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Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[RFC] arago-optimized.conf: add a Distro variant with optimized tunes [RFC] arago-optimized.conf: add a Distro variant with optimized tunes - - - --- 2025-01-21 Denys Dmytriyenko New
[master/scarthgap] arago.conf: bump distro version [master/scarthgap] arago.conf: bump distro version - - - --- 2025-01-21 Denys Dmytriyenko New
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,v2,7/7] ffmpeg: Remove bbappend to disable x264 [meta-arago,scarthgap/master,v2,1/7] arago.conf: Remove old and unused config flags - - - --- 2025-01-21 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,v2,6/7] arago.conf: Remove unneeded LICENSE_FLAGS_ACCEPTED items [meta-arago,scarthgap/master,v2,1/7] arago.conf: Remove old and unused config flags - - - --- 2025-01-21 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,v2,5/7] arago.conf: Remove OpenMP as a DISTRO_FEATURE [meta-arago,scarthgap/master,v2,1/7] arago.conf: Remove old and unused config flags - - - --- 2025-01-21 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,v2,4/7] opencv: Remove OpenCV customization and DISTRO_FEATURE [meta-arago,scarthgap/master,v2,1/7] arago.conf: Remove old and unused config flags - - - --- 2025-01-21 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,v2,3/7] Remove PREFERRED_PROVIDER for jpeg [meta-arago,scarthgap/master,v2,1/7] arago.conf: Remove old and unused config flags - - - --- 2025-01-21 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,v2,2/7] arago.conf: Remove leftover comments around security protectio… [meta-arago,scarthgap/master,v2,1/7] arago.conf: Remove old and unused config flags - - - --- 2025-01-21 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,v2,1/7] arago.conf: Remove old and unused config flags [meta-arago,scarthgap/master,v2,1/7] arago.conf: Remove old and unused config flags - - - --- 2025-01-21 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,5/5] ffmpeg: Remove bbappend to disable x264 [meta-arago,scarthgap/master,1/5] arago.conf: Remove old and unused config flags - - - --- 2025-01-17 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,4/5] opencv: Remove OpenCV customization and DISTRO_FEATURE [meta-arago,scarthgap/master,1/5] arago.conf: Remove old and unused config flags - - - --- 2025-01-17 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,3/5] Remove PREFERRED_PROVIDER for jpeg [meta-arago,scarthgap/master,1/5] arago.conf: Remove old and unused config flags - - - --- 2025-01-17 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,2/5] arago.conf: Remove leftover comments around security protections [meta-arago,scarthgap/master,1/5] arago.conf: Remove old and unused config flags - - - --- 2025-01-17 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,1/5] arago.conf: Remove old and unused config flags [meta-arago,scarthgap/master,1/5] arago.conf: Remove old and unused config flags - - - --- 2025-01-17 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master] amsdk-av-files: Remove this recipe [meta-arago,scarthgap/master] amsdk-av-files: Remove this recipe - - - --- 2025-01-17 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,6/6] meta-arago-extras: Add recipe for ONNX Runtime Add ONNX Runtime - - - --- 2025-01-17 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,5/6] meta-arago-extras: Add recipe for ONNX Add ONNX Runtime - - - --- 2025-01-17 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,4/6] meta-arago-extras: Backport abseil-cpp from meta-oe master Add ONNX Runtime - - - --- 2025-01-17 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,3/6] meta-arago-extras: Add recipe for Arm NN Add ONNX Runtime - - - --- 2025-01-17 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,2/6] meta-arago-extras: Add recipe for arm-compute-library Add ONNX Runtime - - - --- 2025-01-17 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,1/6] flatbuffers: Remove this recipe Add ONNX Runtime - - - --- 2025-01-17 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,oe-layersetup] configs/arago-master-*-config: Remove meta-arago-demos [meta-arago,oe-layersetup] configs/arago-master-*-config: Remove meta-arago-demos - - - --- 2025-01-16 Randolph Sapp New
[meta-arago,master] meta-arago: break dependency on meta-arago-demos [meta-arago,master] meta-arago: break dependency on meta-arago-demos 2 - - --- 2025-01-16 Randolph Sapp New
[meta-arago,master/scarthgap] packagegroup-arago-base: Add mosquitto packages [meta-arago,master/scarthgap] packagegroup-arago-base: Add mosquitto packages - - - --- 2025-01-16 Divyansh Mittal New
