parse expression terminated by given argument, return ptr + * to built subtree. Terminator is eaten by parse_expr */ +-static node *parse_expr(uint32_t iexp) ++static node *parse_expr(uint32_t term_tc) + { + node sn; + node *cn = &sn; + node *vn, *glptr; +- uint32_t tc, xtc; ++ uint32_t tc, expected_tc; + var *v; + +- debug_printf_parse("%s(%x)\n", __func__, iexp); ++ debug_printf_parse("%s() term_tc(%x):", __func__, term_tc); ++ debug_parse_print_tc(term_tc); ++ debug_printf_parse("\n"); + + = PRIMASK; + sn.r.n = sn.a.n = glptr = NULL; +- xtc = TC_OPERAND | TC_UOPPRE | TC_REGEXP | iexp; ++ expected_tc = TS_OPERAND | TS_UOPPRE | TC_REGEXP | term_tc; + +- while (!((tc = next_token(xtc)) & iexp)) { ++ while (!((tc = next_token(expected_tc)) & term_tc)) { + +- if (glptr && (t_info == (OC_COMPARE | VV | P(39) | 2))) { ++ if (glptr && (t_info == TI_LESS)) { + /* input redirection (<) attached to glptr node */ + debug_printf_parse("%s: input redir\n", __func__); + cn = glptr->l.n = new_node(OC_CONCAT | SS | P(37)); + cn->a.n = glptr; +- xtc = TC_OPERAND | TC_UOPPRE; ++ expected_tc = TS_OPERAND | TS_UOPPRE; + glptr = NULL; +- +- } else if (tc & (TC_BINOP | TC_UOPPOST)) { +- debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_BINOP | TC_UOPPOST tc:%x\n", __func__, tc); ++ continue; ++ } ++ if (tc & (TS_BINOP | TC_UOPPOST)) { ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: TS_BINOP | TC_UOPPOST tc:%x\n", __func__, tc); + /* for binary and postfix-unary operators, jump back over + * previous operators with higher priority */ + vn = cn; + while (((t_info & PRIMASK) > (vn->a.n->info & PRIMASK2)) +- || ((t_info == vn->info) && ((t_info & OPCLSMASK) == OC_COLON)) ++ || ((t_info == vn->info) && t_info == TI_COLON) + ) { + vn = vn->a.n; + if (!vn->a.n) syntax_error(EMSG_UNEXP_TOKEN); + } +- if ((t_info & OPCLSMASK) == OC_TERNARY) ++ if (t_info == TI_TERNARY) ++//TODO: why? + t_info += P(6); + cn = vn->a.n->r.n = new_node(t_info); + cn->a.n = vn->a.n; +- if (tc & TC_BINOP) { ++ if (tc & TS_BINOP) { + cn->l.n = vn; +- xtc = TC_OPERAND | TC_UOPPRE | TC_REGEXP; +- if ((t_info & OPCLSMASK) == OC_PGETLINE) { ++//FIXME: this is the place to detect and reject assignments to non-lvalues. ++//Currently we allow "assignments" to consts and temporaries, nonsense like this: ++// awk 'BEGIN { "qwe" = 1 }' ++// awk 'BEGIN { 7 *= 7 }' ++// awk 'BEGIN { length("qwe") = 1 }' ++// awk 'BEGIN { (1+1) += 3 }' ++ expected_tc = TS_OPERAND | TS_UOPPRE | TC_REGEXP; ++ if (t_info == TI_PGETLINE) { + /* it's a pipe */ + next_token(TC_GETLINE); + /* give maximum priority to this pipe */ + cn->info &= ~PRIMASK; +- xtc = TC_OPERAND | TC_UOPPRE | TC_BINOP | iexp; ++ expected_tc = TS_OPERAND | TS_UOPPRE | TS_BINOP | term_tc; + } + } else { + cn->r.n = vn; +- xtc = TC_OPERAND | TC_UOPPRE | TC_BINOP | iexp; ++ expected_tc = TS_OPERAND | TS_UOPPRE | TS_BINOP | term_tc; + } + vn->a.n = cn; ++ continue; ++ } + +- } else { +- debug_printf_parse("%s: other\n", __func__); +- /* for operands and prefix-unary operators, attach them +- * to last node */ +- vn = cn; +- cn = vn->r.n = new_node(t_info); +- cn->a.n = vn; +- xtc = TC_OPERAND | TC_UOPPRE | TC_REGEXP; +- if (tc & (TC_OPERAND | TC_REGEXP)) { +- debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_OPERAND | TC_REGEXP\n", __func__); +- xtc = TC_UOPPRE | TC_UOPPOST | TC_BINOP | TC_OPERAND | iexp; +- /* one should be very careful with switch on tclass - +- * only simple tclasses should be used! */ +- switch (tc) { +- case TC_VARIABLE: +- case TC_ARRAY: +- debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_VARIABLE | TC_ARRAY\n", __func__); +- cn->info = OC_VAR; +- v = hash_search(ahash, t_string); +- if (v != NULL) { +- cn->info = OC_FNARG; +- cn->l.aidx = v->x.aidx; +- } else { +- cn->l.v = newvar(t_string); +- } +- if (tc & TC_ARRAY) { +- cn->info |= xS; +- cn->r.n = parse_expr(TC_ARRTERM); +- } +- break; ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: other, t_info:%x\n", __func__, t_info); ++ /* for operands and prefix-unary operators, attach them ++ * to last node */ ++ vn = cn; ++ cn = vn->r.n = new_node(t_info); ++ cn->a.n = vn; + +- case TC_NUMBER: +- case TC_STRING: +- debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_NUMBER | TC_STRING\n", __func__); +- cn->info = OC_VAR; +- v = cn->l.v = xzalloc(sizeof(var)); +- if (tc & TC_NUMBER) +- setvar_i(v, t_double); +- else { +- setvar_s(v, t_string); +- xtc &= ~TC_UOPPOST; /* "str"++ is not allowed */ +- } +- break; ++ expected_tc = TS_OPERAND | TS_UOPPRE | TC_REGEXP; ++ if (t_info == TI_PREINC || t_info == TI_PREDEC) ++ expected_tc = TS_LVALUE | TC_UOPPRE1; + +- case TC_REGEXP: +- debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_REGEXP\n", __func__); +- mk_re_node(t_string, cn, xzalloc(sizeof(regex_t)*2)); +- break; ++ if (!(tc & (TS_OPERAND | TC_REGEXP))) ++ continue; + +- case TC_FUNCTION: +- debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_FUNCTION\n", __func__); +- cn->info = OC_FUNC; +- cn->r.f = newfunc(t_string); +- cn->l.n = condition(); +- break; ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: TS_OPERAND | TC_REGEXP\n", __func__); ++ expected_tc = TS_UOPPRE | TC_UOPPOST | TS_BINOP | TS_OPERAND | term_tc; ++ /* one should be very careful with switch on tclass - ++ * only simple tclasses should be used (TC_xyz, not TS_xyz) */ ++ switch (tc) { ++ case TC_VARIABLE: ++ case TC_ARRAY: ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_VARIABLE | TC_ARRAY\n", __func__); ++ cn->info = OC_VAR; ++ v = hash_search(ahash, t_string); ++ if (v != NULL) { ++ cn->info = OC_FNARG; ++ cn->l.aidx = v->x.aidx; ++ } else { ++ cn->l.v = newvar(t_string); ++ } ++ if (tc & TC_ARRAY) { ++ cn->info |= xS; ++ cn->r.n = parse_expr(TC_ARRTERM); ++ } ++ break; + +- case TC_SEQSTART: +- debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_SEQSTART\n", __func__); +- cn = vn->r.n = parse_expr(TC_SEQTERM); +- if (!cn) +- syntax_error("Empty sequence"); +- cn->a.n = vn; +- break; ++ case TC_NUMBER: ++ case TC_STRING: ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_NUMBER | TC_STRING\n", __func__); ++ cn->info = OC_VAR; ++ v = cn->l.v = xzalloc(sizeof(var)); ++ if (tc & TC_NUMBER) ++ setvar_i(v, t_double); ++ else { ++ setvar_s(v, t_string); ++ expected_tc &= ~TC_UOPPOST; /* "str"++ is not allowed */ ++ } ++ break; + +- case TC_GETLINE: +- debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_GETLINE\n", __func__); +- glptr = cn; +- xtc = TC_OPERAND | TC_UOPPRE | TC_BINOP | iexp; +- break; ++ case TC_REGEXP: ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_REGEXP\n", __func__); ++ mk_re_node(t_string, cn, xzalloc(sizeof(regex_t)*2)); ++ break; + +- case TC_BUILTIN: +- debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_BUILTIN\n", __func__); +- cn->l.n = condition(); +- break; ++ case TC_FUNCTION: ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_FUNCTION\n", __func__); ++ cn->info = OC_FUNC; ++ cn->r.f = newfunc(t_string); ++ cn->l.n = parse_expr(TC_RPAREN); ++ break; + +- case TC_LENGTH: +- debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_LENGTH\n", __func__); +- next_token(TC_SEQSTART /* length(...) */ +- | TC_OPTERM /* length; (or newline)*/ +- | TC_GRPTERM /* length } */ +- | TC_BINOPX /* length NUM */ +- | TC_COMMA /* print length, 