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone,2/2] shadow-securetty: Do not allow root login over telnet [meta-arago,master/kirkstone,1/2] initscript-telnetd: Remove this package - - - --- 2023-10-16 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone,1/2] initscript-telnetd: Remove this package [meta-arago,master/kirkstone,1/2] initscript-telnetd: Remove this package - - - --- 2023-10-16 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone] softap-udhcpd-config: Remove this package [meta-arago,master/kirkstone] softap-udhcpd-config: Remove this package - - - --- 2023-10-16 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone] layers: Add langdale to LAYERSERIES_COMPAT [meta-arago,master/kirkstone] layers: Add langdale to LAYERSERIES_COMPAT - - - --- 2022-10-12 Ryan Eatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,master] Rename machine from omap-a15 to am57xx [meta-arago,master] Rename machine from omap-a15 to am57xx - - - --- 2022-04-28 Andrew Davis New
[meta-arago,master/dunfell,v2] images: Build tisdk-thinlinux-image with tisdk-core-bundle [meta-arago,master/dunfell,v2] images: Build tisdk-thinlinux-image with tisdk-core-bundle - 1 - --- 2022-03-23 Ryan Eatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,dunfell,3/3] busybox: Enable rtcwake Adding support for am62xx - - - --- 2022-03-22 Ryan Eatmon Superseded
[meta-arago,dunfell,2/3] packagegroup-*-graphics: add virtual provider for AM62x GPU driver v2 Adding support for am62xx - - - --- 2022-03-22 Ryan Eatmon Superseded
[meta-arago,dunfell,1/3] ti-tisdk-makefile: adding uboot r5 config variable for am62xx Adding support for am62xx - - - --- 2022-03-22 Ryan Eatmon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V5,12/12] images: Build tisdk-bootstrap-image with tisdk-core-bundle recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-22 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V5,11/12] recipes-core: images: Introduce tisdk-bootstrap-image recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-22 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V5,10/12] recipes-bsp: Create a bootstrap-initrd package recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-22 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V5,09/12] recipes-core: images: Add a basic bootstrap base image recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-22 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V5,08/12] packagegroups: Add a new bootstrap package group recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-22 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V5,07/12] tisdk-core-bundle: Add documentation to clarify usage recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-22 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V5,06/12] tisdk-thinlinux-image: Reformat documentation recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-22 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V5,05/12] tisdk-default-image: Reformat documentation and clarify usage recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-22 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V5,04/12] tisdk-base-image: Reformat documentation and clarify usage recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-22 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V5,03/12] tisdk-tiny-image: Add some usability notes recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-22 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V5,02/12] tisdk-tiny-image: Split common components into include file recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-22 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V5,01/12] Revert "tisdk-tiny-image: remove packagedata task breaking initramfs pack… recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-22 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V4,12/12] images: Build tisdk-bootstrap-image with tisdk-core-bundle recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-19 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V4,11/12] recipes-core: images: Introduce tisdk-bootstrap-image recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-19 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V4,10/12] recipes-bsp: Create a bootstrap-initrd package recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-19 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V4,09/12] recipes-core: images: Add a basic bootstrap base image recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-19 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V4,08/12] packagegroups: Add a new bootstrap package group recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-19 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V4,07/12] tisdk-core-bundle: Add documentation to clarify usage recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-19 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V4,06/12] tisdk-thinlinux-image: Reformat documentation recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-19 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V4,05/12] tisdk-default-image: Reformat documentation and clarify usage recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-19 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V4,04/12] tisdk-base-image: Reformat documentation and clarify usage recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-19 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V4,03/12] tisdk-tiny-image: Add some usability notes recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-19 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V4,02/12] tisdk-tiny-image: Split common components into include file recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-19 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[master/dunfell,V4,01/12] Revert "tisdk-tiny-image: remove packagedata task breaking initramfs pack… recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-19 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[dunfell/master,V3,12/12] images: Build tisdk-bootstrap-image with tisdk-core-bundle recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-18 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[dunfell/master,V3,11/12] recipes-core: images: Introduce tisdk-bootstrap-image recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-18 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[dunfell/master,V3,10/12] recipes-bsp: Create a bootstrap-initrd package recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-18 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[dunfell/master,V3,09/12] recipes-core: images: Add a basic bootstrap base image recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-18 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[dunfell/master,V3,08/12] packagegroups: Add a new bootstrap package group recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-18 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[dunfell/master,V3,07/12] tisdk-core-bundle: Add documentation to clarify usage recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-18 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[dunfell/master,V3,06/12] tisdk-thinlinux-image: Reformat documentation recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-18 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[dunfell/master,V3,05/12] tisdk-default-image: Reformat documentation and clarify usage recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-18 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[dunfell/master,V3,04/12] tisdk-base-image: Reformat documentation and clarify usage recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-18 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[dunfell/master,V3,03/12] tisdk-tiny-image: Add some usability notes recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-18 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[dunfell/master,V3,02/12] tisdk-tiny-image: Split common components into include file recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-18 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[dunfell/master,V3,01/12] Revert "tisdk-tiny-image: remove packagedata task breaking initramfs pack… recipes-core: Add a bootstrap Linux image - - - --- 2022-03-18 Nishanth Menon Superseded
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone] arago.conf: Specify omapl138 directly instead of omapl1 [meta-arago,master/kirkstone] arago.conf: Specify omapl138 directly instead of omapl1 - - - --- 2022-10-13 Andrew Davis denix Accepted
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone,v2,6/6] ti-tisdk: Remove uio-module-drv kernel module Deprecated recipe removals - - - --- 2022-10-11 Andrew Davis denix Accepted
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone,v2,5/6] ti-pru-sw: Remove old TI-PRU-SW examples and helpers Deprecated recipe removals - - - --- 2022-10-11 Andrew Davis denix Accepted
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone,v2,4/6] meta-arago: Remove remaining bits of ti-ocf-crypto-module Deprecated recipe removals - - - --- 2022-10-11 Andrew Davis denix Accepted
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone,v2,3/6] cmem: Remove Makefile_cmem-mod and cmem refrences Deprecated recipe removals - - - --- 2022-10-11 Andrew Davis denix Accepted
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone,v2,2/6] big-data-ipc-demo: Merge include file and rename Deprecated recipe removals - - - --- 2022-10-11 Andrew Davis denix Accepted
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone,v2,1/6] ti-crypto-examples: Remove ti-crypto-examples Deprecated recipe removals - - - --- 2022-10-11 Andrew Davis denix Accepted
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone,7/7] meta-arago: Use new J7 SoC names over specific board names [meta-arago,master/kirkstone,1/7] ti-crypto-examples: Remove ti-crypto-examples - - - --- 2022-10-06 Andrew Davis denix Superseded
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone,6/7] ti-tisdk: Remove uio-module-drv kernel module [meta-arago,master/kirkstone,1/7] ti-crypto-examples: Remove ti-crypto-examples - - - --- 2022-10-06 Andrew Davis denix Superseded