1 */ +- ); +- rollback_token(); +- if (t_tclass & TC_SEQSTART) { +- /* It was a "(" token. Handle just like TC_BUILTIN */ +- cn->l.n = condition(); +- } +- break; +- } ++ case TC_LPAREN: ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_LPAREN\n", __func__); ++ cn = vn->r.n = parse_expr(TC_RPAREN); ++ if (!cn) ++ syntax_error("Empty sequence"); ++ cn->a.n = vn; ++ break; ++ ++ case TC_GETLINE: ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_GETLINE\n", __func__); ++ glptr = cn; ++ expected_tc = TS_OPERAND | TS_UOPPRE | TS_BINOP | term_tc; ++ break; ++ ++ case TC_BUILTIN: ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_BUILTIN\n", __func__); ++ cn->l.n = parse_lrparen_list(); ++ break; ++ ++ case TC_LENGTH: ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_LENGTH\n", __func__); ++ tc = next_token(TC_LPAREN /* length(...) */ ++ | TC_SEMICOL /* length; */ ++ | TC_NEWLINE /* length */ ++ | TC_RBRACE /* length } */ ++ | TC_BINOPX /* length NUM */ ++ | TC_COMMA /* print length, 1 */ ++ ); ++ if (tc != TC_LPAREN) ++ rollback_token(); ++ else { ++ /* It was a "(" token. Handle just like TC_BUILTIN */ ++ cn->l.n = parse_expr(TC_RPAREN); + } ++ break; + } +- } ++ } /* while() */ + + debug_printf_parse("%s() returns %p\n", __func__, sn.r.n); + return sn.r.n; +@@ -1430,7 +1513,7 @@ static node *chain_node(uint32_t info) + if (seq->programname != g_progname) { + seq->programname = g_progname; + n = chain_node(OC_NEWSOURCE); +- n->l.new_progname = xstrdup(g_progname); ++ n->l.new_progname = g_progname; + } + + n = seq->last; +@@ -1446,14 +1529,16 @@ static void chain_expr(uint32_t info) + + n = chain_node(info); + +- n->l.n = parse_expr(TC_OPTERM | TC_GRPTERM); ++ n->l.n = parse_expr(TC_SEMICOL | TC_NEWLINE | TC_RBRACE); + if ((info & OF_REQUIRED) && !n->l.n) + syntax_error(EMSG_TOO_FEW_ARGS); + +- if (t_tclass & TC_GRPTERM) ++ if (t_tclass & TC_RBRACE) + rollback_token(); + } + ++static void chain_group(void); ++ + static node *chain_loop(node *nn) + { + node *n, *n2, *save_brk, *save_cont; +@@ -1477,207 +1562,284 @@ static node *chain_loop(node *nn) + return n; + } + ++static void chain_until_rbrace(void) ++{ ++ uint32_t tc; ++ while ((tc = next_token(TS_GRPSEQ | TC_RBRACE)) != TC_RBRACE) { ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: !TC_RBRACE\n", __func__); ++ if (tc == TC_NEWLINE) ++ continue; ++ rollback_token(); ++ chain_group(); ++ } ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_RBRACE\n", __func__); ++} ++ + /* parse group and attach it to chain */ + static void chain_group(void) + { +- uint32_t c; ++ uint32_t tc; + node *n, *n2, *n3; + + do { +- c = next_token(TC_GRPSEQ); +- } while (c & TC_NEWLINE); +- +- if (c & TC_GRPSTART) { +- debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_GRPSTART\n", __func__); +- while (next_token(TC_GRPSEQ | TC_GRPTERM) != TC_GRPTERM) { +- debug_printf_parse("%s: !TC_GRPTERM\n", __func__); +- if (t_tclass & TC_NEWLINE) +- continue; +- rollback_token(); +- chain_group(); +- } +- debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_GRPTERM\n", __func__); +- } else if (c & (TC_OPSEQ | TC_OPTERM)) { +- debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_OPSEQ | TC_OPTERM\n", __func__); ++ tc = next_token(TS_GRPSEQ); ++ } while (tc == TC_NEWLINE); ++ ++ if (tc == TC_LBRACE) { ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_LBRACE\n", __func__); ++ chain_until_rbrace(); ++ return; ++ } ++ if (tc & (TS_OPSEQ | TC_SEMICOL)) { ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: TS_OPSEQ | TC_SEMICOL\n", __func__); + rollback_token(); + chain_expr(OC_EXEC | Vx); +- } else { +- /* TC_STATEMNT */ +- debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_STATEMNT(?)\n", __func__); +- switch (t_info & OPCLSMASK) { +- case ST_IF: +- debug_printf_parse("%s: ST_IF\n", __func__); +- n = chain_node(OC_BR | Vx); +- n->l.n = condition(); ++ return; ++ } ++ ++ /* TS_STATEMNT */ ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: TS_STATEMNT(?)\n", __func__); ++ switch (t_info & OPCLSMASK) { ++ case ST_IF: ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: ST_IF\n", __func__); ++ n = chain_node(OC_BR | Vx); ++ n->l.n = parse_lrparen_list(); ++ chain_group(); ++ n2 = chain_node(OC_EXEC); ++ n->r.n = seq->last; ++ if (next_token(TS_GRPSEQ | TC_RBRACE | TC_ELSE) == TC_ELSE) { + chain_group(); +- n2 = chain_node(OC_EXEC); +- n->r.n = seq->last; +- if (next_token(TC_GRPSEQ | TC_GRPTERM | TC_ELSE) == TC_ELSE) { +- chain_group(); +- n2->a.n = seq->last; +- } else { +- rollback_token(); +- } +- break; ++ n2->a.n = seq->last; ++ } else { ++ rollback_token(); ++ } ++ break; + +- case ST_WHILE: +- debug_printf_parse("%s: ST_WHILE\n", __func__); +- n2 = condition(); +- n = chain_loop(NULL); +- n->l.n = n2; +- break; ++ case ST_WHILE: ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: ST_WHILE\n", __func__); ++ n2 = parse_lrparen_list(); ++ n = chain_loop(NULL); ++ n->l.n = n2; ++ break; + +- case ST_DO: +- debug_printf_parse("%s: ST_DO\n", __func__); +- n2 = chain_node(OC_EXEC); +- n = chain_loop(NULL); +- n2->a.n = n->a.n; +- next_token(TC_WHILE); +- n->l.n = condition(); +- break; ++ case ST_DO: ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: ST_DO\n", __func__); ++ n2 = chain_node(OC_EXEC); ++ n = chain_loop(NULL); ++ n2->a.n = n->a.n; ++ next_token(TC_WHILE); ++ n->l.n = parse_lrparen_list(); ++ break; + +- case ST_FOR: +- debug_printf_parse("%s: ST_FOR\n", __func__); +- next_token(TC_SEQSTART); +- n2 = parse_expr(TC_SEMICOL | TC_SEQTERM); +- if (t_tclass & TC_SEQTERM) { /* for-in */ +- if (!n2 || (n2->info & OPCLSMASK) != OC_IN) +- syntax_error(EMSG_UNEXP_TOKEN); +- n = chain_node(OC_WALKINIT | VV); +- n->l.n = n2->l.n; +- n->r.n = n2->r.n; +- n = chain_loop(NULL); +- n->info = OC_WALKNEXT | Vx; +- n->l.n = n2->l.n; +- } else { /* for (;;) */ +- n = chain_node(OC_EXEC | Vx); +- n->l.n = n2; +- n2 = parse_expr(TC_SEMICOL); +- n3 = parse_expr(TC_SEQTERM); +- n = chain_loop(n3); +- n->l.n = n2; +- if (!n2) +- n->info = OC_EXEC; +- } +- break; ++ case ST_FOR: ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: ST_FOR\n", __func__); ++ next_token(TC_LPAREN); ++ n2 = parse_expr(TC_SEMICOL | TC_RPAREN); ++ if (t_tclass & TC_RPAREN) { /* for (I in ARRAY) */ ++ if (!n2 || n2->info != TI_IN) ++ syntax_error(EMSG_UNEXP_TOKEN); ++ n = chain_node(OC_WALKINIT | VV); ++ n->l.n = n2->l.n; ++ n->r.n = n2->r.n; ++ n = chain_loop(NULL); ++ n->info = OC_WALKNEXT | Vx; ++ n->l.n = n2->l.n; ++ } else { /* for (;;) */ ++ n = chain_node(OC_EXEC | Vx); ++ n->l.n = n2; ++ n2 = parse_expr(TC_SEMICOL); ++ n3 = parse_expr(TC_RPAREN); ++ n = chain_loop(n3); ++ n->l.n = n2; ++ if (!n2) ++ n->info = OC_EXEC; ++ } ++ break; + +- case OC_PRINT: +- case OC_PRINTF: +- debug_printf_parse("%s: OC_PRINT[F]\n", __func__); +- n = chain_node(t_info); +- n->l.n = parse_expr(TC_OPTERM | TC_OUTRDR | TC_GRPTERM); +- if (t_tclass & TC_OUTRDR) { +- n->info |= t_info; +- n->r.n = parse_expr(TC_OPTERM | TC_GRPTERM); +- } +- if (t_tclass & TC_GRPTERM) +- rollback_token(); +- break; ++ case OC_PRINT: ++ case OC_PRINTF: ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: OC_PRINT[F]\n", __func__); ++ n = chain_node(t_info); ++ n->l.n = parse_expr(TC_SEMICOL | TC_NEWLINE | TC_OUTRDR | TC_RBRACE); ++ if (t_tclass & TC_OUTRDR) { ++ n->info |= t_info; ++ n->r.n = parse_expr(TC_SEMICOL | TC_NEWLINE | TC_RBRACE); ++ } ++ if (t_tclass & TC_RBRACE) ++ rollback_token(); ++ break; + +- case OC_BREAK: +- debug_printf_parse("%s: OC_BREAK\n", __func__); +- n = chain_node(OC_EXEC); +- n->a.n = break_ptr; +- chain_expr(t_info); +- break; ++ case OC_BREAK: ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: OC_BREAK\n", __func__); ++ n = chain_node(OC_EXEC); ++ if (!break_ptr) ++ syntax_error("'break' not in a loop"); ++ n->a.n = break_ptr; ++ chain_expr(t_info); ++ break; + +- case OC_CONTINUE: +- debug_printf_parse("%s: OC_CONTINUE\n", __func__); +- n = chain_node(OC_EXEC); +- n->a.n = continue_ptr; +- chain_expr(t_info); +- break; ++ case OC_CONTINUE: ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: OC_CONTINUE\n", __func__); ++ n = chain_node(OC_EXEC); ++ if (!continue_ptr) ++ syntax_error("'continue' not in a loop"); ++ n->a.n = continue_ptr; ++ chain_expr(t_info); ++ break; + +- /* delete, next, nextfile, return, exit */ +- default: +- debug_printf_parse("%s: default\n", __func__); +- chain_expr(t_info); +- } ++ /* delete, next, nextfile, return, exit */ ++ default: ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: default\n", __func__); ++ chain_expr(t_info); + } + } + + static void parse_program(char *p) + { +- uint32_t tclass; +- node *cn; +- func *f; +- var *v; ++ debug_printf_parse("%s()\n", __func__); + + g_pos = p; + t_lineno = 1; +- while ((tclass = next_token(TC_EOF | TC_OPSEQ | TC_GRPSTART | +- TC_OPTERM | TC_BEGIN | TC_END | TC_FUNCDECL)) != TC_EOF) { ++ for (;;) { ++ uint32_t tclass; + +- if (tclass & TC_OPTERM) { +- debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_OPTERM\n", __func__); ++ tclass = next_token(TS_OPSEQ | TC_LBRACE | TC_BEGIN | TC_END | TC_FUNCDECL ++ | TC_EOF | TC_NEWLINE /* but not TC_SEMICOL */); ++ got_tok: ++ if (tclass == TC_EOF) { ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_EOF\n", __func__); ++ break; ++ } ++ if (tclass == TC_NEWLINE) { ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_NEWLINE\n", __func__); + continue; + } +- +- seq = &mainseq; +- if (tclass & TC_BEGIN) { ++ if (tclass == TC_BEGIN) { + debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_BEGIN\n", __func__); + seq = &beginseq; +- chain_group(); +- } else if (tclass & TC_END) { ++ /* ensure there is no newline between BEGIN and { */ ++ next_token(TC_LBRACE); ++ chain_until_rbrace(); ++ goto next_tok; ++ } ++ if (tclass == TC_END) { + debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_END\n", __func__); + seq = &endseq; +- chain_group(); +- } else if (tclass & TC_FUNCDECL) { ++ /* ensure there is no newline between END and { */ ++ next_token(TC_LBRACE); ++ chain_until_rbrace(); ++ goto next_tok; ++ } ++ if (tclass == TC_FUNCDECL) { ++ func *f; ++ + debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_FUNCDECL\n", __func__); + next_token(TC_FUNCTION); +- g_pos++; + f = newfunc(t_string); +- f->body.first = NULL; +- f->nargs = 0; +- /* Match func arg list: a comma sep list of >= 0 args, and a close paren */ +- while (next_token(TC_VARIABLE | TC_SEQTERM | TC_COMMA)) { +- /* Either an empty arg list, or trailing comma from prev iter +- * must be followed by an arg */ +- if (f->nargs == 0 && t_tclass == TC_SEQTERM) +- break; +- +- /* TC_SEQSTART/TC_COMMA must be followed by TC_VARIABLE */ +- if (t_tclass != TC_VARIABLE) ++ if (f->defined) ++ syntax_error("Duplicate function"); ++ f->defined = 1; ++ //f->body.first = NULL; - already is ++ //f->nargs = 0; - already is ++ /* func arg list: comma sep list of args, and a close paren */ ++ for (;;) { ++ var *v; ++ if (next_token(TC_VARIABLE | TC_RPAREN) == TC_RPAREN) { ++ if (f->nargs == 0) ++ break; /* func() is ok */ ++ /* func(a,) is not ok */ + syntax_error(EMSG_UNEXP_TOKEN); +- ++ } + v = findvar(ahash, t_string); + v->x.aidx = f->nargs++; +- + /* Arg followed either by end of arg list or 1 comma */ +- if (next_token(TC_COMMA | TC_SEQTERM) & TC_SEQTERM) ++ if (next_token(TC_COMMA | TC_RPAREN) == TC_RPAREN) + break; +- if (t_tclass != TC_COMMA) +- syntax_error(EMSG_UNEXP_TOKEN); ++ /* it was a comma, we ate it */ + } + seq = &f->body; +- chain_group(); +- clear_array(ahash); +- } else if (tclass & TC_OPSEQ) { +- debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_OPSEQ\n", __func__); ++ /* ensure there is { after "func F(...)" - but newlines are allowed */ ++ while (next_token(TC_LBRACE | TC_NEWLINE) == TC_NEWLINE) ++ continue; ++ chain_until_rbrace(); ++ hash_clear(ahash); ++ goto next_tok; ++ } ++ seq = &mainseq; ++ if (tclass & TS_OPSEQ) { ++ node *cn; ++ ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: TS_OPSEQ\n", __func__); + rollback_token(); + cn = chain_node(OC_TEST); +- cn->l.n = parse_expr(TC_OPTERM | TC_EOF | TC_GRPSTART); +- if (t_tclass & TC_GRPSTART) { +- debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_GRPSTART\n", __func__); +- rollback_token(); +- chain_group(); ++ cn->l.n = parse_expr(TC_SEMICOL | TC_NEWLINE | TC_EOF | TC_LBRACE); ++ if (t_tclass == TC_LBRACE) { ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_LBRACE\n", __func__); ++ chain_until_rbrace(); + } else { +- debug_printf_parse("%s: !TC_GRPSTART\n", __func__); ++ /* no action, assume default "{ print }" */ ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: !TC_LBRACE\n", __func__); + chain_node(OC_PRINT); + } + cn->r.n = mainseq.last; +- } else /* if (tclass & TC_GRPSTART) */ { +- debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_GRPSTART(?)\n", __func__); +- rollback_token(); +- chain_group(); ++ goto next_tok; + } +- } +- debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_EOF\n", __func__); ++ /* tclass == TC_LBRACE */ ++ debug_printf_parse("%s: TC_LBRACE(?)\n", __func__); ++ chain_until_rbrace(); ++ next_tok: ++ /* Same as next_token() at the top of the loop, + TC_SEMICOL */ ++ tclass = next_token(TS_OPSEQ | TC_LBRACE | TC_BEGIN | TC_END | TC_FUNCDECL ++ | TC_EOF | TC_NEWLINE | TC_SEMICOL); ++ /* gawk allows many newlines, but does not allow more than one semicolon: ++ * BEGIN {...};; ++ * would complain "each rule must have a pattern or an action part". ++ * Same message for ++ * ; BEGIN {...} ++ */ ++ if (tclass != TC_SEMICOL) ++ goto got_tok; /* use this token */ ++ /* else: loop back - ate the semicolon, get and use _next_ token */ ++ } /* for (;;) */ + } + +- + /* -------- program execution part -------- */ + ++/* temporary variables allocator */ ++static var *nvalloc(int sz) ++{ ++ return xzalloc(sz * sizeof(var)); ++} ++ ++static void nvfree(var *v, int sz) ++{ ++ var *p = v; ++ ++ while (--sz >= 0) { ++ if ((p->type & (VF_ARRAY | VF_CHILD)) == VF_ARRAY) { ++ clear_array(iamarray(p)); ++ free(p->x.array->items); ++ free(p->x.array); ++ } ++ if (p->type & VF_WALK) { ++ walker_list *n; ++ walker_list *w = p->x.walker; ++ debug_printf_walker("nvfree: freeing walker @%p\n", &p->x.walker); ++ p->x.walker = NULL; ++ while (w) { ++ n = w->prev; ++ debug_printf_walker(" free(%p)\n", w); ++ free(w); ++ w = n; ++ } ++ } ++ clrvar(p); ++ p++; ++ } ++ ++ free(v); ++} ++ + static node *mk_splitter(const char *s, tsplitter *spl) + { + regex_t *re, *ire; +@@ -1686,7 +1848,7 @@ static node *mk_splitter(const char *s, tsplitter *spl) + re = &spl->re[0]; + ire = &spl->re[1]; + n = &spl->n; +- if ((n->info & OPCLSMASK) == OC_REGEXP) { ++ if (n->info == TI_REGEXP) { + regfree(re); + regfree(ire); // TODO: nuke ire, use re+1? + } +@@ -1699,21 +1861,28 @@ static node *mk_splitter(const char *s, tsplitter *spl) + return n; + } + +-/* use node as a regular expression. Supplied with node ptr and regex_t ++static var *evaluate(node *, var *); ++ ++/* Use node as a regular expression. Supplied with node ptr and regex_t + * storage space. Return ptr to regex (if result points to preg, it should +- * be later regfree'd manually ++ * be later regfree'd manually). + */ + static regex_t *as_regex(node *op, regex_t *preg) + { + int cflags; +- var *v; + const char *s; + +- if ((op->info & OPCLSMASK) == OC_REGEXP) { ++ if (op->info == TI_REGEXP) { + return icase ? op->r.ire : op->; + } +- v = nvalloc(1); +- s = getvar_s(evaluate(op, v)); ++ ++ //tmpvar = nvalloc(1); ++#define TMPVAR (&G.as_regex__tmpvar) ++ // We use a single "static" tmpvar (instead of on-stack or malloced one) ++ // to decrease memory consumption in deeply-recursive awk programs. ++ // The rule to work safely is to never call evaluate() while our static ++ // TMPVAR's value is still needed. ++ s = getvar_s(evaluate(op, TMPVAR)); + + cflags = icase ? REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE : REG_EXTENDED; + /* Testcase where REG_EXTENDED fails (unpaired '{'): +@@ -1725,7 +1894,8 @@ static regex_t *as_regex(node *op, regex_t *preg) + cflags &= ~REG_EXTENDED; + xregcomp(preg, s, cflags); + } +- nvfree(v); ++ //nvfree(tmpvar, 1); ++#undef TMPVAR + return preg; + } + +@@ -1745,12 +1915,22 @@ static char* qrealloc(char *b, int n, int *size) + /* resize field storage space */ + static void fsrealloc(int size) + { +- int i; ++ int i, newsize; + + if (size >= maxfields) { ++ /* Sanity cap, easier than catering for overflows */ ++ if (size > 0xffffff) ++ bb_die_memory_exhausted(); ++ + i = maxfields; + maxfields = size + 16; +- Fields = xrealloc(Fields, maxfields * sizeof(Fields[0])); ++ ++ newsize = maxfields * sizeof(Fields[0]); ++ debug_printf_eval("fsrealloc: xrealloc(%p, %u)\n", Fields, newsize); ++ Fields = xrealloc(Fields, newsize); ++ debug_printf_eval("fsrealloc: Fields=%p..%p\n", Fields, (char*)Fields + newsize - 1); ++ /* ^^^ did Fields[] move? debug aid for L.v getting "upstaged" by R.v in evaluate() */ ++ + for (; i < maxfields; i++) { + Fields[i].type = VF_SPECIAL; + Fields[i].string = NULL; +@@ -1802,13 +1982,13 @@ static int awk_split(const char *s, node *spl, char **slist) + c[2] = '\n'; + + n = 0; +- if ((spl->info & OPCLSMASK) == OC_REGEXP) { /* regex split */ ++ if (spl->info == TI_REGEXP) { /* regex split */ + if (!*s) + return n; /* "": zero fields */ + n++; /* at least one field will be there */ + do { + int l; +- regmatch_t pmatch[2]; // TODO: why [2]? [1] is enough... ++ regmatch_t pmatch[1]; + + l = strcspn(s, c+2); /* len till next NUL or \n */ + if (regexec1_nonempty(icase ? spl->r.ire : spl->, s, pmatch) == 0 +@@ -1969,7 +2149,7 @@ static node *nextarg(node **pn) + node *n; + + n = *pn; +- if (n && (n->info & OPCLSMASK) == OC_COMMA) { ++ if (n && n->info == TI_COMMA) { + *pn = n->r.n; + n = n->l.n; + } else { +@@ -2000,8 +2180,7 @@ static void hashwalk_init(var *v, xhash *array) + for (i = 0; i < array->csize; i++) { + hi = array->items[i]; + while (hi) { +- strcpy(w->end, hi->name); +- nextword(&w->end); ++ w->end = stpcpy(w->end, hi->name) + 1; + hi = hi->next; + } + } +@@ -2027,15 +2206,18 @@ static int hashwalk_next(var *v) + /* evaluate node, return 1 when result is true, 0 otherwise */ + static int ptest(node *pattern) + { +- /* ptest__v is "static": to save stack space? */ +- return istrue(evaluate(pattern, &G.ptest__v)); ++ // We use a single "static" tmpvar (instead of on-stack or malloced one) ++ // to decrease memory consumption in deeply-recursive awk programs. ++ // The rule to work safely is to never call evaluate() while our static ++ // TMPVAR's value is still needed. ++ return istrue(evaluate(pattern, &G.ptest__tmpvar)); + } + + /* read next record from stream rsm into a variable v */ + static int awk_getline(rstream *rsm, var *v) + { + char *b; +- regmatch_t pmatch[2]; // TODO: why [2]? [1] is enough... ++ regmatch_t pmatch[1]; + int size, a, p, pp = 0; + int fd, so, eo, r, rp; + char c, *m, *s; +@@ -2061,7 +2243,7 @@ static int awk_getline(rstream *rsm, var *v) + so = eo = p; + r = 1; + if (p > 0) { +- if (( & OPCLSMASK) == OC_REGEXP) { ++ if ( == TI_REGEXP) { + if (regexec(icase ? rsplitter.n.r.ire :, + b, 1, pmatch, 0) == 0) { + so = pmatch[0].rm_so; +@@ -2133,82 +2315,126 @@ static int awk_getline(rstream *rsm, var *v) + return r; + } + +-static int fmt_num(char *b, int size, const char *format, double n, int int_as_int) +-{ +- int r = 0; +- char c; +- const char *s = format; +- +- if (int_as_int && n == (long long)n) { +- r = snprintf(b, size, "%lld", (long long)n); +- } else { +- do { c = *s; } while (c && *++s); +- if (strchr("diouxX", c)) { +- r = snprintf(b, size, format, (int)n); +- } else if (strchr("eEfgG", c)) { +- r = snprintf(b, size, format, n); +- } else { +- syntax_error(EMSG_INV_FMT); +- } +- } +- return r; +-} +- + /* formatted output into an allocated buffer, return ptr to buffer */ +-static char *awk_printf(node *n) ++#if !ENABLE_FEATURE_AWK_GNU_EXTENSIONS ++# define awk_printf(a, b) awk_printf(a) ++#endif ++static char *awk_printf(node *n, size_t *len) + { +- char *b = NULL; +- char *fmt, *s, *f; +- const char *s1; +- int i, j, incr, bsize; +- char c, c1; +- var *v, *arg; +- +- v = nvalloc(1); +- fmt = f = xstrdup(getvar_s(evaluate(nextarg(&n), v))); +- ++ char *b; ++ char *fmt, *f; ++ size_t i; ++ ++ //tmpvar = nvalloc(1); ++#define TMPVAR (&G.awk_printf__tmpvar) ++ // We use a single "static" tmpvar (instead of on-stack or malloced one) ++ // to decrease memory consumption in deeply-recursive awk programs. ++ // The rule to work safely is to never call evaluate() while our static ++ // TMPVAR's value is still needed. ++ fmt = f = xstrdup(getvar_s(evaluate(nextarg(&n), TMPVAR))); ++ // ^^^^^^^^^ here we immediately strdup() the value, so the later call ++ // to evaluate() potentially recursing into another awk_printf() can't ++ // mangle the value. ++ ++ b = NULL; + i = 0; +- while (*f) { ++ while (1) { /* "print one format spec" loop */ ++ char *s; ++ char c; ++ char sv; ++ var *arg; ++ size_t slen; ++ ++ /* Find end of the next format spec, or end of line */ + s = f; +- while (*f && (*f != '%' || *++f == '%')) +- f++; +- while (*f && !isalpha(*f)) { +- if (*f == '*') +- syntax_error("%*x formats are not supported"); ++ while (1) { ++ c = *f; ++ if (!c) /* no percent chars found at all */ ++ goto nul; + f++; ++ if (c == '%') ++ break; + } +- +- incr = (f - s) + MAXVARFMT; +- b = qrealloc(b, incr + i, &bsize); ++ /* we are past % in "....%..." */ + c = *f; +- if (c != '\0') ++ if (!c) /* "....%" */ ++ goto nul; ++ if (c == '%') { /* "....%%...." */ ++ slen = f - s; ++ s = xstrndup(s, slen); + f++; +- c1 = *f; ++ goto append; /* print "....%" part verbatim */ ++ } ++ while (1) { ++ if (isalpha(c)) ++ break; ++ if (c == '*') ++ syntax_error("%*x formats are not supported"); ++ c = *++f; ++ if (!c) { /* "....%...." and no letter found after % */ ++ /* Example: awk 'BEGIN { printf "^^^%^^^\n"; }' */ ++ nul: ++ slen = f - s; ++ goto tail; /* print remaining string, exit loop */ ++ } ++ } ++ /* we are at A in "....