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone,5/7] ti-pru-sw: Remove old TI-PRU-SW examples and helpers [meta-arago,master/kirkstone,1/7] ti-crypto-examples: Remove ti-crypto-examples - - - --- 2022-10-06 Andrew Davis denix Superseded
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone,4/7] meta-arago: Remove remaining bits of ti-ocf-crypto-module [meta-arago,master/kirkstone,1/7] ti-crypto-examples: Remove ti-crypto-examples - - - --- 2022-10-06 Andrew Davis denix Superseded
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone,3/7] cmem: Remove Makefile_cmem-mod and cmem refrences [meta-arago,master/kirkstone,1/7] ti-crypto-examples: Remove ti-crypto-examples - - - --- 2022-10-06 Andrew Davis denix Superseded
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone,2/7] big-data-ipc-demo: Merge include file and rename [meta-arago,master/kirkstone,1/7] ti-crypto-examples: Remove ti-crypto-examples - - - --- 2022-10-06 Andrew Davis denix Superseded
[meta-arago,master/kirkstone,1/7] ti-crypto-examples: Remove ti-crypto-examples [meta-arago,master/kirkstone,1/7] ti-crypto-examples: Remove ti-crypto-examples - - - --- 2022-10-06 Andrew Davis denix Superseded
[kirkstone/master] img-pvr-sdk: Drop img-pvr-sdk and update matrix [kirkstone/master] img-pvr-sdk: Drop img-pvr-sdk and update matrix - - - --- 2022-08-09 Randolph Sapp denix Accepted
[meta-arago,kirkstone/master,3/3] cmem: Remove Makefile_cmem-mod and cmem refrences [meta-arago,kirkstone/master,1/3] ti-crypto-examples: Remove ti-crypto-examples - - - --- 2022-07-11 Andrew Davis denix Superseded
[meta-arago,kirkstone/master,2/3] big-data-ipc-demo: Merge include file and rename [meta-arago,kirkstone/master,1/3] ti-crypto-examples: Remove ti-crypto-examples - - - --- 2022-07-11 Andrew Davis denix Superseded
[meta-arago,kirkstone/master,1/3] ti-crypto-examples: Remove ti-crypto-examples [meta-arago,kirkstone/master,1/3] ti-crypto-examples: Remove ti-crypto-examples - - - --- 2022-07-11 Andrew Davis denix Superseded
[master/scarthgap] gstreamer1.0-plugins-vpe: set branch explicitly [master/scarthgap] gstreamer1.0-plugins-vpe: set branch explicitly - - - --- 2025-01-14 Denys Dmytriyenko reatmon Under Review
[meta-arago,master/scarthgap] ti-test: Add kms++ [meta-arago,master/scarthgap] ti-test: Add kms++ - - - --- 2025-01-09 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,oe-layersetup,v2] configs: processor-sdk-analytics: Add 10.1 release config [meta-arago,oe-layersetup,v2] configs: processor-sdk-analytics: Add 10.1 release config - - - --- 2025-01-08 Shreyash Sinha reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,oe-layersetup] processor-sdk-linux: Add new configs for AM67/AM68/AM69 10.1 release [meta-arago,oe-layersetup] processor-sdk-linux: Add new configs for AM67/AM68/AM69 10.1 release - - - --- 2024-12-24 Aniket Limaye reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,1/1] meta-arago-extras: Add recipe for Arm NN Add Arm NN - - - --- 2024-12-21 Andrew Davis reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,2/2] meta-arago-extras: Add recipe for arm-compute-library Add ARM Compute Library - - - --- 2024-12-20 Andrew Davis reatmon Under Review
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,1/2] flatbuffers: Remove this recipe Add ARM Compute Library - - - --- 2024-12-20 Andrew Davis reatmon Under Review
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master] meta-arago-distro: Drop ARAGO_SYSTEST as a BUILD_VARIANT [meta-arago,scarthgap/master] meta-arago-distro: Drop ARAGO_SYSTEST as a BUILD_VARIANT - - - --- 2024-12-20 Andrew Davis reatmon Accepted
[oe-layersetup,master] configs/arago-scarthgap-*-config: Add meta-beagle [oe-layersetup,master] configs/arago-scarthgap-*-config: Add meta-beagle - - - --- 2024-12-19 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,oe-layersetup,master] processor-sdk: Add new configs for Sitara SDK 10.1 Release [meta-arago,oe-layersetup,master] processor-sdk: Add new configs for Sitara SDK 10.1 Release - - - --- 2024-12-19 Chirag Shilwant reatmon Accepted
[oe-layersetup,master] configs/arago-master-*-config: Add meta-beagle [oe-layersetup,master] configs/arago-master-*-config: Add meta-beagle - - - --- 2024-12-19 Ryan Eatmon reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master] meta-arago-demos: qt5.bbclass: Remove this transitional class [meta-arago,scarthgap/master] meta-arago-demos: qt5.bbclass: Remove this transitional class - - - --- 2024-12-17 Andrew Davis reatmon Accepted
[meta-arago,scarthgap/master,3/3] packagegroup-arago-tisdk-hmi: Enable HMI demos for all platforms [meta-arago,scarthgap/master,1/3] ti-demos: Add pdm-anomaly-detection for all platforms - - - --- 2024-12-17 Andrew Davis reatmon Accepted
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