%...A..." */ ++ ++ arg = evaluate(nextarg(&n), TMPVAR); ++ ++ /* Result can be arbitrarily long. Example: ++ * printf "%99999s", "BOOM" ++ */ ++ sv = *++f; + *f = '\0'; +- arg = evaluate(nextarg(&n), v); +- +- j = i; +- if (c == 'c' || !c) { +- i += sprintf(b+i, s, is_numeric(arg) ? +- (char)getvar_i(arg) : *getvar_s(arg)); +- } else if (c == 's') { +- s1 = getvar_s(arg); +- b = qrealloc(b, incr+i+strlen(s1), &bsize); +- i += sprintf(b+i, s, s1); ++ if (c == 'c') { ++ char cc = is_numeric(arg) ? getvar_i(arg) : *getvar_s(arg); ++ char *r = xasprintf(s, cc ? cc : '^' /* else strlen will be wrong */); ++ slen = strlen(r); ++ if (cc == '\0') /* if cc is NUL, re-format the string with it */ ++ sprintf(r, s, cc); ++ s = r; + } else { +- i += fmt_num(b+i, incr, s, getvar_i(arg), FALSE); ++ if (c == 's') { ++ s = xasprintf(s, getvar_s(arg)); ++ } else { ++ double d = getvar_i(arg); ++ if (strchr("diouxX", c)) { ++//TODO: make it wider here (%x -> %llx etc)? ++ s = xasprintf(s, (int)d); ++ } else if (strchr("eEfFgGaA", c)) { ++ s = xasprintf(s, d); ++ } else { ++//TODO: GNU Awk 5.0.1: printf "%W" prints "%W", does not error out ++ syntax_error(EMSG_INV_FMT); ++ } ++ } ++ slen = strlen(s); + } +- *f = c1; +- +- /* if there was an error while sprintf, return value is negative */ +- if (i < j) +- i = j; ++ *f = sv; ++ append: ++ if (i == 0) { ++ b = s; ++ i = slen; ++ continue; ++ } ++ tail: ++ b = xrealloc(b, i + slen + 1); ++ strcpy(b + i, s); ++ i += slen; ++ if (!c) /* s is NOT allocated and this is the last part of string? */ ++ break; ++ free(s); + } + + free(fmt); +- nvfree(v); +- b = xrealloc(b, i + 1); +- b[i] = '\0'; ++ //nvfree(tmpvar, 1); ++#undef TMPVAR ++ ++#if ENABLE_FEATURE_AWK_GNU_EXTENSIONS ++ if (len) ++ *len = i; ++#endif + return b; + } + +@@ -2338,33 +2564,59 @@ static NOINLINE int do_mktime(const char *ds) + return mktime(&then); + } + ++/* Reduce stack usage in exec_builtin() by keeping match() code separate */ ++static NOINLINE var *do_match(node *an1, const char *as0) ++{ ++ regmatch_t pmatch[1]; ++ regex_t sreg, *re; ++ int n, start, len; ++ ++ re = as_regex(an1, &sreg); ++ n = regexec(re, as0, 1, pmatch, 0); ++ if (re == &sreg) ++ regfree(re); ++ start = 0; ++ len = -1; ++ if (n == 0) { ++ start = pmatch[0].rm_so + 1; ++ len = pmatch[0].rm_eo - pmatch[0].rm_so; ++ } ++ setvar_i(newvar("RLENGTH"), len); ++ return setvar_i(newvar("RSTART"), start); ++} ++ ++/* Reduce stack usage in evaluate() by keeping builtins' code separate */ + static NOINLINE var *exec_builtin(node *op, var *res) + { + #define tspl (G.exec_builtin__tspl) + +- var *tv; ++ var *tmpvars; + node *an[4]; + var *av[4]; + const char *as[4]; +- regmatch_t pmatch[2]; +- regex_t sreg, *re; + node *spl; + uint32_t isr, info; + int nargs; + time_t tt; + int i, l, ll, n; + +- tv = nvalloc(4); ++ tmpvars = nvalloc(4); ++#define TMPVAR0 (tmpvars) ++#define TMPVAR1 (tmpvars + 1) ++#define TMPVAR2 (tmpvars + 2) ++#define TMPVAR3 (tmpvars + 3) ++#define TMPVAR(i) (tmpvars + (i)) + isr = info = op->info; + op = op->l.n; + + av[2] = av[3] = NULL; + for (i = 0; i < 4 && op; i++) { + an[i] = nextarg(&op); +- if (isr & 0x09000000) +- av[i] = evaluate(an[i], &tv[i]); +- if (isr & 0x08000000) +- as[i] = getvar_s(av[i]); ++ if (isr & 0x09000000) { ++ av[i] = evaluate(an[i], TMPVAR(i)); ++ if (isr & 0x08000000) ++ as[i] = getvar_s(av[i]); ++ } + isr >>= 1; + } + +@@ -2386,8 +2638,8 @@ static NOINLINE var *exec_builtin(node *op, var *res) + char *s, *s1; + + if (nargs > 2) { +- spl = (an[2]->info & OPCLSMASK) == OC_REGEXP ? +- an[2] : mk_splitter(getvar_s(evaluate(an[2], &tv[2])), &tspl); ++ spl = (an[2]->info == TI_REGEXP) ? an[2] ++ : mk_splitter(getvar_s(evaluate(an[2], TMPVAR2)), &tspl); + } else { + spl = &fsplitter.n; + } +@@ -2501,20 +2753,7 @@ static NOINLINE var *exec_builtin(node *op, var *res) + break; + + case B_ma: +- re = as_regex(an[1], &sreg); +- n = regexec(re, as[0], 1, pmatch, 0); +- if (n == 0) { +- pmatch[0].rm_so++; +- pmatch[0].rm_eo++; +- } else { +- pmatch[0].rm_so = 0; +- pmatch[0].rm_eo = -1; +- } +- setvar_i(newvar("RSTART"), pmatch[0].rm_so); +- setvar_i(newvar("RLENGTH"), pmatch[0].rm_eo - pmatch[0].rm_so); +- setvar_i(res, pmatch[0].rm_so); +- if (re == &sreg) +- regfree(re); ++ res = do_match(an[1], as[0]); + break; + + case B_ge: +@@ -2530,14 +2769,79 @@ static NOINLINE var *exec_builtin(node *op, var *res) + break; + } + +- nvfree(tv); ++ nvfree(tmpvars, 4); ++#undef TMPVAR0 ++#undef TMPVAR1 ++#undef TMPVAR2 ++#undef TMPVAR3 ++#undef TMPVAR ++ + return res; + #undef tspl + } + ++/* if expr looks like "var=value", perform assignment and return 1, ++ * otherwise return 0 */ ++static int is_assignment(const char *expr) ++{ ++ char *exprc, *val; ++ ++ val = (char*)endofname(expr); ++ if (val == (char*)expr || *val != '=') { ++ return FALSE; ++ } ++ ++ exprc = xstrdup(expr); ++ val = exprc + (val - expr); ++ *val++ = '\0'; ++ ++ unescape_string_in_place(val); ++ setvar_u(newvar(exprc), val); ++ free(exprc); ++ return TRUE; ++} ++ ++/* switch to next input file */ ++static rstream *next_input_file(void) ++{ ++#define rsm (G.next_input_file__rsm) ++#define files_happen (G.next_input_file__files_happen) ++ ++ const char *fname, *ind; ++ ++ if (rsm.F) ++ fclose(rsm.F); ++ rsm.F = NULL; ++ rsm.pos = rsm.adv = 0; ++ ++ for (;;) { ++ if (getvar_i(intvar[ARGIND])+1 >= getvar_i(intvar[ARGC])) { ++ if (files_happen) ++ return NULL; ++ fname = "-"; ++ rsm.F = stdin; ++ break; ++ } ++ ind = getvar_s(incvar(intvar[ARGIND])); ++ fname = getvar_s(findvar(iamarray(intvar[ARGV]), ind)); ++ if (fname && *fname && !is_assignment(fname)) { ++ rsm.F = xfopen_stdin(fname); ++ break; ++ } ++ } ++ ++ files_happen = TRUE; ++ setvar_s(intvar[FILENAME], fname); ++ return &rsm; ++#undef rsm ++#undef files_happen ++} ++ + /* + * Evaluate node - the heart of the program. Supplied with subtree +- * and place where to store result. returns ptr to result. ++ * and "res" variable to assign the result to if we evaluate an expression. ++ * If node refers to e.g. a variable or a field, no assignment happens. ++ * Return ptr to the result (which may or may not be the "res" variable!) + */ + #define XC(n) ((n) >> 8) + +@@ -2549,14 +2853,16 @@ static var *evaluate(node *op, var *res) + #define seed (G.evaluate__seed) + #define sreg (G.evaluate__sreg) + +- var *v1; ++ var *tmpvars; + + if (!op) + return setvar_s(res, NULL); + + debug_printf_eval("entered %s()\n", __func__); + +- v1 = nvalloc(2); ++ tmpvars = nvalloc(2); ++#define TMPVAR0 (tmpvars) ++#define TMPVAR1 (tmpvars + 1) + + while (op) { + struct { +@@ -2578,48 +2884,35 @@ static var *evaluate(node *op, var *res) + op1 = op->l.n; + debug_printf_eval("opinfo:%08x opn:%08x\n", opinfo, opn); + +- /* "delete" is special: +- * "delete array[var--]" must evaluate index expr only once, +- * must not evaluate it in "execute inevitable things" part. +- */ +- if (XC(opinfo & OPCLSMASK) == XC(OC_DELETE)) { +- uint32_t info = op1->info & OPCLSMASK; +- var *v; +- +- debug_printf_eval("DELETE\n"); +- if (info == OC_VAR) { +- v = op1->l.v; +- } else if (info == OC_FNARG) { +- v = &fnargs[op1->l.aidx]; +- } else { +- syntax_error(EMSG_NOT_ARRAY); ++ /* execute inevitable things */ ++ if (opinfo & OF_RES1) { ++ if ((opinfo & OF_REQUIRED) && !op1) ++ syntax_error(EMSG_TOO_FEW_ARGS); ++ L.v = evaluate(op1, TMPVAR0); ++ if (opinfo & OF_STR1) { ++ L.s = getvar_s(L.v); ++ debug_printf_eval("L.s:'%s'\n", L.s); + } +- if (op1->r.n) { /* array ref? */ +- const char *s; +- s = getvar_s(evaluate(op1->r.n, v1)); +- hash_remove(iamarray(v), s); +- } else { +- clear_array(iamarray(v)); ++ if (opinfo & OF_NUM1) { ++ L_d = getvar_i(L.v); ++ debug_printf_eval("L_d:%f\n", L_d); + } +- goto next; + } +- +- /* execute inevitable things */ +- if (opinfo & OF_RES1) +- L.v = evaluate(op1, v1); +- if (opinfo & OF_RES2) +- R.v = evaluate(op->r.n, v1+1); +- if (opinfo & OF_STR1) { +- L.s = getvar_s(L.v); +- debug_printf_eval("L.s:'%s'\n", L.s); +- } +- if (opinfo & OF_STR2) { +- R.s = getvar_s(R.v); +- debug_printf_eval("R.s:'%s'\n", R.s); +- } +- if (opinfo & OF_NUM1) { +- L_d = getvar_i(L.v); +- debug_printf_eval("L_d:%f\n", L_d); ++ /* NB: Must get string/numeric values of L (done above) ++ * _before_ evaluate()'ing R.v: if both L and R are $NNNs, ++ * and right one is large, then L.v points to Fields[NNN1], ++ * second evaluate() reallocates and moves (!) Fields[], ++ * R.v points to Fields[NNN2] but L.v now points to freed mem! ++ * (Seen trying to evaluate "$444 $44444") ++ */ ++ if (opinfo & OF_RES2) { ++ R.v = evaluate(op->r.n, TMPVAR1); ++ //TODO: L.v may be invalid now, set L.v to NULL to catch bugs? ++ //L.v = NULL; ++ if (opinfo & OF_STR2) { ++ R.s = getvar_s(R.v); ++ debug_printf_eval("R.s:'%s'\n", R.s); ++ } + } + + debug_printf_eval("switch(0x%x)\n", XC(opinfo & OPCLSMASK)); +@@ -2629,7 +2922,8 @@ static var *evaluate(node *op, var *res) + + /* test pattern */ + case XC( OC_TEST ): +- if ((op1->info & OPCLSMASK) == OC_COMMA) { ++ debug_printf_eval("TEST\n"); ++ if (op1->info == TI_COMMA) { + /* it's range pattern */ + if ((opinfo & OF_CHECKED) || ptest(op1->l.n)) { + op->info |= OF_CHECKED; +@@ -2646,25 +2940,32 @@ static var *evaluate(node *op, var *res) + + /* just evaluate an expression, also used as unconditional jump */ + case XC( OC_EXEC ): ++ debug_printf_eval("EXEC\n"); + break; + + /* branch, used in if-else and various loops */ + case XC( OC_BR ): ++ debug_printf_eval("BR\n"); + op = istrue(L.v) ? op->a.n : op->r.n; + break; + + /* initialize for-in loop */ + case XC( OC_WALKINIT ): ++ debug_printf_eval("WALKINIT\n"); + hashwalk_init(L.v, iamarray(R.v)); + break; + + /* get next array item */ + case XC( OC_WALKNEXT ): ++ debug_printf_eval("WALKNEXT\n"); + op = hashwalk_next(L.v) ? op->a.n : op->r.n; + break; + + case XC( OC_PRINT ): +- case XC( OC_PRINTF ): { ++ debug_printf_eval("PRINT /\n"); ++ case XC( OC_PRINTF ): ++ debug_printf_eval("PRINTF\n"); ++ { + FILE *F = stdout; + + if (op->r.n) { +@@ -2682,55 +2983,94 @@ static var *evaluate(node *op, var *res) + F = rsm->F; + } + ++ /* Can't just check 'opinfo == OC_PRINT' here, parser ORs ++ * additional bits to opinfos of print/printf with redirects ++ */ + if ((opinfo & OPCLSMASK) == OC_PRINT) { + if (!op1) { + fputs(getvar_s(intvar[F0]), F); + } else { +- while (op1) { +- var *v = evaluate(nextarg(&op1), v1); ++ for (;;) { ++ var *v = evaluate(nextarg(&op1), TMPVAR0); + if (v->type & VF_NUMBER) { +- fmt_num(g_buf, MAXVARFMT, getvar_s(intvar[OFMT]), +- getvar_i(v), TRUE); ++ fmt_num(getvar_s(intvar[OFMT]), ++ getvar_i(v)); + fputs(g_buf, F); + } else { + fputs(getvar_s(v), F); + } +- +- if (op1) +- fputs(getvar_s(intvar[OFS]), F); ++ if (!op1) ++ break; ++ fputs(getvar_s(intvar[OFS]), F); + } + } + fputs(getvar_s(intvar[ORS]), F); +- +- } else { /* OC_PRINTF */ +- char *s = awk_printf(op1); ++ } else { /* PRINTF */ ++ IF_FEATURE_AWK_GNU_EXTENSIONS(size_t len;) ++ char *s = awk_printf(op1, &len); ++#if ENABLE_FEATURE_AWK_GNU_EXTENSIONS ++ fwrite(s, len, 1, F); ++#else + fputs(s, F); ++#endif + free(s); + } + fflush(F); + break; + } + +- /* case XC( OC_DELETE ): - moved to happen before arg evaluation */ ++ case XC( OC_DELETE ): ++ debug_printf_eval("DELETE\n"); ++ { ++ /* "delete" is special: ++ * "delete array[var--]" must evaluate index expr only once. ++ */ ++ uint32_t info = op1->info & OPCLSMASK; ++ var *v; ++ ++ if (info == OC_VAR) { ++ v = op1->l.v; ++ } else if (info == OC_FNARG) { ++ v = &fnargs[op1->l.aidx]; ++ } else { ++ syntax_error(EMSG_NOT_ARRAY); ++ } ++ if (op1->r.n) { /* array ref? */ ++ const char *s; ++ s = getvar_s(evaluate(op1->r.n, TMPVAR0)); ++ hash_remove(iamarray(v), s); ++ } else { ++ clear_array(iamarray(v)); ++ } ++ break; ++ } + + case XC( OC_NEWSOURCE ): ++ debug_printf_eval("NEWSOURCE\n"); + g_progname = op->l.new_progname; + break; + + case XC( OC_RETURN ): ++ debug_printf_eval("RETURN\n"); + copyvar(res, L.v); + break; + + case XC( OC_NEXTFILE ): ++ debug_printf_eval("NEXTFILE\n"); + nextfile = TRUE; + case XC( OC_NEXT ): ++ debug_printf_eval("NEXT\n"); + nextrec = TRUE; + case XC( OC_DONE ): ++ debug_printf_eval("DONE\n"); + clrvar(res); + break; + + case XC( OC_EXIT ): +- awk_exit(L_d); ++ debug_printf_eval("EXIT\n"); ++ if (op1) ++ G.exitcode = (int)L_d; ++ awk_exit(); + + /* -- recursive node type -- */ + +@@ -2749,15 +3089,18 @@ static var *evaluate(node *op, var *res) + break; + + case XC( OC_IN ): ++ debug_printf_eval("IN\n"); + setvar_i(res, hash_search(iamarray(R.v), L.s) ? 1 : 0); + break; + + case XC( OC_REGEXP ): ++ debug_printf_eval("REGEXP\n"); + op1 = op; + L.s = getvar_s(intvar[F0]); + goto re_cont; + + case XC( OC_MATCH ): ++ debug_printf_eval("MATCH\n"); + op1 = op->r.n; + re_cont: + { +@@ -2772,61 +3115,80 @@ static var *evaluate(node *op, var *res) + case XC( OC_MOVE ): + debug_printf_eval("MOVE\n"); + /* if source is a temporary string, jusk relink it to dest */ +-//Disabled: if R.v is numeric but happens to have cached R.v->string, +-//then L.v ends up being a string, which is wrong +-// if (R.v == v1+1 && R.v->string) { +-// res = setvar_p(L.v, R.v->string); +-// R.v->string = NULL; +-// } else { ++ if (R.v == TMPVAR1 ++ && !(R.v->type & VF_NUMBER) ++ /* Why check !NUMBER? if R.v is a number but has cached R.v->string, ++ * L.v ends up a string, which is wrong */ ++ /*&& R.v->string - always not NULL (right?) */ ++ ) { ++ res = setvar_p(L.v, R.v->string); /* avoids strdup */ ++ R.v->string = NULL; ++ } else { + res = copyvar(L.v, R.v); +-// } ++ } + break; + + case XC( OC_TERNARY ): +- if ((op->r.n->info & OPCLSMASK) != OC_COLON) ++ debug_printf_eval("TERNARY\n"); ++ if (op->r.n->info != TI_COLON) + syntax_error(EMSG_POSSIBLE_ERROR); + res = evaluate(istrue(L.v) ? op->r.n->l.n : op->r.n->r.n, res); + break; + + case XC( OC_FUNC ): { +- var *vbeg, *v; ++ var *argvars, *sv_fnargs; + const char *sv_progname; ++ int nargs, i; + +- /* The body might be empty, still has to eval the args */ +- if (!op->r.n->info && !op->r.f->body.first) ++ debug_printf_eval("FUNC\n"); ++ ++ if (!op->r.f->defined) + syntax_error(EMSG_UNDEF_FUNC); + +- vbeg = v = nvalloc(op->r.f->nargs + 1); ++ /* The body might be empty, still has to eval the args */ ++ nargs = op->r.f->nargs; ++ argvars = nvalloc(nargs); ++ i = 0; + while (op1) { +- var *arg = evaluate(nextarg(&op1), v1); +- copyvar(v, arg); +- v->type |= VF_CHILD; +- v->x.parent = arg; +- if (++v - vbeg >= op->r.f->nargs) +- break; ++ var *arg = evaluate(nextarg(&op1), TMPVAR0); ++ if (i == nargs) { ++ /* call with more arguments than function takes. ++ * (gawk warns: "warning: function 'f' called with more arguments than declared"). ++ * They are still evaluated, but discarded: */ ++ clrvar(arg); ++ continue; ++ } ++ copyvar(&argvars[i], arg); ++ argvars[i].type |= VF_CHILD; ++ argvars[i].x.parent = arg; ++ i++; + } + +- v = fnargs; +- fnargs = vbeg; ++ sv_fnargs = fnargs; + sv_progname = g_progname; + ++ fnargs = argvars; + res = evaluate(op->r.f->body.first, res); ++ nvfree(argvars, nargs); + + g_progname = sv_progname; +- nvfree(fnargs); +- fnargs = v; ++ fnargs = sv_fnargs; + + break; + } + + case XC( OC_GETLINE ): +- case XC( OC_PGETLINE ): { ++ debug_printf_eval("GETLINE /\n"); ++ case XC( OC_PGETLINE ): ++ debug_printf_eval("PGETLINE\n"); ++ { + rstream *rsm; + int i; + + if (op1) { + rsm = newfile(L.s); + if (!rsm->F) { ++ /* NB: can't use "opinfo == TI_PGETLINE", would break "cmd" | getline */ + if ((opinfo & OPCLSMASK) == OC_PGETLINE) { + rsm->F = popen(L.s, "r"); + rsm->is_pipe = TRUE; +@@ -2861,16 +3223,34 @@ static var *evaluate(node *op, var *res) + /* simple builtins */ + case XC( OC_FBLTIN ): { + double R_d = R_d; /* for compiler */ ++ debug_printf_eval("FBLTIN\n"); ++ ++ if (op1 && op1->info == TI_COMMA) ++ /* Simple builtins take one arg maximum */ ++ syntax_error("Too many arguments"); + + switch (opn) { + case F_in: + R_d = (long long)L_d; + break; + +- case F_rn: +- R_d = (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX; ++ case F_rn: /*rand*/ ++ if (op1) ++ syntax_error("Too many arguments"); ++ { ++#if RAND_MAX >= 0x7fffffff ++ uint32_t u = ((uint32_t)rand() << 16) ^ rand(); ++ uint64_t v = ((uint64_t)rand() << 32) | u; ++ /* the above shift+or is optimized out on 32-bit arches */ ++# if RAND_MAX > 0x7fffffff ++ v &= 0x7fffffffffffffffULL; ++# endif ++ R_d = (double)v / 0x8000000000000000ULL; ++#else ++# error Not implemented for this value of RAND_MAX ++#endif + break; +- ++ } + case F_co: + if (ENABLE_FEATURE_AWK_LIBM) { + R_d = cos(L_d); +@@ -2910,7 +3290,9 @@ static var *evaluate(node *op, var *res) + srand(seed); + break; + +- case F_ti: ++ case F_ti: /*systime*/ ++ if (op1) ++ syntax_error("Too many arguments"); + R_d = time(NULL); + break; + +@@ -2949,7 +3331,7 @@ static var *evaluate(node *op, var *res) + rstream *rsm; + int err = 0; + rsm = (rstream *)hash_search(fdhash, L.s); +- debug_printf_eval("OC_FBLTIN F_cl rsm:%p\n", rsm); ++ debug_printf_eval("OC_FBLTIN close: op1:%p s:'%s' rsm:%p\n", op1, L.s, rsm); + if (rsm) { + debug_printf_eval("OC_FBLTIN F_cl " + "rsm->is_pipe:%d, ->F:%p\n", +@@ -2960,6 +3342,11 @@ static var *evaluate(node *op, var *res) + */ + if (rsm->F) + err = rsm->is_pipe ? pclose(rsm->F) : fclose(rsm->F); ++//TODO: fix this case: ++// $ awk 'BEGIN { print close(""); print ERRNO }' ++// -1 ++// close of redirection that was never opened ++// (we print 0, 0) + free(rsm->buffer); + hash_remove(fdhash, L.s); + } +@@ -2974,14 +3361,18 @@ static var *evaluate(node *op, var *res) + } + + case XC( OC_BUILTIN ): ++ debug_printf_eval("BUILTIN\n"); + res = exec_builtin(op, res); + break; + + case XC( OC_SPRINTF ): +- setvar_p(res, awk_printf(op1)); ++ debug_printf_eval("SPRINTF\n"); ++ setvar_p(res, awk_printf(op1, NULL)); + break; + +- case XC( OC_UNARY ): { ++ case XC( OC_UNARY ): ++ debug_printf_eval("UNARY\n"); ++ { + double Ld, R_d; + + Ld = R_d = getvar_i(R.v); +@@ -3011,7 +3402,9 @@ static var *evaluate(node *op, var *res) + break; + } + +- case XC( OC_FIELD ): { ++ case XC( OC_FIELD ): ++ debug_printf_eval("FIELD\n"); ++ { + int i = (int)getvar_i(R.v); + if (i < 0) + syntax_error(EMSG_NEGATIVE_FIELD); +@@ -3028,26 +3421,33 @@ static var *evaluate(node *op, var *res) + + /* concatenation (" ") and index joining (",") */ + case XC( OC_CONCAT ): ++ debug_printf_eval("CONCAT /\n"); + case XC( OC_COMMA ): { + const char *sep = ""; +- if ((opinfo & OPCLSMASK) == OC_COMMA) ++ debug_printf_eval("COMMA\n"); ++ if (opinfo == TI_COMMA) + sep = getvar_s(intvar[SUBSEP]); + setvar_p(res, xasprintf("%s%s%s", L.s, sep, R.s)); + break; + } + + case XC( OC_LAND ): ++ debug_printf_eval("LAND\n"); + setvar_i(res, istrue(L.v) ? ptest(op->r.n) : 0); + break; + + case XC( OC_LOR ): ++ debug_printf_eval("LOR\n"); + setvar_i(res, istrue(L.v) ? 1 : ptest(op->r.n)); + break; + + case XC( OC_BINARY ): +- case XC( OC_REPLACE ): { ++ debug_printf_eval("BINARY /\n"); ++ case XC( OC_REPLACE ): ++ debug_printf_eval("REPLACE\n"); ++ { + double R_d = getvar_i(R.v); +- debug_printf_eval("BINARY/REPLACE: R_d:%f opn:%c\n", R_d, opn); ++ debug_printf_eval("R_d:%f opn:%c\n", R_d, opn); + switch (opn) { + case '+': + L_d += R_d; +@@ -3083,6 +3483,7 @@ static var *evaluate(node *op, var *res) + case XC( OC_COMPARE ): { + int i = i; /* for compiler */ + double Ld; ++ debug_printf_eval("COMPARE\n"); + + if (is_numeric(L.v) && is_numeric(R.v)) { + Ld = getvar_i(L.v) - getvar_i(R.v); +@@ -3109,7 +3510,7 @@ static var *evaluate(node *op, var *res) + default: + syntax_error(EMSG_POSSIBLE_ERROR); + } /* switch */ +- next: ++ + if ((opinfo & OPCLSMASK) <= SHIFT_TIL_THIS) + op = op->a.n; + if ((opinfo & OPCLSMASK) >= RECUR_FROM_THIS) +@@ -3118,7 +3519,10 @@ static var *evaluate(node *op, var *res) + break; + } /* while (op) */ + +- nvfree(v1); ++ nvfree(tmpvars, 2); ++#undef TMPVAR0 ++#undef TMPVAR1 ++ + debug_printf_eval("returning from %s(): %p\n", __func__, res); + return res; + #undef fnargs +@@ -3126,25 +3530,21 @@ static var *evaluate(node *op, var *res) + #undef sreg + } + +- + /* -------- main & co. -------- */ + +-static int awk_exit(int r) ++static int awk_exit(void) + { +- var tv; + unsigned i; +- hash_item *hi; +- +- zero_out_var(&tv); + + if (!exiting) { + exiting = TRUE; + nextrec = FALSE; +- evaluate(endseq.first, &tv); ++ evaluate(endseq.first, &G.exit__tmpvar); + } + + /* waiting for children */ + for (i = 0; i < fdhash->csize; i++) { ++ hash_item *hi; + hi = fdhash->items[i]; + while (hi) { + if (hi-> && hi-> +@@ -3153,65 +3553,7 @@ static int awk_exit(int r) + } + } + +- exit(r); +-} +- +-/* if expr looks like "var=value", perform assignment and return 1, +- * otherwise return 0 */ +-static int is_assignment(const char *expr) +-{ +- char *exprc, *val; +- +- if (!isalnum_(*expr) || (val = strchr(expr, '=')) == NULL) { +- return FALSE; +- } +- +- exprc = xstrdup(expr); +- val = exprc + (val - expr); +- *val++ = '\0'; +- +- unescape_string_in_place(val); +- setvar_u(newvar(exprc), val); +- free(exprc); +- return TRUE; +-} +- +-/* switch to next input file */ +-static rstream *next_input_file(void) +-{ +-#define rsm (G.next_input_file__rsm) +-#define files_happen (G.next_input_file__files_happen) +- +- FILE *F; +- const char *fname, *ind; +- +- if (rsm.F) +- fclose(rsm.F); +- rsm.F = NULL; +- rsm.pos = rsm.adv = 0; +- +- for (;;) { +- if (getvar_i(intvar[ARGIND])+1 >= getvar_i(intvar[ARGC])) { +- if (files_happen) +- return NULL; +- fname = "-"; +- F = stdin; +- break; +- } +- ind = getvar_s(incvar(intvar[ARGIND])); +- fname = getvar_s(findvar(iamarray(intvar[ARGV]), ind)); +- if (fname && *fname && !is_assignment(fname)) { +- F = xfopen_stdin(fname); +- break; +- } +- } +- +- files_happen = TRUE; +- setvar_s(intvar[FILENAME], fname); +- rsm.F = F; +- return &rsm; +-#undef rsm +-#undef files_happen ++ exit(G.exitcode); + } + + int awk_main(int argc, char **argv) MAIN_EXTERNALLY_VISIBLE; +@@ -3224,12 +3566,7 @@ int awk_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv) + #if ENABLE_FEATURE_AWK_GNU_EXTENSIONS + llist_t *list_e = NULL; + #endif +- int i, j; +- var *v; +- var tv; +- char **envp; +- char *vnames = (char *)vNames; /* cheat */ +- char *vvalues = (char *)vValues; ++ int i; + + INIT_G(); + +@@ -3238,48 +3575,43 @@ int awk_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv) + if (ENABLE_LOCALE_SUPPORT) + setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); + +- zero_out_var(&tv); +- +- /* allocate global buffer */ +- g_buf = xmalloc(MAXVARFMT + 1); +- +- vhash = hash_init(); +- ahash = hash_init(); +- fdhash = hash_init(); +- fnhash = hash_init(); +- + /* initialize variables */ +- for (i = 0; *vnames; i++) { +- intvar[i] = v = newvar(nextword(&vnames)); +- if (*vvalues != '\377') +- setvar_s(v, nextword(&vvalues)); +- else +- setvar_i(v, 0); +- +- if (*vnames == '*') { +- v->type |= VF_SPECIAL; +- vnames++; ++ vhash = hash_init(); ++ { ++ char *vnames = (char *)vNames; /* cheat */ ++ char *vvalues = (char *)vValues; ++ for (i = 0; *vnames; i++) { ++ var *v; ++ intvar[i] = v = newvar(nextword(&vnames)); ++ if (*vvalues != '\377') ++ setvar_s(v, nextword(&vvalues)); ++ else ++ setvar_i(v, 0); ++ ++ if (*vnames == '*') { ++ v->type |= VF_SPECIAL; ++ vnames++; ++ } + } + } + + handle_special(intvar[FS]); + handle_special(intvar[RS]); + +- newfile("/dev/stdin")->F = stdin; +- newfile("/dev/stdout")->F = stdout; +- newfile("/dev/stderr")->F = stderr; +- + /* Huh, people report that sometimes environ is NULL. Oh well. */ +- if (environ) for (envp = environ; *envp; envp++) { +- /* environ is writable, thus we don't strdup it needlessly */ +- char *s = *envp; +- char *s1 = strchr(s, '='); +- if (s1) { +- *s1 = '\0'; +- /* Both findvar and setvar_u take const char* +- * as 2nd arg -> environment is not trashed */ +- setvar_u(findvar(iamarray(intvar[ENVIRON]), s), s1 + 1); +- *s1 = '='; ++ if (environ) { ++ char **envp; ++ for (envp = environ; *envp; envp++) { ++ /* environ is writable, thus we don't strdup it needlessly */ ++ char *s = *envp; ++ char *s1 = strchr(s, '='); ++ if (s1) { ++ *s1 = '\0'; ++ /* Both findvar and setvar_u take const char* ++ * as 2nd arg -> environment is not trashed */ ++ setvar_u(findvar(iamarray(intvar[ENVIRON]), s), s1 + 1); ++ *s1 = '='; ++ } + } + } + opt = getopt32(argv, OPTSTR_AWK, &opt_F, &list_v, &list_f, IF_FEATURE_AWK_GNU_EXTENSIONS(&list_e,) NULL); +@@ -3295,20 +3627,19 @@ int awk_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv) + if (!is_assignment(llist_pop(&list_v))) + bb_show_usage(); + } ++ ++ /* Parse all supplied programs */ ++ fnhash = hash_init(); ++ ahash = hash_init(); + while (list_f) { +- char *s = NULL; +- FILE *from_file; ++ int fd; ++ char *s; + + g_progname = llist_pop(&list_f); +- from_file = xfopen_stdin(g_progname); +- /* one byte is reserved for some trick in next_token */ +- for (i = j = 1; j > 0; i += j) { +- s = xrealloc(s, i + 4096); +- j = fread(s + i, 1, 4094, from_file); +- } +- s[i] = '\0'; +- fclose(from_file); +- parse_program(s + 1); ++ fd = xopen_stdin(g_progname); ++ s = xmalloc_read(fd, NULL); /* it's NUL-terminated */ ++ close(fd); ++ parse_program(s); + free(s); + } + g_progname = "cmd. line"; +@@ -3317,11 +3648,23 @@ int awk_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv) + parse_program(llist_pop(&list_e)); + } + #endif ++//FIXME: preserve order of -e and -f ++//TODO: implement -i LIBRARY and -E FILE too, they are easy-ish + if (!(opt & (OPT_f | OPT_e))) { + if (!*argv) + bb_show_usage(); + parse_program(*argv++); + } ++ /* Free unused parse structures */ ++ //hash_free(fnhash); // ~250 bytes when empty, used only for function names ++ //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ does not work, hash_clear() inside SEGVs ++ // (IOW: hash_clear() assumes it's a hash of variables. fnhash is not). ++ free(fnhash->items); ++ free(fnhash); ++ fnhash = NULL; // debug ++ //hash_free(ahash); // empty after parsing, will reuse as fdhash instead of freeing ++ ++ /* Parsing done, on to executing */ + + /* fill in ARGV array */ + setari_u(intvar[ARGV], 0, "awk"); +@@ -3330,9 +3673,14 @@ int awk_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv) + setari_u(intvar[ARGV], ++i, *argv++); + setvar_i(intvar[ARGC], i + 1); + +- evaluate(beginseq.first, &tv); ++ //fdhash = ahash; // done via define ++ newfile("/dev/stdin")->F = stdin; ++ newfile("/dev/stdout")->F = stdout; ++ newfile("/dev/stderr")->F = stderr; ++ ++ evaluate(beginseq.first, &G.main__tmpvar); + if (!mainseq.first && !endseq.first) +- awk_exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); ++ awk_exit(); + + /* input file could already be opened in BEGIN block */ + if (!iF) +@@ -3347,7 +3695,7 @@ int awk_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv) + nextrec = FALSE; + incvar(intvar[NR]); + incvar(intvar[FNR]); +- evaluate(mainseq.first, &tv); ++ evaluate(mainseq.first, &G.main__tmpvar); + + if (nextfile) + break; +@@ -3359,6 +3707,6 @@ int awk_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv) + iF = next_input_file(); + } + +- awk_exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); ++ awk_exit(); + /*return 0;*/ + } +-- +2.33.0 + diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/0002-man-fix-segfault-in-man-1.patch b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/0002-man-fix-segfault-in-man-1.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4a930b7b6f --- /dev/null +++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/0002-man-fix-segfault-in-man-1.patch @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +From 4975cace9bf96bfde174f8bb5cc4068d2ea294d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Denys Vlasenko +Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2021 14:47:46 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] man: fix segfault in "man 1" + +function old new delta +man_main 942 954 +12 + +Signed-off-by: Denys Vlasenko + +Upstream-Status: Backport [4d4fc5ca5ee4f] +CVE: CVE-2021-42373 +Signed-off-by: Chen Qi +--- + miscutils/man.c | 2 +- + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) + +diff --git a/miscutils/man.c b/miscutils/man.c +index 722f6641e..d319e8bba 100644 +--- a/miscutils/man.c ++++ b/miscutils/man.c +@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ int man_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv) + + /* is 1st ARG a SECTION? */ + sec_list = conf_sec_list; +- if (is_section_name(conf_sec_list, *argv)) { ++ if (is_section_name(conf_sec_list, *argv) && argv[1]) { + /* yes */ + sec_list = *argv++; + } diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/ index 44c83ab83c..4a0d3b4556 100644 --- a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/ +++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/ @@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.bz2;name=tarball \ file://0001-sysctl-ignore-EIO-of-stable_secret-below-proc-sys-ne.patch \ file://0001-gen_build_files-Use-C-locale-when-calling-sed-on-glo.patch \ file://0001-mktemp-add-tmpdir-option.patch \ + file://0001-awk-fix-CVEs.patch \ + file://0002-man-fix-segfault-in-man-1.patch \ " SRC_URI_append_libc-musl = " file://musl.cfg "